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British Dogs

Meet Jovie

Jovie adores being cradled by her owner, Charlotte

Jovie is a rescue dog from Greece. We got her as a young pup at six months old and she’s been the greatest addition to our lives!

She adores children and can’t get enough cuddles from anyone who visits. Even though she’s a rescue, she’s the most laid back and affectionate dog and is completely unfazed by anything life has thrown at her. Jovie can even sense if you’re sad and will make you stroke her by pawing at your hand until you move.

She only gets grumpy is if I miss her snack

Her favourite place to be is in my arms, being held like a baby. She also loves to nuzzle into your neck (but she snores like a train, so I tend to lie her down next to me).

As the picture shows, she’s happiest when with me – her person. I work from home so she’s always with me. As long as I’m nearby, she’ll sleep with a smile on her face. In fact, the only time she gets grumpy is if I miss her 10:30 snack – no meeting is important enough that she should not have it, and our other dog Max helps her remind me, too!

Meet Ozzy Dawg

Donna is so proud of how Ozzy Dawg looks out for everyone, particularly her son Alfie

Ozzy Dawg is best friends with my seven-year-old son, Alfie. We’ve been puppy parents for Hounds for Heroes over the years and have looked afterthree pups so far. Ozzy Dawg has taken each one under his watchful command and taught them how to behave in the woods and park.

Ozzy Dawg has taken each one under his watchful command

He also keeps Alife safe too, looking out for him and making sure he’s ok. They have a very special bond!

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Meet Daisy

Over the many years since Cath rescued Daisy as a puppy, the pair have developed an unbreakable bond

Daisy was 15 months old when she came to me from the Border Collie Trust. She had clearly never had the opportunity to interact with other dogs or spend time in the outside world. We had to start with basics such as walking. Her paws were very soft like a puppy’s, so we had to take it very slowly. All the short, regular walks also helped me lose weight and brought down my high blood pressure.

Dog training classes followed, and this gave Daisy the opportunity to be with other dogs and learn how to interact with them. When we were completing our assessments, the assessor commented on the obvious bond that we have. He said she never took her eyes off me wherever I was, always looking for my next command.

She is always smiling and makes everyone around her smile

Daisy is extremely friendly with everyone she meets. She instinctively knows how to moderate her behaviour with different people. If it’s someone in a wheelchair, she is gentle, but if it's someone who wants to run around then she joins in. My dad has had two recent hospital stays and staff were more than happy for her to visit. She was quite happy to ‘share the love’ with other patients and staff.

Daisy loves nothing more than to dig, whether in water, mud, leaves or snow. Tennis balls are her specialist subject. We have them scattered everywhere in various states of disarray! My vets call Daisy ‘smiler’, and for very good reason. She is always smiling and makes everyone around her smile. It's difficult not to when you have such a happy, loving dog.

Meet Juno

When Laura’s spirits needed lifting, her dog Juno showered her with love and affection

I recently had surgery and was diagnosed with cancer. My Leonberger, Juno, has been an absolute life saver. After being released from hospital, she instinctively understood that she couldn’t jump up on me or paw me in the stomach – she was so gentle and careful.

She made me smile with her sweet, goofy face

When I was at my lowest, she made me smile with her sweet, goofy face or had me laughing as she played tirelessly with her favourite squeaky ball. She really is an incredible girl, and everyone who meets her falls in love.

Her favourite activities are bog snorkelling and visiting the local farmer’s market, where the stallholders always spoil her with treats and attention. I’m truly blessed to have this special girl in my life.

Meet Bertie

In the face of grief, Bertie has brought light to owner Dave and his wife’s life

Bertie has been the gift of life for my wife and I after we lost our baby daughter at only two weeks old.

Thank you, Bertie

The dark days are brighter with Bertie, and he shows love like no other can. He makes my wife smile again, which I never thought possible after the dreadful time we went through.

Thank you, Bertie. You're a furry angel in disguise.

Meet Cleo

The moment Cleo appeared in Heather’s life, she changed it for the better

Cleo arrived on my doorstep as her owner had become ill and couldn’t keep her. She was referred to as ‘number five’, because she was the fifth dog in the house. It didn’t take long before she made friends with all the others and became a member of our family.

She’s helped me make new friends

She was so caring and spent a lot of time with my lodger, who was unwell.Cleo encouraged him to get out, and the pair of them would go for gentle walks together. Now, she walks with me every day when I go litter picking down by the river. Everyone we meet stops to talk to her, so she’s helped me make new friends, which I’ve especially appreciated throughout the last year.

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