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British Dogs

Meet Daisy

Daisy has inspired Justine with her gentle, considerate and delightful nature

Daisy came into my life when she was 14 months old. My partner and I bought her from a family that hadn't treated her well. She was extremely nervous, but with a lot of love and patience, she blossomed into a confident, friendly, beautiful Jack Russell.

Eight months later, I went into A&E. It turned out that I had sepsis and was put into an induced coma. I was in intensive care for two months. Then, three months later, I came home.

Daisy and I needed to bond again but I was still very ill, so she couldn't sit on my knee or come too close to me anymore.

Daisy was so patient throughout it all. No one needed to tell her to what to do, she simply kept her space until I called her. When the nurses came over, she’d quietly sit in the other room – bless her!

Her lovely ways kept me alive

My partner became my carer, as well as Daisy's only walker. During this time, I was depressed and house bound, but she slept with me when I was poorly and gave me gentle kisses to cheer me up. Her lovely ways kept me alive when I wanted to end it all.

I now live on my own and she’s still a beautiful, loving, caring girl. I'm just starting to walk her again (with the help of my walker) and she’s learned how to walk beside me without ever running away.

Daisy loves it when I sing her a lullaby and she always looks so content when I tell her how pretty she is. She watches birds with amazement and her tail looks like a helicopter when she wants a treat. She loves walking with her doggy friends, and loves her own company, too.

My dear Daisy is a wonderful soul. She has all of my heart, and I thank my lucky stars that she’s in my world.

Meet Etta

Lynn adopted Etta on the premise that she was trouble, but really, the opposite couldn’t be more true.

Etta used to live with her sister and another family, but they couldn’t cope when the two dogs started to fight. Luckily for me, that meant I got to take her on, and she’s been absolutely amazing.

She’s done everything I’ve asked of her and been a fantastic companion. I can’t bend down easily because of a bad hip, so she helps me around the house by picking up things I drop.

She helps me around the house

She’s even competed and won at HTM (dog dancing) and has learnt all sorts of tricks. She now does scent-work and is enjoying competing at that. She’s also no stranger to the screen, and has been in an episode of Doc Martin, as well as a German and an Australian film.

Best of all, Etta loves long walks and going for a swim. Her love of life has got me through lockdown and her companionship has truly kept me sane.

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Meet Toby

After many years of working as a sheep dog for Lauren’s family, Toby is enjoying a well-earned retirement

Toby is a working sheep dog! He’s been the best dog we’ve had on our farm – no job was ever too big or too small for him. He has been my companion and best friend since I was two.

He has been my companion and best friend since I was two

Toby only retired from rounding up sheep and farm work around two years ago so has had a very long working life. He’s still going strong and now enjoys a more relaxed lifestyle just pottering around the farmyard. He’s a caring, gentle boy, and a big softy at heart. Plus, he knows how to pull at the heart strings to get his own way!

Meet Dexter

Lucy’s dog Dexter is so good at trouble-making, he actually became famous!

Dexter is a master of destruction. We’ve dubbed him with the nickname ‘Choppers McGee’, and his vet and the nurses call him ‘Dexter Naughty Pants’!

You may be wondering how he’s earnt himself this reputation. Well, at just 14 weeks old, he managed to eat the earpiece from our son’s headset and ended up in emergency surgery. It was about the size of a ring donut, so it’s quite incredible that he swallowed it in the first place. On that day, the CBBC crew from the TV show ‘Pet’s Factor’ happened to be filming. After hearing about Dexter’s antics, they decided to run a story on him – they even turned him into a cartoon character called ‘DJ Rex’!

They even turned him into a cartoon character

Regretfully, the experience hasn’t made him any more sensible. Watching his own exploits on the TV seems only to have motivated him further, and recently he tried upgrading to swallowing a pair of socks. Of course, it didn’t work and he soon returned them, covered in slobber. He seems to have developed a fondness for shoes in general, and now enjoys chewing flip flops as well as the occasional nibble on the garden hose.

He may be naughty, but Dexter is also incredibly smart, and has learnt to open the patio doors from both the inside and the outside. This doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll come indoors though when asked though – he’ll usually stay outside until we lure him in with a treat!

Dexter is a fabulous, goofy, one-of-a-kind dog who is a very much-loved addition to our family.

Meet Sprocket

Sprocket quickly became a treasured member of Carla’s family

Sprocket is our first dog. It took us a while to decide whether getting a dog was for us, but it was without a doubt the best decision we have ever made as a family. Sprocket is such a lovely boy – he's a working Cocker Spaniel so is full of energy and enthusiasm for life. He has a wonderful, sweet temperament and wouldn't hurt a fly. He loves his walks and taking him out in the countryside is an absolute joy.

He joins in with everything we do

As we’ve never had a dog before, we didn't realise just how much they become a part of your family. Sprocket plays a huge role in all our lives, and we couldn't bear to be without him. He joins in with everything we do,from kayaking to camping. He is very funny and has mad moments where he zooms around the house. He also likes to do his ‘happy howl’, which wethink is him telling us how much he’s enjoying life.

Meet Keegan

After Keegan supported Julie through her own ill health, she knew he was the perfect candidate to become a qualified therapy dog

Keegan is a ten-year-old West Highland White Terrier. In 2017, I had to take ill health retirement after 38 years of working for the NHS. I felt worthless and on the scrap heap.

Later that year, I spoke to volunteers for Therapy Dogs Nationwide at a dog show. I just knew Keegan was the perfect therapy dog. When I was not well, he wouldn't leave my side. He always knows when I need an extra cuddle, and he sleeps with his head on mine.

Keegan has such a big heart and I wanted to share his love

Keegan has such a big heart and I wanted to share his love. I applied to get him assessed to be a therapy dog. Of course, he passed! Now, he goes into schools and helps reluctant readers and children with educational needs. Plus, he provides comfort to any child that may have gone through sad times or grief.

He also visits the children’s hospital and brings love and joy to both staff and patients. In fact, last year we got awarded a volunteer’s people’s medal for going above and beyond by supporting staff and patients during the pandemic. A lot of this was done via emails and videos because I got shielded.

Keegan makes me immensely proud and, by sharing his love, it makes me feel I am a worthwhile citizen again. He is simply the best friend ever!

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