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British Dogs

Meet Coco

Ursula’s love for her dog Coco knows no bounds, and over the years, they’ve been a huge support to one another

We rehomed Coco when she was only 15 weeks old. At the time, she was extremely fearful and was in a bad way behaviourally.

Within a few weeks however, she started to trust us and became very in tune with my illness – lying beside me and alerting my husband whenever I was having an episode.

She’s my unofficial therapy dog

Now, six years later, I can groom her, clip her claws and clean her ears and eyes. She trusts me when we visit the vets, which used to be traumatic for her. She loves her food and snuggles and despite still having some fear within her, she’s my unofficial therapy dog.

I love her to the moon and back.

Meet Enzo

Ellie adores Enzo for all of his quirks and his hilarious personality

Enzo is a very chilled dog. Every time he sits down, he likes to cross his paws, which I think makes him look very posh! And, instead of blinking normally, he winks at us instead. He just sits there with his paws crossed, winking at us – it’s hilarious! He also loves his bow tie, which we bought because we felt like it suited his funny personality.

He also loves his bow tie

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Meet Freya

Freya had to spend a lot of time in adoption kennels, but it was worth the wait, as she ended up living with Holly and her partner, who absolutely adore her.

Freya turned one this week, but she has already had a lot of upheaval in her first year. She was born a stray in Cyprus, and taken in by a charity over there who brought her to England at just a couple of months old. Once here, she was adopted by a young owner – we don’t know much about him other than he sadly passed away very suddenly soon after adopting Freya.

We couldn’t be more pleased

She ended up in adoption kennels, and shockingly was there for months. Several families came to meet her, but each time they decided she was just too big and lively to be the right fit for them. Although it’s sad that Freya was in kennels for so long as a young pup still developing, it was great news for myself and my partner who eventually found her and took her home.

Staff at the kennels warned she was a bit wild, strong on the lead and over-excitable. We couldn’t be more pleased, this didn’t put us off. Freya is the most peaceful, loving, intelligent dog we could imagine. We’ve had her for three months now, and a day hasn’t gone by where we haven’t been flabbergasted by how lucky we are to have her in our lives. We now love cosying up in front of the fire with her every night, and wandering through the countryside and along the coast with her at the weekends. We can’t imagine life without her.

Meet Charlie

Kelly wasn’t sure she was ready for another dog – that is, until Charlie bounded into her life.

Charlie came into our lives unexpectedly, after a text came through from a family member who knew how upset I was after losing my dog Bella. Lockdown was tough enough and without my sidekick, I was struggling.

Cute and cheeky Charlie

A change of circumstances meant Charlie faced the prospect of going back to the kennels, which was unideal seeing as he’d been through rescue centre twice already. He came for a visit one Friday night, just for a trial run – and he hasn't left since!

Initially we didn’t feel ready for another dog, but as soon as we saw him, we knew instantly that cute and cheeky Charlie was meant to be a part of our family. He’s so full of love and character, and such a happy dog.

Meet Millie

Millie is everything to Sharon – she gets her out the house, helps her feel safe and steals her socks for good measure

Millie has a very important job to do, which is making me go out on a walk every day. It doesn't matter if it’s raining and cold, or if I'm tired and in pain, Millie needs her walk, and it never fails to make me feel better. Her inbuilt home security system has also enabled me to feel safe and secure in my own home – she may be small, but her bark is mighty!

Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made

Millie is the ultimate companion dog. She’s affectionate, loves snuggles and enjoys human company. Playing with her and teaching her new tricks keeps us both entertained. I am constantly amazed at how clever she is, and her intelligence means I am always learning new things about dog training.

Millie is also the best stealth sock and loo roll thief in the South West, so there’s never a dull moment with her around. Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made.

Meet Finley

Eve always knew Finley was cheeky, but she didn’t realise how cheeky until she found out what he’d been getting up to every time she went to work

Finley is as sweet as a dog could get. We have had such an amazing bond since the day he was born. He is so loyal, cheeky and playful – I really don’t know what I would do without him.

I live at home with my family and we have always had a strict ‘no dogs upstairs’ rule in place, but recently that has become a little lax. Finley loves nothing more than being upstairs and sleeping on the end of my bed. Though I have to say, the 6am wake up calls from him laying on my chest and wagging his tail so hard he could almost take off aren’t always appreciated!

He was taking underwear out of my washing basket and stashing it underneath the sofa

I work alternating day and night shifts, so whenever I’m not there Finley would look around my room for me and have a general sniff around. Or at least that’s what I thought he was doing.

It turns out every time I wasn’t there, Finley was taking a set of underwear out of my washing basket and stashing it underneath the sofa. One night I came home earlier than expected, and when I walked upstairs there was Finley with the guiltiest look on his face and a pair of knickers in his mouth.

I asked for them back and he just RAN. At 3am, this is the last thing I wanted to do, but there I was chasing Finley round the house whilst trying to be as quiet as possible. He was in his element. And it’s safe to say, I now put the lid on my washing basket!

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