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British Dogs

Meet Wolfie

Wolfie has brightened up Tatiana’s life with his playfulness and friendliness, and he has even helped her to make the office a happier place!

We rescued Wolfie six months ago, and since then he has made our life so much better and happier. Wolfie is perfectly trained, super intelligent and has managed to learn six new tricks even though he is an old dog!

He is sensational at the park and we often get stopped because people want to say hello and take pictures of him. He even comes with me to work and is our office pet.

Everyone that meets him loves him

He also has the cheekiest but funniest personality. You would never guess that he’s 10 years old, and everyone that meets him loves him. He adores playing with all dogs in the park and sometimes forgets how big he is – it’s so funny seeing him play with a tiny puppy!

He is affectionate and loves children, and has made our little family so much happier.

Meet Dru

Even when Alyson’s illness stopped her from going outside, she was never truly alone thanks to Dru

Dru was a rescue dog. Like so many, she had a sad beginning and was frightened of the world around her. It took her a while to trust us, and she still will only eat if we are with her, so she feels safe.

In 2019, I became very unwell and Dru changed. She was a lot more cuddly and spent a lot of time with me, even though she usually prefers the men in the house. It turned out I was VERY ill. So, just before the world went into lockdown, I had to have a kidney removed and a course of treatment for cancer.

I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose

I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere as I was so unwell and vulnerable, and no one else could come in. I spent so much time indoors, only seeing outside through windows. But Dru never left my side, except for her twice daily walks and the odd wee break, or to bark at anyone that seemed to come too near her mum. I suffered badly both physically and mentally but bit by bit I got stronger, largely thanks to my husband and my girl Dru.

When I was allowed out, I didn't want to leave as I'd been shut away for so long. One day Dru was getting ready for her walk with my husband, and he said, ‘should we take mum?’ Dru ran up to me and sat down unmoving, waiting for me. It was only a small walk, but it was as much a part of my recovery as any medication.

We all know how wonderful dogs are, but sometimes I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose.

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Meet Lazlo

Ruth’s dog Lazlo has helped to bring her family even closer together

When Lazlo came into our life, we had not long adopted our children. He helped them to understand that we were their forever family.

A while later, when I temporarily lost sight in one eye, Lazlo was my loyal companion. He guided me until I was better, always looking out for me to make sure I was ok. He’s such a calming influence and adapts so well to any situation.

Lazlo was my loyal companion

He fits in perfectly with our family and looks after his furry companions as much as his human ones. He has two sister cats, Flossie and Raven, two house rabbits called Harley and Quinn, and this year, he even got a new sister puppy, Lyra.

Lazlo is so protective of us all that he can sometimes get quite ‘barky’ when anyone new approaches us. He may be a dog, but he’s got the heart of a lion!

Meet Henry

Despite losing his leg as a puppy, Henry has lived his life to the full as part of Lorraine’s family

Henry was taken to be put to sleep at six months old as his leg was badly smashed. Luckily, the vet nurse asked for his life to be spared, and after having his front leg amputated, he came to us.

Having three legs has not held Henry back and he’s fearless. In his younger days, he could always outrun our Lurchers. He’s getting old now but he’s still the boss in our house.

Having three legs has not held Henry back

He’s welcomed many rescue dogs that we’ve fostered over the years and helped them overcome their fears. Our other dogs respect him and know he’s a special boy.

Meet Dudley

With Dudley around, Caroline knows life could never be boring!

Dudley is clever, funny and loves nothing more than to be in the garden with me. Once, he tried to open my green house to run away with the plant pots, which have no chance of surviving if he gets his paws on them.He also has a habit of chewing all my flower heads off!

Run away with the plant pots

He is very affectionate and loves to go on walks, especially with my grandsons, who he is very gentle with. He also enjoys stealing laundry from the washing machine and using it as a chew toy. Dudley has captured our hearts, and always makes everyone around him smile.

Meet Duke

Since adopting him, Natalie has watched Duke grow from a timid puppy into a cheeky, happy dog.

I met Duke when I was on holiday in Zante, visiting the dog shelter we often volunteer at. The day we arrived, a little dog was running around inside, clearly terrified. We had to use our ham sandwiches to try and coax him towards us! Luckily it worked, and we got him back into his pen. We kept an eye on him for the next week or so, but sadly, on the last day of our trip, he became ill and had to go to the vets. We sat with him right up until we had to get on our plane home – it was heartbreaking.

The vet kept us up-to-date and a week later, Duke had recovered and was allowed back to the shelter. By this point, we had decided to adopt him and bring him home to live with us when he was ready.

Duke is now a solid part of the family

He arrived three months later, extremely nervous and unsure of everything. We took him to meet my parents’ three other dogs, who are also from Greece. He was nervous at first but he did well, soon becoming best friends with one of the dogs Ella. Ten months on and Duke is now a solid part of the family. Since I work from home, he’s had to learn how to deal with my constant company. He likes to come and poke his head into the camera while I’m on a call to say hello to my colleagues!

He still has his moments and he's a very skittish boy, but once he's approved you (he does this by sticking his nose in your face and licking your ears), he’ll happily sit on top of you and wait for a tummy rub!

Like all the other rescues we work with, Duke has his 'quirks', some of which will stay with him forever and some that will disappear the more confident he gets. It’s lovely to watch his character grow as he gets more comfortable around us. He’s come such a long way already, both physically and mentally, and I can’t wait to watch him blossom even more.

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