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British Dogs

Meet Wolfie

Wolfie has brightened up Tatiana’s life with his playfulness and friendliness, and he has even helped her to make the office a happier place!

We rescued Wolfie six months ago, and since then he has made our life so much better and happier. Wolfie is perfectly trained, super intelligent and has managed to learn six new tricks even though he is an old dog!

He is sensational at the park and we often get stopped because people want to say hello and take pictures of him. He even comes with me to work and is our office pet.

Everyone that meets him loves him

He also has the cheekiest but funniest personality. You would never guess that he’s 10 years old, and everyone that meets him loves him. He adores playing with all dogs in the park and sometimes forgets how big he is – it’s so funny seeing him play with a tiny puppy!

He is affectionate and loves children, and has made our little family so much happier.

Meet Taz

From helping her care for her children to supporting her through relationship breakdowns, Taz has been Lacey’s rock for 12 years

I bought my Border Collie Taz just after my eldest son was born. He was just eight weeks old, and a bundle of trouble! I was suffering with anxiety and depression, and my partner at the time worked nights which left me alone with a new baby. From day one, Taz just seemed to know that I needed him. He would go and look round the house when I got worried and lie quietly by my side when I had panic attacks.

As a ‘teen’ Taz became a handful. He was so cheeky, and very overprotective of me. We ended up going to obedience and agility classes which taught him how to be a helpful member of the household, while also bringing me out of my shell and allowing me to find myself again.

He has been my only constant for 12 years

Over the years, he has helped look after me through four pregnancies. He learnt to help me up from the floor when I was too big to do it myself. When my babies were born, he would fetch wet wipes and toys. He was my rock through a divorce and a very nasty breakup, and even though he isn’t a big fan of hugs, when I’m upset he lets me cry into his fur. He has been my only constant for 12 years.

We have a cup of tea together every morning (he loves a decaf with oat milk in his very own mug), and he sleeps on the end of my bed. He is slowing down now, and we have a new puppy, Bruce, who Taz is training up ready for his retirement years. Taz is my dog of a lifetime, and I can honestly say I don't think I would be here without him.

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Meet Sammy

Sometimes Sammy has so many people waiting on him, Stephanie thinks he’s more human than dog

He’s the best thing since sliced bread – a human with four paws. He's not easy to wake in the morning because he likes to stay wrapped up in my dressing gown until I get sorted.

He enjoys the perks of two houses, as he passes between ours and the neighbours via his own self-made gate in the fence. He goes there to play and comes home to sleep.

He’s the best thing since sliced bread

He loves ‘hunt the treat’ games, as well as the usual doggy toys. He asks to go out for a wee by peeping round the corner of the room and giving a small 'chuff' sound. He also makes the same noise when he wants to come up on the sofa – he’s a dog with manners.

He has his own masseuse (my friend), his own eye cleaner (my husband) and his own bottom cleaner (me). Can you get any more human than that? Or is he just a spoilt pooch? We love him loads, for all his traits.

Meet Sally

Tan’s dog Sally didn’t have the best start in life, but she still manages to find the sunshine in every day

We adopted Sally from a rescue charity called Wolfies Legacy.She was originally a street dog in Tunisia where she suffered a gun wound. Both of her front elbows were severely damaged, and as she didn’t have access to a vet, her front legs ended up becoming set in a bent, upright position.

Despite all she’s been through, Sally is the most loving and trusting dog you could ever wish to meet.She's adapted to walking on her elbows, which we pad to protect, and can sit on her hind legs when she’s begging for treats or if she wants to be picked up. She’s incredibly fast when she wants to be and knows how to jump and hop at speed.

She’s a dog that lives for the moment

We run a home-boarding dog business and Sally is our guidance dog for all the new arrivals.She is super friendly and always makes them feel safeand welcome. Some dogs are a little puzzled by her, as they can't quite figure out why she won't run around with them, but we've noticed how easily they learn to play in ways that accommodate her. It’s truly heart-warming to watch how the dogs interact, accept and embrace Sally’s disabilities.

Being unable to walk very far hasn't stopped Sally from loving life and exploring. We take her out in her buggy every day, and she loves nothing more than to watch the world go by. She’s a dog that lives for the momentand enjoys everything life offers her. Having Sally is a constant reminder that life is what you make it.

Meet Freddie

Freddie loves to work and play, making him an all-round star in Charlotte’s eyes

This is my lovely boy, Freddie. He's a Labradoodle and I've had him since he was a puppy.

Freddie is a therapy dog and works mainly with further education students (16-25-year-olds). He has the best temperament you could hope for, and the students love seeing him! This week, he’s been very busy helping to calm those last-minute exam nerves.

He’s made an impact on so many people’s lives

When he's not working, he's just an amazing pet. He loves other animals and especially loves playing with other dogs (Labradors are his favourite). His guilty pleasure is finding something smelly to roll in and we frequently need a quick shower after a walk in the park!

He’s great company, so well behaved, and gets to go out on lots of nice day trips to visit dog-friendly places. He's made such an impact on so many people's lives – he really doesn't know how special he is!

Meet Molly

Ever since Molly joined the family, she’s been the best walking buddy Dona could ask for

My little Molly is my shadow. She follows me everywhere and likes to snuggle in on the sofa. I love walking and would walk alone as none of my family would come, but now Molly comes with me.

We go for a nine- or 10-mile walk around late morning and it's great having her by my side. I now know so many more people because of her. Before it would be a ‘hello’ in passing, but now we stop for chats. It’s great for my mental health as well, as I suffer from bad anxiety.

I now know so many more people because of her

Molly would do anything for food, and she’s absolutely ruled by her stomach. She knows when it’s time for meals and thumps her food bowl with her paw, until she gets what she wants.

When we got her, she was a very nervous little pup, and being attacked twice by other dogs hasn't helped. But she is so much better, even though she’s still a work in progress. Molly is the baby of the family, and we all love her and her little traits.

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