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British Dogs

Meet Winnie

As Lynn and her family settle into a new life, Winnie has been helping them socialise more

We adopted Winnie after she was rescued for crying at nine weeks old. She’s a very funny and outgoing dog who thinks she’s a celebrity and expects everyone who walks past her to acknowledge how pretty she is (or she will make a strange noise at them!). She also hates getting her feet wet and prefers to sleep under a duvet.

She has made a very positive difference in our lives

Winnie helped us to get out every day and meet other dog walkers and villagers, who have now become firm friends – and many of the elderly residents now carry dog biscuits in their pockets in case they see her. She has made a very positive difference in our lives and helped us settle into our new chapter in the North East, where we didn’t know anyone.

Meet Taz

From helping her care for her children to supporting her through relationship breakdowns, Taz has been Lacey’s rock for 12 years

I bought my Border Collie Taz just after my eldest son was born. He was just eight weeks old, and a bundle of trouble! I was suffering with anxiety and depression, and my partner at the time worked nights which left me alone with a new baby. From day one, Taz just seemed to know that I needed him. He would go and look round the house when I got worried and lie quietly by my side when I had panic attacks.

As a ‘teen’ Taz became a handful. He was so cheeky, and very overprotective of me. We ended up going to obedience and agility classes which taught him how to be a helpful member of the household, while also bringing me out of my shell and allowing me to find myself again.

He has been my only constant for 12 years

Over the years, he has helped look after me through four pregnancies. He learnt to help me up from the floor when I was too big to do it myself. When my babies were born, he would fetch wet wipes and toys. He was my rock through a divorce and a very nasty breakup, and even though he isn’t a big fan of hugs, when I’m upset he lets me cry into his fur. He has been my only constant for 12 years.

We have a cup of tea together every morning (he loves a decaf with oat milk in his very own mug), and he sleeps on the end of my bed. He is slowing down now, and we have a new puppy, Bruce, who Taz is training up ready for his retirement years. Taz is my dog of a lifetime, and I can honestly say I don't think I would be here without him.

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Meet Dusty

For many years, Dusty has been an invaluable source of support for Heather’s son, despite his health challenges

Our eldest son, who is six now, was born with several medical conditions. Dusty has always seemed to know this. From a puppy, she was always next to Stanley. Stanley was unable to see for a significant time and Dusty would bring her ball and drop it into his hand so he could throw it for her. Then she’d chase it, bring it back to him and place it in his hand again.

Stanley was also born with complete weakness on his right side, so he struggled a little with his walking. So, Dusty would press herself against him to support him whilst he was going about his day-to-day business. When our youngest was born, Dusty became protective over him too, but she always knew Stanley needed a little more help.

She almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys

Thankfully, an operation back in March 2020 meant that Stanley’s vision was much improved. Old habits die hard though, so Dusty still treats him as though he has trouble seeing. She sleeps at the end of the bed. If he wakes up in the night, she guides him to the bathroom and back to bed. And if he rolls too close to the edge, she lies alongside him to keep him from falling out.

It seems like she almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys. She joins in with their games and follows them round. Quite often, she sits next to the play kitchen while they ‘cook’ her dinner, or helps them dig in the sandpit. She even follows them around in the sea on holiday! Then she rounds them up and she makes sure that nobody is left behind.

Dusty goes everywhere with us. As soon as we open the car door, she jumps straight in. She’s a best friend to both of our sons and our family wouldn’t be the same without her.

Meet Izzy

Jacky lives on her own, but thanks to her dog Izzy, she knows she’ll always have a reason to smile every day.

Izzy is my whole world. I’m 64 and live alone with multiple health issues, so Izzy gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. She always puts a smile on my face and is adored by everyone who meets her. She's the most affectionate dog I've ever met, showering everyone with kisses and cuddles.

She always puts a smile on my face

Izzy is just amazing and has an enthusiasm for everything in life – especially playing with other dogs!

Meet Rex

Rex brought joy back into Gemma’s life after her mental health suffered while she was in the Army

I got Rex at a very low point in my life. I was in the Army, based down south. I felt very alone and was struggling with my mental health and had a silly attempt at taking some pills.

I truly believe he saved my life

I realised the only thing that gave me any joy was the time I spent around dogs. So, I came across someone looking to rehome Rex and I considered whether I could be the person he needed. I believed I was, and it turns out he was exactly what I needed too.

I truly believe Rex saved my life. Four years on, I’m out of the Army and I have a fiancée who has two kids, so me and Rex are now part of their family.

Meet Freud

Not only has Freud supported Maria with her own mental health, but he’s now doing the same thing for her psychotherapy clients

I got Freud whilst studying to become a psychotherapist – we were studying Freud at the time. I have bipolar, so from a very young age Freud would support me if I felt low or had a panic attack by snuggling into me. He’s now a registered emotional support dog and comes with me when I see clients from ages 5-18 years old.

He’s a registered emotional support dog

Freud is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua. He’s full of energy, but also knows when to be calm and cuddly. He loves other people, children and animals and lives with his bunny rabbit brother and sister, Brody and Brienne, who are free to roam my house 24/7. Freud loves them and is really gentle with them, but he does pinch their broccoli in the morning.

Freud loves to come kayaking with us and is a little poser in front of the camera. He has posed for local college students and was amazing at it. Freud has made such a positive impact on my life and now he's doing the same thing for my clients. I can't imagine life without him – he's a little star.

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