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British Dogs

Meet Theo

Theo has a very special way of bringing reassurance and joy to Janine’s life

Theo, our beloved rescue dog, has had a tremendously positive influence on our lives. From the moment we brought him home, he’s been a calming presence – always ready to offer comfort and snuggles.

With his big, cuddly frame and friendly demeanour, Theo has a way of easing any stress or anxiety I might be feeling after a long day. After all, who doesn't love doggy tail wags and hugs?

One of Theo's favourite quirks is playing ‘go find’ with treats. He loves using his keen sense of smell to track down hidden goodies, and his excitement when he finds them is contagious. Watching him sniff around and wag his tail in anticipation always brings a smile to my face.

Theo's presence in my life has been a true blessing

As well as this, Theo is a smart and eager learner when it comes to tricks. He can speak on command, play dead, and even give me his paw with just a simple gesture.

I love seeing him jump through long grass like a kangaroo. His joy is evident as he bounds through the tall blades, popping up his big head now and again in the sun!

Overall, Theo's presence in my life has been a true blessing. His calming nature, playful quirks, and boundless love have brought so much joy and positivity into my world. I am grateful every day for my sweet, loyal, and endlessly entertaining best friend, Theo.

Meet Pepsi

Jacqui’s life was turned upside down when her husband was diagnosed with COVID-19. But thankfully Pepsi has been there every step of the way.

Pepsi is a 9-month-old female border collie. We knew that she was a great dog, but she really proved that when Walt, my ambulance technician partner, got COVID-19. I'm a community nurse so I looked after him at home for four days. Pepsi sat on the decking below his bedroom window listening to him cough. He was so ill that he was unable to move. She couldn't understand what was happening.

After four days, he really deteriorated and was admitted to a hospital 80 miles away. I was lost. I didn't know if I'd ever see him again alive. I didn't want to get up – the days were too long and scary. However, I knew Pepsi needed me so we sat in the garden and played ball. If I cried after seeing Walt on a videocall she would jump up and cuddle me.

Life is on the up again

Walt began to give up the fight in the hospital. He hated being away from us and he was so ill with the constant cough and fatigue. We sent videos of the dog and encouraged him to stay strong so he could come home to his ‘therapet’ (we always called her that). When he was finally discharged, she rarely left his side and I know he needed her every bit as much as he needed me to nurse him.

Now, Pepsi is his reason to fight the fatigue and get out. She has recently learned to swim, so we go places where Walt can just sit and watch her play.

I know every dog is their owner’s best friend but Pepsi is an ace dog who has really earned her ‘therapet’ nickname. We love her. She loves us. Life is on the up again.

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Meet Lottie

Niki adores her kind, caring and hilarious dog Lottie, who never fails to make her smile

Our pooch Lottie has got bucket loads of character. Whenever anyone comes round to visit, she automatically thinks they’re there to see her andgets her toys out to show off!

She’d just lie there with me

When I was off work a couple of years ago, she never left my side. I’d spend all day resting on the sofa and she’d just lie there with me. Lottie has three feline companions who she adores, and regularly tries to round up as though they’re hers to look after.

Meet Bailey

Bailey has a secret talent that keeps Niki on her toes!

As a puppy, Bailey taught himself how to open doors. Everywhere he went, be it the groomers, doggie day care or the vet, we had to remind them to lock the doors so he couldn’t escape. On one occasion, he had to go to the vets for an X-ray and, as they didn’t have a crate big enough for him, he was put in a consulting room to recover from the sedative. When he felt well enough to realise he had been left alone, he attempted to open the door and let himself out, but inadvertently caught the snib lock with this paw and locked himself in. The vet had to call the locksmith to come and release him!

Locked himself in

Meet Drax

Jennifer’s dog Drax may be clumsy, but that just makes him all the more adorable

We think our dog Drax may actually be a small bear. He’s huge, huggable and absolutely ridiculous. We rescued him from being put to sleep just two days before Christmas, and it’s still impossible to believe no one wanted him!

He’s actually the clumsiest animal

Drax look majestic and is very handsome, but he’s also extremely clumsy. He knocks over pretty much anything in his path, will break through closed doors if you shut him in a room even for just a minute, and always shouts at you if he doesn’t agree with what you’re doing. But Drax is also the most loveable dog I’ve ever met – and that’s saying something, because as fosterers, we’ve encountered a lot.

We may have rescued Drax, but really, I think he rescued us more.

Meet TJ

Baz is completely besotted with rescue dog TJ, who never ceases to melt the hearts of everyone he meets

TJ was originally bred for racing, but he never made the grade. He was then put up for adoption and spent five months with another family. However, he wasn’t a forever pet for them and was soon returned to the rescue centre.

We were fortunate enough to adopt TJ in June 2022 when he was just over two years old. We knew we had a lovely pet, but he had a wonderful surprise in store for us.

In January 2023, I broke my hip and spent over a week in hospital having a full replacement. When I was taken home and put in bed, he got up on the bed (without any prompting), cuddled up to me as close as he could and put his paw firmly across my chest. It was as if he was saying, “You’re mine to look after now!” – and he has done so ever since.

It was at this stage that his true personality came to the light. This positive behaviour was nurtured and he’s now my emotional support dog! He looks after both me and my wife.

TJ is calm, gentle and extremely loving

I’m disabled and have several illnesses, but TJ instinctively knows how to respond perfectly every time. The biggest surprise is that he hasn’t needed any training – he’s just a natural.

TJ is calm, gentle and extremely loving. When we’re out on walks, he’s always checking on either me or my wife to make sure we’re all fine. He also walks calmly alongside my mobility scooter (and also enjoys running alongside me when I turn the speed up on a deserted track).

Once, he found me on the floor in the bedroom. I’d dropped something on the floor, and it had rolled under the bed. In an unusual, agitated state, he ran to my wife to alert her that I was in trouble. It was a false alarm, of course, but he didn’t know that.

As well as providing physical care, he’s also a tremendous help for my depression. He gives me the confidence to socialise (he’s a great talking point), and I’m always thrilled to see other people making a fuss of him.

Although emotional support dogs are not yet given the same rights as other assistance dogs in the UK, I have permission to take him to my GP's surgery, dentist, three different hospitals, restaurants, cafés, a number of shops, pubs and museums. The reception is much the same everywhere we go – people love him! Patients in hospital waiting rooms particularly love seeing him there.

I don't think he realises just how special he is, as everything he does comes so naturally to him. It’s all part of his beautiful, enormous personality.

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