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British Dogs

Meet Spot

Spot’s energy and silliness are an endless source of fun and laughter for Jackie and her family

Spot is the goofiest, most in-your-face boy dog you could ever meet. He has a lovely teddy bear face with a big black nose and a brown spot on his head, which is how he got his name.

He’s the most in-your-face boy dog you could ever meet

He’s generous with his kisses, and his drool if he sees any food. When he runs, he does this funny little skip and wiggles his bum. He's also very, very clever but not always in a good way (don’t ask me about the bar of chocolate and the huge vet bill!).

He constantly amuses us with his futile attempts at catching the pigeons, who torment him from the top of the fence. And he has selective hearing. Spot is Spot and we love him to bits!

Meet Benji

With Heather’s help, Benji has transformed from a poorly, neglected pup into a loving, healthy pooch

Benji is a Fox Red Labrador, who arrived with us in lockdown 2020. He was only 10 months old, and he’d spent a lot of that time locked up in a puppy crate with owners who didn’t have a garden or any time for him. He was an impulse buy they regretted, and they didn’t know how to look after him.

As a result, he chewed everything he could to relieve the boredom and anxiety. He suffered from gut problems and conjunctivitis, and he was generally an unhappy boy. After a bit of settling in and some training, he’s now nearly four years old and he’s a wonderful, happy, inquisitive, loving dog.

He keeps me company when I’m working and lets me know when I’ve been sitting too long and it’s time for a walk. He's also trained me to fetch his ball when he chucks it from the top of the stairs so I can throw it back. Unfortunately, he thinks other items can also be chucked, such as the odd bone, which has a harder landing on the tiled floor!

He adores swimming and has been known to become immovable and scream loudly in a tantrum when asked to leave a lovely beach. If you ask him what good boys do, he’ll immediately sit down on the floor, waiting for a tasty reward.

He’s a wonderful, happy, inquisitive, loving boy

He gives me dog kisses (with no licking) to show he’s my buddy, and belly rubs are obligatory before breakfast. He’s got me walking, enjoying the outdoors, making new dog owner friends, and generally loving my life more because he’s in it.

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Meet Ozzie

Whether he’s sunbathing, sleeping or showering her with good morning kisses, Ozzie has brought joy to every part of Abby’s life

I have struggled with my mental health for as long as I can remember, and nothing has done more for me than Ozzie. From the minute I wake up until the moment I fall asleep, he brings me so much joy.

Oz is a retired racing Greyhound and, after a lot of training, he's now got great recall and is allowed off lead. Nothing makes me happier than seeing his smiling face as he goes hurtling past me at 40mph with his helicopter tail spinning at full force.

Every morning I wake up to him in my bed (all 100lbs of him). As soon as he hears me say ‘Good morning!’, he attacks me with kisses and throws himself into the cockroach position so I can rub his belly.

From the minute I wake up until the moment I fall asleep, he brings me so much joy

He's obsessed with sunbathing, just like me, and will do it at any opportunity. Two degrees outside? As long as the sun’s, out Oz will be on his sun lounger soaking it up. Out for a walk? Who needs exercise when you can sunbathe!

One of his favourite ways to show affection is by ‘nitting’, where he uses just his front teeth to nibble at me when I'm stroking him. His favourite game is ‘smacky bum’ where I tap his bum like bongos and we chase each other round in circles.

Ozzie goes into a deep sleep about 50 times a day, usually with his mouth agape, tongue hanging out and legs twitching (presumably chasing cats in his dreams). I also suffer from endometriosis and whenever I'm having a flare up, he just knows. He sticks to me like velcro and follows me everywhere.

I could sit and write about him forever. He really is my best friend and has changed my life more than he'll ever know. He gives me a reason to get out of bed each day. I love Oz more than anything and would be totally lost without him.

Meet Bramble

Bramble’s funny antics and endless affection always put a smile on owner Diane’s face

Bramble is such a positive influence in my life. She’s always so happy and loves nothing more than making me laugh. One of her favourite things to play with is her Frisbee, especially when we’re on the beach.

She enjoys keeping me company and is always there to lend a paw. When I’m gardening, for instance, she’ll help me out by putting her ball in the trug. Bramble is also very affectionate, and won’t go to bed until she’s had her nightly kisses and cuddles.

Won’t go to bed until she’s had her nightly kisses

As a very clever dog, she knows exactly when it’s time for her treats in the morning and afternoon. I often find her waiting for me by the cupboard, and she won’t move until I’ve handed them over! Bramble has a love-hate relationship with our cat Alfie. I know she adores him, but he often rejects her with just a flick of his paw – it never seems to deter her from trying though.

Having a dog is great because they always wants to go for a walk. This means that even on the most wet and dismal days, I’m forced to get out and enjoy some fresh air, which really does help to keep me fit. Every day is special with Bramble in my life – she gives me a reason to carry on.

Meet Mollie

Karen took Mollie in as a foster dog and in return she’s made every day brighter for her

Mollie came to us three years ago as a foster dog and I fell in love with her immediately.

There’s never a bad day with Mollie

She’s blind and epileptic, but this has never stopped her from loving life. She makes every day brighter and has even helped my other foster dogs recover from trauma that they’ve suffered – helping them to realise that life is for living without worries!

You can never have a bad day when you've got a Mollie to snuggle up to.

Meet Dotty and Mo

Johanna thought that life with her dog Dotty couldn’t get any better, but the arrival of Mo proved that you can never have enough puppy love!

We have had Dotty the Cockerpoo since she was eight weeks old, and I can honestly say she has made me laugh daily for 11 years! She is a great guard dog, barking at any potential murderer that might walk past the house (who'd have known little old ladies and postmen were such a threat) even though she would only lick them to death. One tickle of the tummy and she is anyone's! If you approach her when she's lay down she raises her paws for a tummy tickle.

She used to be so fast! I'd let her off her lead and off she'd go! Twice she has walked away from the house unseen and taken herself to the field where I walk her! She's old and poorly now, and is very slow and less agile. But she still 'smiles' when I get in from work and puts her arms round my neck for a cuddle. Her favourite thing is - food!

They complete our family

Dreading when she can no longer have a good life we recently rescued a Romanian dog, Mo. He is so naughty but so cute! He is the only dog Dotty has ever had to compete with, and she is usually jealous of other dogs getting my attention – but not with Mo! He is the cuddliest dog and sits so close to you, if not on you, the whole time. They play together so it's nice company for Dot, and she keeps Mo in his place.

A house is not a home without a dog. When they went to be groomed the house was eerily silent and felt wrong. They complete our family and provide good therapy for my daughter who suffers from extreme anxiety. Dogs give unconditional love and their faces are so expressive. They know if they're being told off, they know what to do to get a treat. They are bonkers, like us, and I would not be without my special little guys.

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