Sox is such a positive influence in my family’s life. He’s a quirky little dog who manages to make friends with any species, whether that be dogs, people or highland cattle! He is best friends with some highland cattle calves, who always vocalise when they want to see him.
He is best friends with some highland cattle calves
Often Sox will bring his toys out around the house, but then refuses to give them up, turning it into a game of chase. He also likes to climb up onto his dad after his dinner, nip his earlobe after giving him tons of kisses, and then fall onto his back for cuddles as shown in his photo. Plus, he loves to cuddle and play about with his 14-year-old Collie-Lab brother, Max, who’s sometimes a bit grumpy with him.
Sox has this thing about crawling along the floor using one of his back legs to propel him forwards – he’s been doing this since we got him back in 2016! He’s a Lakeland Terrier crossed with a Jack Russell Terrier so he’s a bundle of energy and full of character. But we wouldn’t have him any other way.
Chester is a two-year-old Pomsky. My husband is a doctor and I’m a nurse,and we decided to get Chester when I was having a particularly hard time at work.We had recently moved to Wales and taking Chester out for walks encouraged me to make new friends with other dog owners.
He melts our stress away
I really believe Chester’s constant happiness and endless love saved me from a dark place. After a long day at work, he’ll always greet us with so much excitement. Both my husband and I feel as though he melts our stress away. Our mental wellbeing has improved greatly since having Chester, and so has our fitness, as he loves to be outside and run around.
One of Chester’s favourite hobbies is helping out in the garden. I’ve started creating new boarders and as soon as I get my spade out, he gets his paws ready and digs wherever you’re digging. He’s truly wonderful.
Mishka is a Chow Chow like no other. She seems to think the world is hers and that everyone is just here to see her. We take her to Loch Lomond in the summer and she loves it, mostly because all the tourists fuss over her and want to take her photo. She’s quite a diva, and has a tendency to decide she’s taking a nap, no matter where we are. Once, she even decided to lie down in front of a police van that was trying to get past her!
Chow Chows are supposed to be nervous around strangers, but Mishka takes no notice of this. She loves everyone, and since we live near two primary schools she especially adores playing with the children, who always think she’s a little lion!
Kids always think she’s a lion
She is the gentlest, most loving dog I've ever had. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and she is the only one that can push me through on my bad days. She seems to sense when I'm not feeling good and looks after me. She also alerts me when my diabetic husband is about to have hypoglycemic attack.
When Mishka travels in the car she likes to ride shotgun, and we always see the other drivers and pedestrians smile at her as we drive by. She now has a little brother who absolutely adores her and looks up to her – he is always cleaning her and checking she's ok!
Petal is a 17-year-old mini Jack Russell, tiny even by Jack Russell standards. She's so petite that we think there may be some chihuahua in her.
She might be ancient, but she's still got it! Her gait is most accurately described as a sassy strut. She's still in the prime of her life as far as she's concerned. Being old hasn't diminished her joy for chasing squirrels in the park, or even her own tail.
Because she's so small, she has to make a jump over the back doorstep to come in from the garden. She always completes her jump with stylish aplomb, reminiscent of a show jumping horse.
She might be ancient, but she's still got it!
Her seniority has inevitably led to her having a few less teeth compared with when she was a youngster. This means she's particularly fond of her Winalot gravy satchets because she finds the food not only tasty, but also very easy to eat. She gets excited when she sees the sachets appear at dinnertime and, without fail, does her 'hurry up and feed me' bark whilst waiting for her bowl to be filled.
She lives with CC, an 11-year-old chocolate Labrador, and they are the best of friends. She likes snuggling up to CC for naps. But Petal is the boss, and she has no qualms reminding CC of this as and when required.
A few years ago, she was lucky enough to win first place in the Dog with Best Personality category at a local Fun Day Dog Contest. One of her prizes was a tennis ball and thrower but the ball was a bit too big for her. She had no problems passing it on to CC as a consolation prize. But she's far less generous when it comes to her sharing her dinner!
Petal may be small, but she has a huge personality that lights up any room. She is a cute little bundle of fun and love who brings a great deal of joy to all of us that have the good fortune to share our lives with her.
Macy is a very special Labrador. She was once an unwanted delinquent puppy, but as soon as I met her, I knew we shared a special connection. She still has issues from her past and can scare easily, but together we’vedeveloped her confidence and now she has a unique way of communicating with me.
I suffer from a debilitating hearing condition called Hyperacusis and it makes everyday life difficult. Macy has learnt to alert me to sounds that she knows will affect me. She stays by my side no matter what.
She’s helped so many people and their pets
Throughout lockdown, Macy has worked with me to provide free training tips and exercises that people can do at home with their dogs. She’s helped so many people and their pets to stay motivated during this time.
At 11 years old, Macy is showing no signs of slowing down. She’s always agreat foster sibling to the rescue dogs we look after and cares deeply not just for her family, but for all those around her.
Ferdie is a very gentle whippet who has helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs over the years. He has always been so kind, especially to cats. When a new foster kitten or cat gets introduced to Ferdie, he lets them get used to him in their own time. He doesn’t mind whether they want to leap on him and hold onto his neck, or just cuddle him.
His best friend is Otto – an abused cat who finds people really scary. Otto isn’t good at sitting with other cats, but he loves Ferdie and they often sit in an arm chair together. Ferdie is also very gentle with my guinea pigs, and he’s even helped two puppies, who came from very challenging situations, as we got them ready for their forever home.
He’s helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs
In his spare time, Ferdie likes sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. He can regularly be found buried under a sofa throw, no matter how hot it is. He’s a great companion for me, and if I’m upset, he starts whining because he knows I’m struggling. Then when I lose something, he’s always by my side trying to help me find it.
Ferdie is starting to slow down now and I’m having to deal with the realisation that he may not be here much longer. I don’t think I’ll ever meet another dog like him – he’s a dog in a million.