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British Dogs

Meet Sky

As Deborah’s husband recovers from a life-changing injury, Sky has been helping him learn to walk again

Sky was a rescue puppy who found us when times were very low.

My husband and I are keen mountain climbers and we love the outdoors, but he sustained an ankle and leg injury that stopped him walking.

Each day, we’re going further together

Sky has been by his side throughout his recovery, and she has been his push towards walking again. Each day, we’re going further together. She is our magic mountain dog.

Meet Luna

Freya has so many funny stories to share about the gorgeous and utterly hilarious Luna

Luna is my beautiful 5-year-old black Labrador, and she’s the calmest and most loving best friend you could ever imagine.

She sleeps at the foot of my bed every single night, obviously under a blanket, and slowly migrates her way up the bed throughout the night, until she's sharing my blankets and pillows and snoring loudly in my ear! She gets up at 6am every single day to jump between my parents, where she lies asleep on her back for tummy tickles until they get up.

Her best friend is her little "sister" Maia, our nearly 3-year-old black Labrador. She's very stuck in her routine and enjoys a quiet life. She loves walking at the local nature reserve where she can run and swim to her heart's content, and she spends most of the day asleep on one of our beds (her MANY beds are never as comfortable as ours are!).

She's definitely my spirit animal and knows what's up!

Every day at 6pm on the dot, she finds one of us and won't leave our side until she's been fed. When she hears the Life360 notification that indicates my dad's return from work, she runs to the door until she sees his car pulling into the driveway, where she proceeds to bark loudly to tell us to open the door for her to go and greet him. After that, it's back to bed until her nightly walk around the village – the absolute highlight of her day.

One of her (very many) little quirks is that she hates being dirty. After walks in the rain, she follows us until one of us washes her feet, she won't sleep in a bed until it has a clean blanket in it, and her favourite place to lie is in one of our beds after we've changed the sheets. She's definitely my spirit animal and knows what's up!

When she's not on the bed, Luna can be found snuggling on the sofa between Maia and her feisty (and rather grumpy) feline brother, Felix, probably on the one small section of the sofa not covered in a dog blanket! Her favourite place in the world is the beach, especially those in Scotland, so we take the dogs on an annual trip to explore the beautiful beaches of the west coast. Upon seeing the sand, she gets the zoomies and will run around in pure joy until she reaches the sea!

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Meet Lulu

Dani is incredibly grateful for the endless companionship and unconditional love that Lulu offers her

Lulu the Springer Spaniel is very special to me. She was born three days before Christmas in 2015, and has been my very own guardian angel ever since. As my four-legged best friend, she’s always managed to keep my spirits high, even at the very hardest of times.

A bit of a mischief-maker

She loves her squeaky duck toys, cuddles and running around the fields near our home. She’s also a bit of a mischief-maker and is always looking for a dirty puddle run through! Lulu gets everything she wants and even has her very own spot on the living room sofa.

Back when I had my horse, she would come to the stables with me to ‘help’ me do jobs and run alongside me as I rode. Sadly, I lost my horse unexpectedly, but Lulu was there to help me through my grief every step of the way. She is a loyal, caring dog who is truly one-of-a-kind and a huge part of my life.

Meet McLaren

Cheeky chappy McLaren helps his owner Vicky to keep her independence, and always puts a smile on her face

McLaren is a Canine Partner Assistance Dog, so not only is he a great companion, but he is a brilliant help to me in my everyday life. He picks up dropped items, lends me a paw when I’m doing the washing and even gives me more confidence when we go out and about.

He’s such a cheeky chap

Everyone loves McLaren, he’s such a great ice breaker. He’s a cheeky chap, and loves to clown around and make you laugh. He also has a penchant for gloves and socks, and will happily steal them and parade round the house, hoping to be bribed with treats for their safe return!

I’ve been shielding since March and I haven’t been able to go out to the shops or see friends or family, so having McLaren with me has had a huge positive impact on my wellbeing. He cheers me up if I’m feeling lonely, is always up for an adventure and loves playing games of hide and seek or dancing to music. He is my hero.

Meet Hero

Grief is an overwhelming thing. But, by simply being by her side, Hero has been an invaluable source of comfort for Julie.

Hero, a rescue dog, came into my life after my husband died. I took him in initially to be part of the family and to train up at agility.

But dealing with the death of my husband then took its toll on me and I now find life very hard to deal with. There is so much that I feel unable to do without support – and that support is coming from all my dogs, but especially Hero who is constantly by my side.

It’s almost as if we’re healing each other

He reads my emotions and responds in the way he feels best. He is now on the way to becoming my emotional support dog. He was such a mess when I took him on, it’s almost as if we’re healing each other. With his help, I hope to get back some normality and I eventually want to see him compete with the rest of our dogs in agility.

Meet Bear

Katie wasn’t a dog-person until she met Bear, the adorable pooch who brings even more joy to her life

I'll start by saying I didn't really want a dog. My husband had wanted one for so long, however I felt that it was an extra responsibility and commitment that we didn't really need – but then I met Bear.

He’s lifted me up when I’ve felt sad

Bear is my best friend. He's lifted me up when I’ve felt sad, helped me cope with stress and brought even more joy to my life during the happiest times – like on holiday, where he adapted naturally to life as the resident camp pooch.

We're incredibly close to the owners of his sister Dolly, and our two dogs share an incredible amount of traits. They're both inseparable, bonkers and completely ball mad!

One of Bear’s funniest traits is the way he bounces for his breakfast. It's like he gets so excited to eat that he starts dancing – a breakfast boogie, so to speak. Bear really is the most wonderful dog and the best friend a girl could wish for!

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