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British Dogs

Meet Roxy

Despite Roxy’s health problems, Sarah feels fortunate to have her in her life

We bought Roxy from a farm while we were on holiday in Llandudno, Wales. I was buying a drink, and an old collie came up to greet me. I told the farmer how lovely he was, and he responded with: “Do you want a puppy?”

The rest is history.

Roxy’s had a difficult time with her health. Five years ago, she developed epilepsy. The first time we saw her having a seizure was heartbreaking – being unable to help feels terrible. The worst part is that afterwards, for a short while, she’s really scared and doesn’t know who we are. Then, it’s like a switch is flicked and she comes running to us crying.

Roxy is so loving

She’s now on two different types of medication, and although her seizures aren’t quite under control yet, she still copes well.

Roxy is so loving and is always happy to see us. She hops on the sofa whenever anyone sits down and snuggles into them. She’s very tolerant, too. For instance, since we’ve had her we’ve got two cats, two house rabbits and a tortoise. She’s accepted every one of them into her home and they all follow her around as if she’s their mum – even the tortoise!

In the absence of sheep, she loves to chase a ball. I think she sees it as her job. She also has the softest head to stroke!

All in all, she’s amazing and we’re incredibly lucky to have her.

Meet Seero

Seero may be small in size, but he’s made a big impact on Ashleigh and her fiancé

In February 2020, my fiancé and I were looking to adopt a shelter/rescue dog. We live in an upstairs apartment so wanted a small dog. None of the shelters around us had any though, so we took to searching through Facebook.

Adopting Seero was the best decision we’ve ever made

My partner came across an appeal for a little black dog in Cyprus. He had four separate posts from the charity hoping someone would take an interest in this little boy, but nobody seemed to. That broke our hearts – he looked absolutely perfect to us and we fell in love with the photos of him. We thought it would never happen. How would we get him to North East Scotland from Cyprus? I messaged the shelter's page to enquire. A week later we were picking Seero up from a drop-off point in Glasgow. We couldn't believe our luck.

I've had a horrible year due to poor health and being unable to work for the time being, and Seero has definitely saved me – and my partner – more than we saved him. Waking up to his little face, a wagging tail and big kisses has been amazing. He really seems happy now. His eyes were once sad, but now they’re full of love. Adopting Seero was the best decision we've ever made. I would advise everyone to consider adopting.

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Meet Blossom

Blossom’s overbite meant she was no longer valuable to breeders, but their loss was Lyndsey’s gain as the pair have now formed an unbreakable bond

Blossom is originally from Ireland where she was used for breeding. It wasn’t long before they realised that she was passing on her overbite, reducing the value of her puppies. They no longer wanted her, so she went to Many Tears rescue centre in Wales.

From there she went to a foster home, before being adopted by a family. Sadly, this didn’t last long due to a marriage breakdown, so it was back to Many Tears, into another foster home, and then we met her and she came home with us. This was all before she was five years old.

We’ve now had Blossom for three years and it’s like she’s always been here. It took her about a year before she would let us rub her belly, and she’s still not 100% sure about my husband. But she’s my shadow and will follow me wherever I go. It’s a bond I’ve never had with any other dog I’ve owned and it’s so special. She’s been my jogging buddy, my marathon-walking buddy, my isolation buddy, and everything in between.

We absolutely adore every little hair on her

To see her character come out over the years has been absolutely beautiful. Watching her enjoying walks, trips in the car, days out as a family, scratches and her spectacular zoomies around our garden truly warms my heart. She is fantastic with both my daughters, and she even loves the guinea pigs!

There isn’t a bad bone in this dog’s body, which astounds me as she had such a rubbish start to her life. She is so patient and kind to our little puppy who joined the family in December, although she could do with being a bit firmer with him as he’s running rings around her!

Honestly, the love that our whole family has for this little ‘potato gremlin’ is immense. She’s our funky little monkey and we absolutely ADORE every little hair on her (though it would be nice if they stayed on her and didn’t stick to everything she touches!).

Meet Luna

Whether she’s comforting them or making them laugh, Luna has been a lifeline for Denise and her husband

We adopted Luna from a rescue centre soon after lockdown. She’s been my husband’s saviour as he suffered heart failure after contracting Covid and will never be fully well again, either physically or mentally. Luna seems to know when to give extra love and she sits with him to comfort him. She keeps me sane too, as I can get out for walks with her and chat to other dog owners.

She is such a sweetie and loves nothing better than rolling on her back wherever she fancies. This can be on the carpet indoors, outside in the sunshine, on the grass, on the beach or most recently in the snow. Sometimes she has a naughty day and will roll in mud, or worse!

She’s also really lazy and will easily sleep for 10-12 hours at night, which we don’t mind at all. Her latest thing is demanding a head massage by thrusting her head into my lap and then she closes her eyes in bliss!

Every day she amazes, astounds and brings us such joy, which is a bonus as she came with a list of behavioural issues that have all disappeared. She travels well and we’ve taken her 500 miles to Scotland on holiday where she loves the forests, beaches and the self-catering cottage we rent. We couldn’t hope for a better companion.

We couldn’t hope for a better companion

Meet Rocky

Rocky the Corgi is a loyal companion to Helen’s sister, and has helped her thrive in more ways than one

Rocky is my sister’s Corgi. My sister has suffered with asthma and related illnesses for a long time. Sometimes, things get so bad she doesn’t even want to leave the house. Rocky has had a hugely positive impact on her life, as now she loves to go on numerous walks a day with him, even when she isn’t feeling her best.

Rocky is the friendliest dog I know and always has a smile on his face, which is returned by everyone who meets him. He’s so sociable that he’s made friends in the local park, which is great because it means my sister has too. The pair of them are quite well known in our local area.

He’s made friends in the local park

After 12 months, we finally taught him how to walk up the stairs, as his little legs are not the best for this. He has since gained confidence and is so cheeky he even jumps up on the sofa, for which my sister blames me! He likes to keep us on our toes, and once surprised my sister by hiding inside her bed – she only realised when she climbed in!

Rocky is wonderful company and I know my sister would not be without him.

Meet Blade

Blade the adorable Bullmastiff always makes sure Evan and his fiancé are happy and safe

Blade came into our lives when he was just 17 weeks old. We chose a Bullmastiff because we knew they had a strong character and good temperament, and Blade did not disappoint. He fit right into our little family, offering us endless laughs and slobbery kisses!

Snores like a tractor and eats like a horse

Everyone that meets Blade falls head over heels for him. He has so many funny quirks, like sitting and staring at the security camera we have for our house. When he recognises someone on the screen, he gets so excited that he runs straight to the door so he can greet them with a little dance.

Blade snores like a tractor and eats like a horse, but I wouldn’t change him for the world. He’s so loving and loyal, and loves to shower us with his adorable affection. My husband-to-be suffers with a disorder called Cluster Headaches, which can be distressing for him. Blade is so intuitive, he knows when an attack is imminent and will put his head on my partner’s knee, sitting with him until he’s calmed down. Blade is our very own super hero.

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