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British Dogs

Meet Rocco

Whether he’s snoring, licking or running, Rocco brings love and laughter to Claire and her family

If you've ever wondered what it's like to have a tiny, snorting bundle of joy glued to your side, let me introduce you to Rocco, our French Bulldog. We rescued him during the pandemic over three years ago, and life hasn't been the same since – in the best way possible, of course.

Rocco is like a little furry therapist, minus the fees. He's got this knack for making even the dreariest days bright with his quirky habits and boundless affection. Take his snoring, for example. Some might find it annoying, but to me, it's like a white noise machine with a heartbeat. There's something oddly comforting about knowing he's snoozing away nearby, dreaming of fields and footballs.

Ah, the footballs. You should see him in action! For a dog with legs as short as his, Rocco can sprint across a field like he's auditioning for the next World Cup. He chases that ball with a passion that could put any professional footballer to shame. And when he's not being an athletic superstar, he's a world-class cuddler. Whether I'm watching TV, working on my laptop, or just sitting on the couch, Rocco is right there, either at my feet or attempting to lick my legs like they're a five-star meal.

If you ever need a reminder that love can transform, just spend a day with Rocco

Rocco's past wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. He wasn't treated well in his last home, which makes his love and trust even more special. He's come to adore his new family life with us – my husband Mark, our two boys Finlay and Ted, and his sausage dog brother, River. Yes, that's right, Rocco has a sausage dog brother. Together, they form the dynamic duo of cuteness and chaos.

One of Rocco's favourite activities is heading to the beach. Picture this: a French Bulldog running through the sand, ears flopping, tail wagging, pure joy on his face. It's a sight that never fails to make us laugh. And when we're all together, away in our caravan, Rocco's happiness reaches new heights. He loves being surrounded by his people, and his contentment is contagious.

In short, Rocco is more than just a pet; he's a positive influence, a constant companion, and a source of endless entertainment. From his snoring symphonies to his enthusiastic leg-licking, Rocco has brought immeasurable joy into our lives. And if you ever need a reminder that love can transform, just spend a day with Rocco. He'll show you how it's done, one wag and one snore at a time.

Meet Paloma and Kyuss

Orla loves to spoil her two pups Paloma and Kyuss, who enjoy going on long walks with her – even though they have tiny legs!

Our little troublemakers are a pair of long-haired mini dachshunds, who turned our world upside down when they joined us as pups back in 2017.

There are so many funny things that they do, and even on a down day they make us smile. Paloma’s cutest habit is that every night after dinner, she waits for her dad to lie on the floor so she can rest on him for neck kisses. The truth is that everything she does makes us smile.

They have such short legs!

In 2018, she was diagnosed with lymphoma, and we chose to treat her with chemo as she is so young and has so much fight in her. We needed to give it a shot. Almost 18 months on and she is still beating cancer. Everything she does is special to us – as you can imagine she is so spoiled, even more than she was before she got ill!

Kyuss is a food obsessed mummy’s boy. We know it’s very naughty but his endless tricks to get more treats makes us laugh. We love to take them both out on long walks, which I’m not sure we’d do without them. The longest walk we have done is 10 miles – not bad considering they have such short legs! They love our country walks and always stay close by, not down to good training but because they’re total wimps!

Kyuss and Paloma bring so much joy into our home – or, their home rather, because let’s face it, we’re just here to provide treats and kisses!

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Meet Zayat

Whether she’s stealing tea towels or picking up things they drop, Zayat is always making Mandy and her family laugh with her cheeky antics

Zayat is such a character. She does so many funny things, and always makes us laugh. She’s also very clever, so if we drop anything, even if it’s tiny, she’ll find it, put it between her lips and look at us. Then we’ll ask her ‘what’ve you got?’, and she finally spits it out so we can see what it is.

We call her the phantom tea towel snatcher

We can hide anything, say ‘go find it’ and she would sniff it out. She often understands what we’re saying, so she knows people by name, and can read our body language. If we need cheering up, Zayat will always make us feel better.

She loves to take our socks off and our hats. We call her the phantom tea towel snatcher as she will steal the tea towel at any opportunity. We don't even realise she’s taken it as she does it so craftily, then she runs off with it so proudly. Life would be very dull without Zayat – she’s a one off!

Meet Doris

Doris supported Alice through her struggles with depression, and now she continues to fill her life with love and laughter

Doris is my rock. She is the four-legged love of my life and my absolute best friend. She was by my side through my depression and just understood – she knew I needed her.

She was, and still is, my reason to get out the house each day, even though she is a complete princess and HATES wind and rain. She’s the reason I laugh and smile so much.

She is the four-legged love of my life

She’s also a complete sass queen and will always refuse to leave the beach. She’ll walk round any puddle and go to extreme lengths to avoid mud, but will charge straight into the sea!

Doris will shred a tennis ball in seconds, but will treasure any cuddly toy for months – or years. Her favourite game is chase but, if no one’s around to play, she’ll take a toy to the top of the stairs and launch it down by herself on repeat!

Meet Guiness

When Caroline suffered a bad injury, her dog Guiness was there to nurture her back to health

In 2012, I had a very bad horse riding accident and was hospitalised. When I could return home my little Guiness hadn't seen me in nearly two weeks, so he knew something was wrong.

He wasn't too pushy for fusses or cuddles and wouldn’t get under my feet like he used to. For weeks, he would walk behind me and follow me up the stairs, just to make sure I was always ok. Once, when I did need help, he ran to get my mother by barking at her and leading her towards me.

Guiness has always kept a smile on my face

If he hadn’t looked after me so well and kept me entertained, I don't think I'd have been so quick to recover. I wanted to get better so I could take him for walks again, or even to local dog shows. Guiness has always kept a smile on my face with all his quirks, and I’ll be forever grateful for having a smart and protective companion to look out for me.

Nowadays, I'm all healed and Guiness has turned into a grumpy old man! He has to have a morning nap and be fed on his schedule with no room for lateness – but he’ll always be my best boy, no matter what.

Meet Bruno

Bruno has allowed Ellie and her partner to both overcome the loss of previous dogs

After losing my old dog Kai in November 2020, I was absolutely heartbroken. I couldn’t go to work, couldn’t eat or drink, my hair started to fall out – a lot. I said to myself I’d never get another dog, as I didn’t want to get heartbroken again. I met my partner in May 2021. He lost his dog in 2019 and he had the exact same problems with heartbreak.

For our one year anniversary, my partner bought me Bruno. I was so happy, I cried for hours! Since having Bruno, he has mended my heart and fixed a piece of me that was missing. He has cured my anxiety and depression, I am off my medication now for mental health. I was due to have the gastric sleeve this year, however, he has given me the motivation to go on long walks, I have lost nearly 7 stone now!

He is such an intelligent dog for nine months old

My partner is type 1 diabetic. Bruno magically knows when his sugars are high or low. He will jump all over me and won’t stop until I check my partner’s sugars, and would you believe it, they are either dangerously high or low. He is such an intelligent dog for nine months old. He is the best little man and he really deserves to be dog of the year or month as without him, I wouldn’t be here today. He truly is my little angel.

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