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British Dogs

Meet River

Simona and her dog River love going on adventures together – so much so, Simona’s even written a book inspired by one of their trips!

River is my little adventure buddy and inspiration.

My goal is to enrich her life and we often embark on UK adventures together, exploring our surroundings and taking part in activities! She’s motivated me to be better and keeps me active on our daily walks and hikes.

She truly is my muse

I’ve even published a book inspired by one of our trips – written as though it’s from her point of view. This opened up my creativity and allowed me to face a challenge I thought would be impossible due to my dyslexia.

She’s also my personal photography model and we often go out to scenic places and have photoshoots. She truly is my muse. Without River, I believe my life would be quite boring and lack adventure. She’s opened up so many opportunities for me, which I will be forever grateful for.

Meet Teddy

From the moment Beth saw Teddy, she knew he was going to be part of her family

Teddy came into the vets where I work needing a home. My little girl had been desperate for a dog for so long, and I knew straight away he was theone for us.

I knew straight away he was the one for us

We brought him home just before the first lockdown and he is the best thing that could have happened to us. He became my daughter’s best friend and helped her get through a really tough time. He also gets us out for walks in all weathers, which has been amazing for our fitness. He is like a snuggly little bear, and we feel like the luckiest dog owners in the world.

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Meet Duke

Since adopting him, Natalie has watched Duke grow from a timid puppy into a cheeky, happy dog.

I met Duke when I was on holiday in Zante, visiting the dog shelter we often volunteer at. The day we arrived, a little dog was running around inside, clearly terrified. We had to use our ham sandwiches to try and coax him towards us! Luckily it worked, and we got him back into his pen. We kept an eye on him for the next week or so, but sadly, on the last day of our trip, he became ill and had to go to the vets. We sat with him right up until we had to get on our plane home – it was heartbreaking.

The vet kept us up-to-date and a week later, Duke had recovered and was allowed back to the shelter. By this point, we had decided to adopt him and bring him home to live with us when he was ready.

Duke is now a solid part of the family

He arrived three months later, extremely nervous and unsure of everything. We took him to meet my parents’ three other dogs, who are also from Greece. He was nervous at first but he did well, soon becoming best friends with one of the dogs Ella. Ten months on and Duke is now a solid part of the family. Since I work from home, he’s had to learn how to deal with my constant company. He likes to come and poke his head into the camera while I’m on a call to say hello to my colleagues!

He still has his moments and he's a very skittish boy, but once he's approved you (he does this by sticking his nose in your face and licking your ears), he’ll happily sit on top of you and wait for a tummy rub!

Like all the other rescues we work with, Duke has his 'quirks', some of which will stay with him forever and some that will disappear the more confident he gets. It’s lovely to watch his character grow as he gets more comfortable around us. He’s come such a long way already, both physically and mentally, and I can’t wait to watch him blossom even more.

Meet Harry

With Tyler’s help, Harry has transformed from a neglected rescue dog to a cheeky little chap, enjoying his senior years

We adopted Harry roughly two months ago from Dogs Trust and, since having him in our life, we feel whole.

Harry hadn’t had the easiest start. When he was first donated to Dogs Trust, he was so matted that they didn’t even know if he was a boy or girl. Our poor baby was known as Harriet for a while, until his matted fur was shaved, and they discovered he was in fact a boy!

We like to think it’s us who saved him, but I think it’s the other way round!

From the first photo we saw of Harry, we knew we had to make him part of our family. It didn’t matter to us that he was an older dog. I think it bothered him more when he had to suffer several hour-long trips back and forth to have six of his teeth removed – he hated the car more than the dentist!

Harry has settled in well at home and he completes our family. He is super cheeky and will do anything for a treat. He’ll jump, walk on two legs, doggy paddle with his paws and occasionally try to sneak food off our plates. Being old, he can’t walk too far, but he gets super excited when his dad comes home from work and zooms around the house like a baby. Often when we do go on walks, he will refuse to walk home and has to be carried like a new-born – I think he definitely weighs more though!

We are so grateful that Harry is part of our family. He has brought happiness and wholesomeness to our hearts. We like to think it’s us who saved him, but I think it’s the other way round!

Meet Drax

Jennifer’s dog Drax may be clumsy, but that just makes him all the more adorable

We think our dog Drax may actually be a small bear. He’s huge, huggable and absolutely ridiculous. We rescued him from being put to sleep just two days before Christmas, and it’s still impossible to believe no one wanted him!

He’s actually the clumsiest animal

Drax look majestic and is very handsome, but he’s also extremely clumsy. He knocks over pretty much anything in his path, will break through closed doors if you shut him in a room even for just a minute, and always shouts at you if he doesn’t agree with what you’re doing. But Drax is also the most loveable dog I’ve ever met – and that’s saying something, because as fosterers, we’ve encountered a lot.

We may have rescued Drax, but really, I think he rescued us more.

Meet Harry

Lisa’s dog Harry knows exactly what he wants – and lucky for him, he always gets it!

Our dog is a two-year-old Cocker Spaniel called Harry. He loves to be pampered, and will happily sit and let you groom him for hours at a time!

Harry is the first dog we’ve had in our family. We got him after my gran died, hoping that he would be a positive presence in our lives and give us something to focus on – and that’s exactly what he’s done. He keeps my mum company while we’re all at work, and is always so fun to be around. He really has transformed our lives.

He loves to be pampered

Despite being generally very easygoing, he can get stroppy when he wants to, and enjoys barking at strangers as they pass the house. I’m pretty sure he thinks it’s his castle, and that he’s protecting us! He has lots of little quirks, like running around in circles whenever someone he loves comes to the door, or bringing us treats – usually a dog biscuit – when we’ve been away for a while.

Harry loves to sleep on my parents’ bed, and even has his own spot on the sofa. He truly is our pampered pooch, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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