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British Dogs

Meet Ripley

Cheerful Ripley knows exactly when to lend a supportive paw to her owner, Andrew

Ripley, our Hungarian Vizsla, holds a special place in our hearts because of her boundless energy, unwavering loyalty and gentle nature.

She's always ready for an adventure, bringing joy and laughter into our lives with her playful antics.

She’s a cherished member of our family

Ripley's affectionate demeanour makes her an irreplaceable companion. She’s super intuitive when it comes emotions, too – offering us comfort and love in times of need.

She’s more than just a pet, she’s a cherished member of our family whose presence makes every day brighter.

Meet Silkie

Maria is in awe of how much Silkie has helped her son Hayden come out of his shell

Our dog is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Silkie. We’ve had him since he was just 12 weeks old and he is now around 18 months. He is a dog that loves cuddles, playing, and just making the most of all life has to offer.

He’s made such a huge difference to our family, but particularly to my 17-year-old son Hayden, who has autism and multiple other needs. Prior to Silkie, Hayden was very withdrawn and almost didn't speak. He hadn’t left the house for months, not even to go into the garden. As his parents, we were at our wits end and so sad at the limited life he was leading.

From the moment we brought Silkie home, he and Hayden bonded. It was as if Silkie knew he needed a friend. Initially, cuddles and playing indoors were the order of the day. On a couple of occasions, Silkie would pick up his toy and go out of our back door to the garden, wagging his tail and prancing as if to say to Hayden 'Come out and play!'. At first, Hayden would just call Silkie back in, but eventually he went outside, moving further down the garden as he became more confident. Silkie encouraged him further, coaxing him out for longer and waiting patiently for him to follow, almost as if he knew he was scared.

Silkie knew Hayden needed a friend

Before we knew it, Hayden was running up and down the garden and confident enough to go out there on his own. Because he wanted to do his best for Silkie, Hayden even progressed to coming out with us on dog walks. Initially, this was just locally, but soon he began to take Silkie to more interesting places, like the vets. Thanks to Silkie, he’s no longer afraid of people, and will happily stop and chat to them about dogs. Sometimes, he even ventures into shops, which he would never even think of doing before.

Silkie has brought our family so much joy. He’s not only offered us all loyalty and companionship, but he’s transformed Hayden’s world. For the first time in a long while he is happy, and the confidence he’s gained has allowed him to grow in all areas in his life. He’s re-entered education (which he had missed for around 18 months), goes on outings and has his own friends. None of this would have happened without Silkie.

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Meet Sissy

She may be small, but Sissy has had a huge impact on Jessica and her parents’ lives

Every morning, Sissy wakes me with a bang on the door as she uses all of her tiny strength to batter her way into my bedroom. You would think she loves me, but really she just wants to curl up and sleep for an extra hour after my parents get up. She has a habit of curling up next to me like a freshly baked, fluffy cinnamon swirl – with her signature pink tail.

The best times with Sissy are on our local beach in Conwy. As soon as she gets on the beach (after 200+ sniffs and wees) she fires off like a rocket, running at 100 mph, stopping only to lie on her back and do a wriggly breakdance in the sand.

Sissy is the glue that holds us all together

There are four of us in our family, and Sissy is the glue that holds us all together. My dad works on ships that go all over the world, and his goal is to leave a Sissy hair on every ship in the sea. We go nowhere without her – she has had her picture taken on the beach in Cannes, the Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland and next to a Ferrari in Monte Carlo.

The best thing about Sissy is her affectionate nature and her often wonky looks. Having completed my PhD during the lockdowns, she was my loyal companion sitting on my knee with her head on the keyboard. Day after day, she was there to bring smiles to zoom meetings (and often a great excuse to leave them!).

She can go from looking the best in show after a brush, to looking like a drunk Donald Trump after a good windswept breakdance on the beach. The most special thing about having her as a baby sister is waking up with her under my chin, snuggled up warm and peaceful.

Meet Nim

Katie know Nim was the dog for her when she was only a four-week-old pup, and since then she’s only continued to prove her right

Nim has only been in my life for 11 months, but I met her on the day she was born. And when she tried to drink some of my gin at four weeks old, I knew that was it – we were best friends for life.

She is the happiest and most trusting little spaniel. She loves a beach walk and digging holes, often barking and growling as she digs as she gets cross when the sand falls back in! She also loves an open field where she leaps like a gazelle through long grass.

My life has never felt more fulfilled

She adores all of the people in her life, and she likes to round everyone up and keep them together. When visiting my mum and dad (her grandparents), she won’t settle down to relax until we’re all squashed onto the same sofa. Otherwise, she spends all night swapping from seat to seat and glaring at whoever dares to sit elsewhere.

She is consistently the reason I get up in the morning, and the reason I travel around the country to visit beautiful places that I think she deserves to see. I work very hard to provide the life for her that she deserves, and my life has never felt more fulfilled than it has since the day she came home.

Meet Clyde

Jenny loves Clyde for many reasons, especially the way he takes care of her mum

Clyde is 12 years old, but he’s been part of our family ever since he was a little ball of fur. My dad passed away nearly 2 years ago now, and Clyde has been the most loyal and loving companion for my mum. I don’t know what she’d do without him.

He loves the rain, playing with his favourite ball and eating yummy snacks. He has arthritis in his legs and so he falls down sometimes, but while his body may be getting old, he still has the mind of a puppy. He’s constantly wagging his tail and ready to play, he’s such a happy boy.

He’s such a happy boy

Clyde enjoys nothing more than stealing your spot on the sofa as soon as you get up. If you leave even for a second, he’ll be lying there waiting for you when you come back. He’s also not keen on getting his photo taken, though he’s really photogenic, and we all utterly adore him. I think he still has the same puppy dog eyes we fell in love with all those years ago.

Meet Bella Bear

Heather has adopted many Miniature Schnauzer’s in her lifetime, but few live up to Bella Bear

We rescue female Miniature Schnauzer dogs from puppy farms. Over the past 20 years, we’ve rescued 16 – each with their own set of fears, neuroses, strange habits and physical problems after years in the most dreadful environments.

Two years ago, we suddenly lost a very young rescue who had a heart murmur. I looked online and saw that there was a nine-month-old Miniature Schnauzer in a rescue in Wales. On the hottest day of the year, we travelled 300 miles to get her and 300 miles to bring her home. Since that day she has delighted us with her youth, her love for everyone and her exuberance for life.

She is a true joy

She is always happy. She insists on cuddling and playing with the four much older dogs we have and they seem to forget their traumas and woes when they’re around her. She patrols the garden endlessly to ensure no pigeon, jackdaw, or rook lands. But she’ll give robins and blackbirds safe access. She insists on taking out a soft toy every time she goes into the garden. But she always leaves them there. She greets us with squeals of delight even if we’ve only been gone for five minutes. She sleeps between us on her own pillow, never moving, but pressing against my back as though to say ‘I’ve got you’. Everyone loves Bella Bear. Although we don’t seek a reward for rescuing these dogs, I believe she is our reward for looking after all our ‘damaged’ girls over the years. She is a true joy.

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