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British Dogs

Meet Remi

It’s been a difficult few years for Jason, but Remi’s love and playfulness has been a huge help on hard days

My black Lab, Remi, is one of the most affectionate yet mischievous dogs I've ever had! She’s always up for a cuddle and loves to sit beside me on the couch and steal my seat when I move.

Remi has been very important to me over the last few years

Remi has been very important to me over the last few years, as one of my family members has been struggling with mental health issues. I'm not really someone who likes to talk, so having Remi by my side has really helped me get through it all.

Meet Guiness

When Caroline suffered a bad injury, her dog Guiness was there to nurture her back to health

In 2012, I had a very bad horse riding accident and was hospitalised. When I could return home my little Guiness hadn't seen me in nearly two weeks, so he knew something was wrong.

He wasn't too pushy for fusses or cuddles and wouldn’t get under my feet like he used to. For weeks, he would walk behind me and follow me up the stairs, just to make sure I was always ok. Once, when I did need help, he ran to get my mother by barking at her and leading her towards me.

Guiness has always kept a smile on my face

If he hadn’t looked after me so well and kept me entertained, I don't think I'd have been so quick to recover. I wanted to get better so I could take him for walks again, or even to local dog shows. Guiness has always kept a smile on my face with all his quirks, and I’ll be forever grateful for having a smart and protective companion to look out for me.

Nowadays, I'm all healed and Guiness has turned into a grumpy old man! He has to have a morning nap and be fed on his schedule with no room for lateness – but he’ll always be my best boy, no matter what.

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Meet Flo

Frontline worker Jodi got Flo to keep her dad company – and now their world revolves around her.

Flo was an isolation puppy from the Dogs Trust. She came into our lives at just the right time. Both my mum and I are frontline workers caring for the local community. And my dad recently had his right leg amputated after a long battle with cancer. We live in a small secluded village and we were worried about how my dad would cope with being housebound while we were both at work.

In came Flo, with her unusual beagle colours and regal attitude. She fits right in with our older dog Flash and has already become the boss of the house. She’s more interested in snuggling up to my dad on the sofa than playing in the garden. And every Thursday at 9pm she sits on the spot for the clapping for our carers. We all think she believes this round of applause is for her – she even pops a paw up when it’s over!

She came into our lives at just the right time

She loves her home comforts and drags her blanket with her everywhere she goes. She’s always ready for nap o’clock. But most of all she loves tummy rubs. She is now 14 weeks’ old and celebrating her fourth week with the family who love and spoil her far too much already.

When I asked the family what their favourite thing about Flo was everyone was in agreement: it was her love of carrying a stick on every walk, especially when they’re three times the size of her and too heavy to carry.

It’s Flo’s world really, we just live in it.

Meet Harry

When Paul wanted to change his lifestyle for the better, Harry was there to lend a paw

I work in IT, which means I have a very sedate life.After I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes a few years ago, I was encouraged to increase my daily activity. To help with this, we decided to get a dog, and so Harry the English Springer Spaniel bounded into our lives.

He’s becoming a very friendly pup

Socialisation has been a challenge, as we live in a rural location so Harry doesn’t get to see a lot of people on a daily basis. However, he’s becoming a very friendly pup. He’s never happier than when he’s outside, either exploring in the woods or being my gardening assistant. He especially likes to carry branches to the compost heap or dig out old fenceposts. We really couldn’t imagine life without him.

Meet Lily

Lily’s love for life has helped Kathryn’s children to get outside and stay positive

Lily is a fun-loving English Springer Spaniel. She is obsessed with tennis balls and loves to swim!

Her boundless energy and love for the outdoors is helping my four teenagers to get through lockdown. She gives them something to do each day and gets them out of the house and into the fresh air.

She keeps our whole household smiling

One of her favourite pastimes is chasing my 19-year-old son as he skateboards around the park. Lily is truly bonkers and a best friend to all of my children. She keeps our whole household smiling through even the darkest days.

Meet Brody

Brody is always around to look out for Amy and her family

Brody is the most loving dog. He brought my partner and I closer togetherwhen we took him on his daily walks during lockdown. He is patient, caring and playful, and he always looks after our new-born son, laying with him when he cries, or staying at our feet when we feed him.

He always looks after our new-born son

He also has a great sense of humour and a very playful character. For instance, he likes to survey the neighbourhood as though he’s a watchdog, he barks at his treats and spends hours playing with his ball. Brody is a truly special dog.

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