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British Dogs

Meet Rapha

When Dawn adopted her rescue dog Katsi, Rapha was great at helping her adjust to life in a happy home

My Rapha is a very well-behaved Cockapoo. He’s also my therapist who has helped me through the toughest times!

Fifteen months ago, I decided to rescue my other dog, Katsi. She’d been chained up and had three pups with her, who are all also in good homes now. I saw the advert on Facebook but wasn’t interested in the pups, as Rapha was already six and it’s a big age gap! I knew he would be better with an adult dog, and long story short, he welcomed her with open paws, even though she was terrified at first. Now, they’re besties and share my bed with mutual respect for each other.

Rapha is kind even though he’s been attacked several times. The last time was nasty, as both dogs were on lead and the other owner got dragged over to us – she couldn’t stop her very large dog! Now, he’s understandably cautious of other dogs when he’s on his lead, so he growls a little. Off lead, there’s no problem. He’s just a friendly, loving little boy who loves life.

He’s just a friendly, loving little boy who loves life

I love walking and so do Rapha and Katsi. We often go on walking holidays together. Rapha loves a café or pub on our walks. He’ll drag me in if he thinks it’s time for a snack. At home, when I’ve been out, he runs up to greet me with a shoe, toy or even his bed in his mouth as a gift and he wiggles so much. He’ll panic if he can’t find something to give me!

He’s loving, caring, and a loyal best friend to both me and Katsi. He’s definitely shown her how to be a pet and how to play. We’re working on trust still, but we’re getting there. She trusts him, me and a handful of other people. She also looks to him for guidance as he’s a great role model.

He doesn’t like to wear a coat when it’s wet and will sit and refuse to move until it’s removed. In lockdown, my daughter started making dog accessories to fill the time, and he was the model! He really is a first-class dog in every way.

Meet Teddy

Stuart’s dog Teddy has transformed his outlook on life, and now he starts every day with a smile

Just as my parents before me, we finally succumbed to my daughter’s persistent requests to get a puppy. A few months later we arrived home with Teddy, a 12-week-old Golden Retriever. I’ll admit, before Teddy I never would have classed myself as a dog-fanatic – but oh how my opinion has changed!

I'm 51 and have suffered with severe anxiety all my life, but Teddy’s smiling face and unconditional love have uplifted me beyond belief. I had could never have imagined the positive impact he’d have on my wellbeing, but he really has had a hugely profound impact on all of our lives.

Uplifted me beyond belief

Because of my anxiety, I tend to wake up very early every morning, which can be frustrating. But now that I have Teddy I’ve started using that time to get out for a walk in the woods, which always helps me to start the day in a better mood. Watching him bound around and explore with such energy and relentless enthusiasm just makes me so happy. He’s always so determined to catch a bird, but hasn’t yet grasped the fact that he can’t fly!

Before Teddy, I never truly understood what it meant when people referred to dogs as ‘man’s best friend’ – but now, I couldn’t be without him. Just looking at his smiling face fills me with joy and makes me feel optimistic about the day ahead.

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Meet Teddy

Teddy is constantly making his owner Callum laugh with his hilarious antics

Teddy is a real character. I’m sure he thinks he’s a cat, as I’ll often find him attempting to climb the cat tree, which never ends well for him! He sure knows how to have fun – one minute he’ll be playing with his toys and the next he’s doing his famous Greyhound impression. He can also bea little terror, but no matter what he’s doing, he’ll always put a smile on your face.

He sure knows how to have fun

Meet Buddy

Ever since he came into their lives, Buddy has been Victoria’s daughter’s closest companion

Buddy belongs to my 14-year-old daughter, Abbie. For four years, from the age of three, she wanted a dog. Eventually, she chose Buddy, a two-day-old red Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and we visited every other week until he could come home with us.

Abbie has been committed to Buddy ever since. She’s been taking him training twice a week, every week, since he was old enough to go to puppy classes. She feeds him and bathes him and does everything for him. She has even researched the best food for maintaining his health.

The bond they have is wonderful to see

The bond they have is wonderful to see. When Abbie is unwell or struggling with her asthma, Buddy never leaves her side, choosing to lay next to her until she is well. As a team, they have worked together, competing in Obedience and Rally shows around the region. They’ve also competed at Crufts and won first place many times. This year, they were even chosen to be part of the Northern Team for the Interregional Rally competition at Crufts, where they won first place again.

As well as training, they love to play. Buddy loves balloons and will bounce around for hours with one. He often has Abbie in fits of giggles. When it snows, Buddy tries to help Abbie build snowmen but usually ends up digging them until they fall! He doesn’t like water and will do anything to avoid puddles, but if he sees Abbie going into the sea, he always makes sure he stays with her.

Abbie is quiet around people, but Buddy gives her the confidence to talk. He’s brought her out of her shell and together they are amazing. He really is a special dog. Best friends for life!

Meet Dennis

Dennis is the dog of Gillian’s dreams – and he’s even won round her husband, too!

After many years of persuasion, my husband finally agreed to get a dog, which was great news for my son and daughter who had always wanted one.

Not long after, I found Dennis, an adorable Border Terrier. It felt like it wasmeant to be. He has been the best thing to happen to our family since thechildren were born. Dennis has helped us get through lockdown, and to deal with our grief, as my mother-in-law sadly passed away not long before we brought him home.

Dennis has helped us get through lockdown

He’s also been my daughter’s home-school buddy and has boosted her confidence when she’s had down days. Our adorable pup has even brought a smile to my fathers-in-law’s face, for which we’ll be forever grateful.

All that being said, it’s surprisingly my husband who is Dennis’s biggest fan!

Meet Indie

Lena struggled with Indie as a pup, but 13 years later, she’s more than happy she persevered with her

I rescued Indie when she was six months old. By then, we were already her third owners. She’s a Great Dane Labrador cross and she’s going to be 13 in April.

I’ve had many wonderful years with her

She was certainly a challenge and we shed a lot of tears. My husband at the time even wanted to rehome her. But she’s such a character and I’ve had many wonderful years with her since.

She’s one of seven dogs that I own currently. Six of them are rescues from Apollo’s Angels, which is a charity in Cyprus I’ve been involved in running for the last 10 years. We’ve now rehomed more than 1,200 abandoned hunting dogs from Cyprus to the UK. This July will be the charity’s 10th anniversary.

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