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British Dogs

Meet Pippi

Cute, snuggly and quirky, Pippi never fails to make her owner Jessica laugh

Pippi is a sweetheart. She adores people and wants to be best friends with everyone she meets. She loves to beg for cucumber slices and then sneak away to eat them in secret!

Due to an infection, Pippi has no teeth. So, when she falls asleep, her little tongue sticks out of her mouth. She looks so funny!

I’m a very proud pup mum!

I’m disabled and she loves to just sit and cuddle me. She always makes me feel better.

Pippi has just had knee surgery, so she’s been stuck inside to recover but she’s been so good. I’m a very proud pup mum!

Meet Mackenzie

Mackenzie is a treasured member of Aynslie’s family

Our beloved boy Mackenzie has given us so many precious memories. From jumping onto a stranger’s skateboard when we walked past a group of teenagers to running into a shop and stealing a bread roll, we’re alwayslaughing when he’s around.

We’re always laughing when he’s around

We have our ups and downs as a family, but Mackenzie is the glue that holds us all together. We’ll cherish our time with him forever.

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Meet Daisy

Daisy has inspired Justine with her gentle, considerate and delightful nature

Daisy came into my life when she was 14 months old. My partner and I bought her from a family that hadn't treated her well. She was extremely nervous, but with a lot of love and patience, she blossomed into a confident, friendly, beautiful Jack Russell.

Eight months later, I went into A&E. It turned out that I had sepsis and was put into an induced coma. I was in intensive care for two months. Then, three months later, I came home.

Daisy and I needed to bond again but I was still very ill, so she couldn't sit on my knee or come too close to me anymore.

Daisy was so patient throughout it all. No one needed to tell her to what to do, she simply kept her space until I called her. When the nurses came over, she’d quietly sit in the other room – bless her!

Her lovely ways kept me alive

My partner became my carer, as well as Daisy's only walker. During this time, I was depressed and house bound, but she slept with me when I was poorly and gave me gentle kisses to cheer me up. Her lovely ways kept me alive when I wanted to end it all.

I now live on my own and she’s still a beautiful, loving, caring girl. I'm just starting to walk her again (with the help of my walker) and she’s learned how to walk beside me without ever running away.

Daisy loves it when I sing her a lullaby and she always looks so content when I tell her how pretty she is. She watches birds with amazement and her tail looks like a helicopter when she wants a treat. She loves walking with her doggy friends, and loves her own company, too.

My dear Daisy is a wonderful soul. She has all of my heart, and I thank my lucky stars that she’s in my world.

Meet Herbie

Herbie brings endless love and laughter into Emily’s life

Herbie is a rescue from Beagle Welfare. We adopted him in June 2019 to keep our bereaved dog company. He immediately settled in, though I think he was a bit surprised at how long our walks usually last!

He seems glad to be a part of our household, and we’re so happy to have him. Herbie is adorable and loves everything and everyone. He enjoys stealing dropped items from the floor and will do anything for food. We started dog training classes with him last year, but we had to begin at puppy level. We haven’t made much progress – he’s so cheeky and makes such a spectacle of himself every time, but I think he just loves to be the class clown.

I think he just loves to be the class clown

When he sees other dogs, he likes to play hide and seek, except he doesn’t hide, he just lies down until they come up to him. He won’t move until they do, and we’ve had so many awkward encounters where we’ve had to explain to strangers that Herbie’s waiting for their dog to say hello.

Herbie deserved to be part of a family, and now he is living his best life. We are so grateful for him and the way he’s brightened our world.

Meet Skip

Skip went through a lot before he was rescued, but now he’s living his best life with a new prosthetic leg and plenty of love from Carly

Skip is a rescued Spanish Galgo. We’ve had him for just over a year. He was found chained up in a derelict barn, with just bread rolls around him that he’d been eating. He was also missing the lower part of a back leg.

A charity took him on, but he was incredibly nervous and unsure around people. They think his leg had been caught in a snare trap – who knows how long he had been like that.

He walks on the new leg as if it was his own

The only options were to amputate the leg or have a prosthetic made. I’m a vet nurse and I work in canine rehabilitation, so we made the decision to try the prosthetic. It was made bespoke for Skip by an amazing company in America and he hasn’t looked back.

Now, he walks on the new leg all the time, as if it was his own. Though he’s still shy at times, he’s grown so much in confidence, and he helps us raise funds for the charity who rescued him.

Meet Willa

Whether she’s demanding cuddles or knocking things over, Willa always makes Gillian and her family laugh with her silly personality

Willa is a daft German Shorthaired Pointer. She loves to walk and scent chase. You hardly see her on a walk but one whistle and she's back in a second – unless something requires her urgent attention!

In the house, she’s a massive lap dog. She wants cuddles and covers even when it's 28° outside. She runs a tight ship too: breakfast at 8am prompt, lunchtime snack at 12 exactly, dinner at 5pm and supper at 9pm on the button. We joke that she is a dictator. This is her life and you’re privileged to be a part of it, thank you very much!

She always makes us laugh with her silly antics

She always makes us laugh with her silly antics. Her nickname is doof-dog because she 'doofs' things with her nose and knocks them over. When you’re in the bath. the deodorant often ends up in with you! She also has a weird obsession with metal and likes to chew coins. She won’t eat them; she’ll just faff about with them in her mouth.

Willa has always been a goof and that's why we love her so much. There is never a dull moment.

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