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British Dogs

Meet Pebbles

Pebbles came into Ellie’s life while she was recovering from breast cancer – and she turned out to be exactly what she needed

I adopted Pebbles when she was 15 weeks old from a rescue centre. She’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the sweetest face and waggy tail. I was recovering from breast cancer at the time, and still felt anxious after a year of treatment. She constantly made me laugh – she’d even walk around with my finger in her mouth, leading me round the room!

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again

Now, she brings me toys and wakes me up every morning with a kiss. She always tells me when she wants a cuddle. She’s just my best friend.

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again and look to the future. We love walks and trips to the pub or shops. I’ve also enrolled her on a scent detection course, and she’s been having so much fun doing it.

I think she actually rescued me, and I’m grateful every day for the happiness and love she provides. Her nickname is Starfish as she sleeps on her back with her legs out, like a starfish.

Meet Doris

Doris supported Alice through her struggles with depression, and now she continues to fill her life with love and laughter

Doris is my rock. She is the four-legged love of my life and my absolute best friend. She was by my side through my depression and just understood – she knew I needed her.

She was, and still is, my reason to get out the house each day, even though she is a complete princess and HATES wind and rain. She’s the reason I laugh and smile so much.

She is the four-legged love of my life

She’s also a complete sass queen and will always refuse to leave the beach. She’ll walk round any puddle and go to extreme lengths to avoid mud, but will charge straight into the sea!

Doris will shred a tennis ball in seconds, but will treasure any cuddly toy for months – or years. Her favourite game is chase but, if no one’s around to play, she’ll take a toy to the top of the stairs and launch it down by herself on repeat!


Meet Teddy

Teddy provides Victoria-Ellen with support as well as a laugh.

Teddy has a mischievous streak. Last Christmas, my mum made a super trifle. Unfortunately, no one noticed Teddy climb on the chair to reach the table, where he promptly started to eat it! My mum straightened up where he had nibbled and none of us noticed what he had done.

My favourite thing about Teddy is the way he gives me so much love

I had his DNA done, and he is a real mix – he’s part Dachshund, part Yorkshire Terrier and part Shih tzu!

My favourite thing about Teddy is the way he gives me so much love and seems to know how I am feeling. I have a learning disability and Teddy is a fantastic support to me.

Once a month he has a hydro session to help his front legs and ease his arthritis. He really enjoys this swimming and it is nice for him and me to do something together just the two of us.

Meet Rocky

Rocky the Corgi is a loyal companion to Helen’s sister, and has helped her thrive in more ways than one

Rocky is my sister’s Corgi. My sister has suffered with asthma and related illnesses for a long time. Sometimes, things get so bad she doesn’t even want to leave the house. Rocky has had a hugely positive impact on her life, as now she loves to go on numerous walks a day with him, even when she isn’t feeling her best.

Rocky is the friendliest dog I know and always has a smile on his face, which is returned by everyone who meets him. He’s so sociable that he’s made friends in the local park, which is great because it means my sister has too. The pair of them are quite well known in our local area.

He’s made friends in the local park

After 12 months, we finally taught him how to walk up the stairs, as his little legs are not the best for this. He has since gained confidence and is so cheeky he even jumps up on the sofa, for which my sister blames me! He likes to keep us on our toes, and once surprised my sister by hiding inside her bed – she only realised when she climbed in!

Rocky is wonderful company and I know my sister would not be without him.

Meet Hero

Grief is an overwhelming thing. But, by simply being by her side, Hero has been an invaluable source of comfort for Julie.

Hero, a rescue dog, came into my life after my husband died. I took him in initially to be part of the family and to train up at agility.

But dealing with the death of my husband then took its toll on me and I now find life very hard to deal with. There is so much that I feel unable to do without support – and that support is coming from all my dogs, but especially Hero who is constantly by my side.

It’s almost as if we’re healing each other

He reads my emotions and responds in the way he feels best. He is now on the way to becoming my emotional support dog. He was such a mess when I took him on, it’s almost as if we’re healing each other. With his help, I hope to get back some normality and I eventually want to see him compete with the rest of our dogs in agility.

Meet Alfred

Alfred is an empathetic dog and a loyal companion, especially to Julia’s daughter – and his quirks just make him all the more loveable!

Alfred is a Weimararner. He gets really anxious if he is left alone and is a very much-loved part of our family. We have a daughter with autism and Alf is her companion and helper, who always seems to sense and know when he needs to be with her and when she needs him. He is also my husband’s personal trainer, getting him outdoors and exercising.

Alf has some strange habits

Alf has some strange habits – he likes to sleep across the arms of two sofas, or if he’s on the sofa then he sleeps with all four legs in the air! He loves the freedom to run around the Dorset meadows at the end of the lane that we live on and is a happy chap with our two cats and always greets them by licking them.

He is such a handsome boy that people always comment on him when he is out and about. He is playful and has a box of toys, his favourite being Gilbert the sloth! He has a favourite kennel, which is in Turnpike in Motcombe Dorset and all the kennel workers love him! He like to ride in my car in the front seat, especially in the Summer with the top down and the wind blowing in his ears!


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