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British Dogs

Meet Peanut

Peanut never fails to bring a smile to Bella’s face, filling her home with love and a little bit of mischief

Ever since Peanut came into my life, every day has become an adventure. At just four months old, this little Frenchie already knows how to keep me on my toes with his sassy personality and hilarious antics.

His mischievousness makes me smile

Whether he’s chasing his own tail or stubbornly refusing to move until he gets his favourite treat, Peanut fills my home with laughter and love. His playful mischievousness makes me smile, even on the toughest days.

Peanut truly has this special ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Meet Sally

Tan’s dog Sally didn’t have the best start in life, but she still manages to find the sunshine in every day

We adopted Sally from a rescue charity called Wolfies Legacy.She was originally a street dog in Tunisia where she suffered a gun wound. Both of her front elbows were severely damaged, and as she didn’t have access to a vet, her front legs ended up becoming set in a bent, upright position.

Despite all she’s been through, Sally is the most loving and trusting dog you could ever wish to meet.She's adapted to walking on her elbows, which we pad to protect, and can sit on her hind legs when she’s begging for treats or if she wants to be picked up. She’s incredibly fast when she wants to be and knows how to jump and hop at speed.

She’s a dog that lives for the moment

We run a home-boarding dog business and Sally is our guidance dog for all the new arrivals.She is super friendly and always makes them feel safeand welcome. Some dogs are a little puzzled by her, as they can't quite figure out why she won't run around with them, but we've noticed how easily they learn to play in ways that accommodate her. It’s truly heart-warming to watch how the dogs interact, accept and embrace Sally’s disabilities.

Being unable to walk very far hasn't stopped Sally from loving life and exploring. We take her out in her buggy every day, and she loves nothing more than to watch the world go by. She’s a dog that lives for the momentand enjoys everything life offers her. Having Sally is a constant reminder that life is what you make it.

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Meet Alfie

Lynn might be retired, but with naughty little Alfie to keep her company, her life is anything but quiet!

We got Alfie when he was just eight weeks old, just after I had retired. I have rheumatoid arthritis and need to keep myself mobile – and Alfie is just what I need, providing me with reason to get out and walk every day.

He can be very naughty

He is physically and mentally a force of nature, but he is such amazing company and we love him dearly. He can be very naughty – he knows what he shouldn’t do but likes to do it anyway! He always makes up for it though, by jumping up and giving us kisses.

Meet Ferdie

Not only has Ferdie been a constant support for Clair for many years, but he’s also helped her foster a range of other animals

Ferdie is a very gentle whippet who has helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs over the years. He has always been so kind, especially to cats. When a new foster kitten or cat gets introduced to Ferdie, he lets them get used to him in their own time. He doesn’t mind whether they want to leap on him and hold onto his neck, or just cuddle him.

His best friend is Otto – an abused cat who finds people really scary. Otto isn’t good at sitting with other cats, but he loves Ferdie and they often sit in an arm chair together. Ferdie is also very gentle with my guinea pigs, and he’s even helped two puppies, who came from very challenging situations, as we got them ready for their forever home.

He’s helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs

In his spare time, Ferdie likes sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. He can regularly be found buried under a sofa throw, no matter how hot it is. He’s a great companion for me, and if I’m upset, he starts whining because he knows I’m struggling. Then when I lose something, he’s always by my side trying to help me find it.

Ferdie is starting to slow down now and I’m having to deal with the realisation that he may not be here much longer. I don’t think I’ll ever meet another dog like him – he’s a dog in a million.

Meet Schubert

Though Schubert can be a bit crazy at times, he always knows when Megan needs him, whether she’s studying for her PhD or helping a stranger in distress

Schubert entered our lives in May 2021. Both of us are currently studying for PhDs and Schubert has been a real lifeline to get us through that. He is clumsy and a hilarious ball of energy, but he also knows when we need calm and he’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own.

He’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own

Just recently, we took Schubert on a walk up the Wrekin in Shropshire and on the way down we encountered a woman who had fallen and broken her ankle. She had three young children with her. Normally Schubert is not brilliant with children, but he could sense how upset they were, and he sat very calmly for nearly two hours, allowing them to hug him, stroke him and just gain comfort from him. Once we were eventually able to continue the walk down the Wrekin, it was completely dark, and Schubert led the way to ensure a safe path for us all. We were very proud of him that day.

Schubert has also suffered a lot with allergies since March this year. He was very subdued for a few months, but we recently added a new puppy, Heidi, to our family. Since then, Schubert has really regained the spring in his step and returned to his playful self. He is still suffering from with his allergies, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Meet Ellie

Ellie is so intelligent that she managed to lead Patricia and her friend to safety after they got lost in the woods

Ellie is naughty, but smart. She thinks and waits, then grabs the opportunity! She’s so intelligent – she’ll picks up things that I’ve dropped, and even fetch the phone.

She helped my heart to heal after the sudden loss of my Dad, then my beloved dog Megan just five weeks later. She has been my constant support and loyal companion for 13½ years.

She has nurtured Maple, our adopted terrified ex-breeder, who had never had a family before. Thanks to Ellie, she is a different dog, and they adore each other. They love to go camping and they can tell when we’re going to get the caravan.

She has been my constant support and loyal companion for 13½ years

Ellie has a fantastic homing instinct. She saved my friend and I from a cold night in the woods a couple of years ago. We had gone for an evening woodland walk, but missed the turn-off and followed the wrong trail.

After four hours trying to find our way back, it was pitch black and we were having to use the torch on my phone, but the battery was nearly spent. By this time, we were totally lost and distressed. We came to a junction of five paths and didn't know where to go.

In tears, I said ‘Ellie, find us the path’. She sniffed around a bit, then set off. We followed her, and lo and behold, 50 yards down the track was a car park! Having found the car park, we were able to walk back to the village. If it hadn't been for Ellie, we could have been there all night in the dark. Clever girl!

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