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British Dogs

Meet Ned

Ned’s visual impairment hasn’t stopped him from being a wonderful friend to Lindsay – as well as a fantastic worker

This is Ned, our English springer spaniel. He lost his sight in one eye shortly after he was born due to a detached retina, but it doesn’t stop him from being a brilliant working dog, a great big brother to 18-month-old Flo the springer, and the best companion to our two children.

We wouldn’t be without him

Ned loves exploring new places with his partners in crime by his side. He’s a loyal, loving, high energy bundle of fun. We wouldn’t be without him!

Meet Graham

With Graham by her side, Emma has the confidence to go out and experience new things, and now the pair are inseparable.

Since Graham has come into my life, he’s inspired me to get out and explore new places, as well as meet new people. I have never been a confident or particularly sociable person but having Graham by my side helps me to feel better and there isn’t anywhere I would go without him!

He’s come with me on a seven-mile-hike around the Peak District, travelled up to my hometown of Sheffield and even comes with me into cafes. Having him has pushed my partner and I to hire a camper van and travel around the Scottish Highlands. It’s always been a dream of mine, and now it’s even more special because he can come along with us!

Helps me to feel better

Graham is a very loving dog and is everyone’s best friend, even if he’s just met them. He is always up for a cuddle and loves giving people a ‘hug’ (where he puts his paw over your arm). I think meeting new people is one of his favourite things, along with food! He loves all food and will shamelessly do tricks for you in an attempt to get some – I haven’t found anything he won’t eat yet, even lettuce!

He’s also a pro at posing for the camera. Because of him photography is now a new hobby of mine, and of course he’s my favourite thing to take photos of. He is such a special dog and I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without him.

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Meet Roux

It was Samantha’s hikes with her cocker spaniel Roux that inspired her to start her own online walking group for solo hikers

Roux is a very special cocker spaniel – he inspired me to get hiking, which has resulted in one of the biggest walking groups in the Peak District.

Having always been a dog lover, I bought Roux with the intention of learning agility as I wanted an active dog that would love the challenge. Sadly, he suffered an injury at three years old that ended our agility dreams, but I was determined to find another job for him.

I started hiking with Roux and my ex-partner and I realised that we had found our calling. Roux loved hopping up and posing on any rock that we would walk past, and I had finally found something that allowed us to spend real quality time together.

When my ex and I separated, I was heartbroken, but I was determined to keep up hiking with Roux. We walked all over the Peak District. But, as a single woman, I did worry about safety and I realised there must be others in a similar position.

He’s been by my side every step of the way

So in March 2020, I started ‘Walking the Peak District’ – a Facebook group to ensure no one ever has to walk alone if they don’t want to. And of course, Roux has been by my side every step of the way. We could explore safely, and of course dogs were more than welcome!

Fast forward two years and Roux and I still hike most weekends. He’s eight now and can’t cover the mileage he used to, but he still hops onto every rock we walk past!

Our group, now called PeaksNPubs, has 3,600 members. It has introduced hundreds of people to walking in the Peak District and taught over 50 people to navigate safely in the hills. I’ve also been voted into the BMC Peak Area committee and I’ve got a dream of training a Search and Rescue dog.

I hope this will be Roux’s legacy. He’s such a loyal dog and he never leaves my side. We know each other’s thoughts, he never lets me down and so many people have been helped because of him. It all started with Roux.

Meet Rapha

When Dawn adopted her rescue dog Katsi, Rapha was great at helping her adjust to life in a happy home

My Rapha is a very well-behaved Cockapoo. He’s also my therapist who has helped me through the toughest times!

Fifteen months ago, I decided to rescue my other dog, Katsi. She’d been chained up and had three pups with her, who are all also in good homes now. I saw the advert on Facebook but wasn’t interested in the pups, as Rapha was already six and it’s a big age gap! I knew he would be better with an adult dog, and long story short, he welcomed her with open paws, even though she was terrified at first. Now, they’re besties and share my bed with mutual respect for each other.

Rapha is kind even though he’s been attacked several times. The last time was nasty, as both dogs were on lead and the other owner got dragged over to us – she couldn’t stop her very large dog! Now, he’s understandably cautious of other dogs when he’s on his lead, so he growls a little. Off lead, there’s no problem. He’s just a friendly, loving little boy who loves life.

He’s just a friendly, loving little boy who loves life

I love walking and so do Rapha and Katsi. We often go on walking holidays together. Rapha loves a café or pub on our walks. He’ll drag me in if he thinks it’s time for a snack. At home, when I’ve been out, he runs up to greet me with a shoe, toy or even his bed in his mouth as a gift and he wiggles so much. He’ll panic if he can’t find something to give me!

He’s loving, caring, and a loyal best friend to both me and Katsi. He’s definitely shown her how to be a pet and how to play. We’re working on trust still, but we’re getting there. She trusts him, me and a handful of other people. She also looks to him for guidance as he’s a great role model.

He doesn’t like to wear a coat when it’s wet and will sit and refuse to move until it’s removed. In lockdown, my daughter started making dog accessories to fill the time, and he was the model! He really is a first-class dog in every way.

Meet Boo

Nicola gives Boo the best life possible, and in return, Boo showers her with affection

We saw an advert for Boo online when she was just four months old, and went to have a look at her. We fell in love with her straight away and welcomed her into our home.

At first she was really scared, and it was clear she had never been played with or cuddled. It wasn’t long before we taught her how good life can be and started to earn her trust. Now, she loves playing in the mud and chasing squirrels.

She has changed our lives

In lockdown, I was taking Boo on lots of walks, which inspired me to start a recall course and become a dog trainer. Now my business is going from strength to strength, all thanks to Boo. She has changed our lives for the better.

Boo has so many quirks that make us all laugh, like the way she sneaks into my bed every night. She really is the cutest dog you could ever ask for!

Meet Lilly

Lilly is affectionate and easy to love, and she’s changed Joy’s life for the better

I re-homed Lilly three months ago from a breeder, and to me, she’s simply the best.

I was feeling quite lonely as I now live by myself, but she brings me so much joy every day.

She brings me so much joy

She always wants lots of tickles and strokes, and she walks really well when we go out with my mobility scooter. We have plenty of funny moments together and it makes me laugh so much when she barks to have the fan on her.

Lilly is also perfectly calm – until she sees any delivery men!

Because of her, I’m no longer lonely.

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