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British Dogs

Meet Morgan

Suzanne and her faithful rescue dog Morgan have an amazing bond

Morgan is from the local rescue centre, but I’m not sure if I rescued him or he rescued me!

With just one look, we made an instant connection at the centre, which was only one month after I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then, he’s faithfully been by my side.

Each morning, he nudges me with his nose when it’s time for me to get up, waiting patiently while I struggle to get moving due to stiffness and pain. He carries my socks downstairs from the bedroom and helps me load the washing machine, keeping watch as I load it and spinning round once the task is complete.

Thank you for being my special friend

He loves the pop-up toaster and yelps with excitement to let me know when the toast is ready, but his favourite part of the day is his walk, which he encourages me to do regularly. I feel so much better after seeing him run so freely with his friend Jessie. He brings me great joy.

Finally, after his tea and when it’s time for bed, he pushes the recliner chair footrest in for me and off we go to bed. He curls up next to me making me feel contented and safe.

Thank you, Morgan, for being you and for being my special friend.

Meet Lucas

Though Lucas finds the outside world pretty daunting, he’s always happy when he’s at home with Julie and her family

Lucas is my boy, my shadow and my fur baby, and he means the world to us. He came into our lives when he was 13 months old. We don't know an awful lot about his past, other than he had two previous homes before he found us.

At home, he’s adorable. He’s the funniest, most loving dog who greets us with a happy dance and a smile. When it comes to the outside world, he just doesn't understand it. He becomes anxious, scared and is obviously uncomfortable. We’ve done everything we can to help him through this, but after five years, we’ve decided to just follow his lead.

I always say that Lucas found us

Lucas is happiest as a sofa surfer. He likes nothing more than curling up or stretching out in the sunniest spot. When I’ve been ill, he’s been at my side. When I cry, he comforts me. When we laugh, he gets excited too.

I always say that Lucas found us, and I truly believe he did. It was only when we got him home for the first time that we realised he was born on the day that my mum passed away. He was meant to live with us, support us and love us, and we were meant to return this in abundance. He’s also the reason I started my small business. So, thank you Lucas, my child with four paws.

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Meet Jax

Ian knows that he’ll never find another dog as loving and loyal as Jax

Jax is the happiest, craziest dog I have ever met.He has an abundance of energy, but as soon as one of our young children enters the room, he’ll instantly calm down and settle with them.

He loves everyone and everything

I had a serious accident not long after adopting Jax, and though I was still fairly new to him, he never left my side. He loves everyone and everything, including our other dogs and cats. He’s even great friends with our rabbit!

I have always been canine-crazy and very close to all my past dogs, but I’ve never had a bond as special as the one I have with Jax. He’s my sidekick, my rock and my very best friend.

Meet Max

With Max around, Barry doesn’t get much peace and quiet – but he wouldn’t have it any other way

Max is my West Highland Terrier. He’s always making us laugh, especially when he tries to be at one with nature – he spends hours watching the birds in our birdbath, and loves playing with the squirrels in the garden.

He likes to keep me company on the charity walks that I take part in. Last year, my wife and I completed a 16-mile walk for the British Heart Foundation. We came home absolutely shattered, but energetic Max lay down for a grand total of 10 minutes, before running around like a sprinter again! This year, I’ve completed a 3.4 million step challenge for Diabetes UK, with my little mate Max by my side all the way.

Max gets excited by anything and everything

Max gets excited by anything and everything, which is a joy to see. The first time he visited the beach, he ran around and around in circles, to the point where my wife was crying with laughter! When he first saw snow he rolled over until he was soaked through – he just has so much energy and finds happiness in everything.

He makes us smile every day. One of the things he loves most is cuddling with his mum (my wife). He’ll jump up and paw at her until she gives in and lets him flop onto her lap. He gets jealous when we’re snuggled up without him, and will even wedge his way in-between us so as not to miss out!

Meet Riley

After a particularly tough start, Riley is now living his best life as the newest member of Rachel’s family

My dog Riley has an epic tale to tell. He was rescued as a puppy when he was found running through the flames of wildfires in Cyprus. He then spent almost a year in kennels before being fostered by a couple and their two dogs. That’s when we found their adoption post on Facebook and began the process.

We’ll keep on loving him for the rest of his life

This dog has been through so much and yet he is truly amazing. We have had him three weeks and we’ve already made so many memories. He gets up every morning and is such a happy boy. He doesn't let his past affect him. He just keeps moving forward.

We love him so much already and have taken him for lots of walks, enjoyed fun times at the agility park and much more. He doesn't always know how to say hello without barking and lunging but is getting better when meeting new dogs. There’s no aggression. He's just full of love and we’ll keep on loving him for the rest of his life.

Meet Mabel

Mabel loves travelling everywhere with her owners – she’s even explored London and been on the tube!

Mabel came into our lives after we lost our Jack Russell Rosie at 16 years old.

The hole left in our hearts was so large, but when we met Mabel, we fell in love instantly, as she looks like a fox and is absolutely gorgeous!

She adores going to new places

She’s a lovely girl who comes everywhere with us on our travels across the UK in our motorhome. She’s even stayed at the Andaz Hotel in London and travelled on an Elizabeth line train. Safely sitting in her backpack, she explored central London and loved it.

She adores going to new places but also loves coming home to see our nine grandchildren and four ‘grandogs’.

We are now off on a three-week adventure to Wales, and again, Mabel will be visiting many of our beautiful sights and discovering new sniffs.

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