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British Dogs

Meet Monkey

When Monkey isn’t competing in shows with Diana, he’s spreading cheer to those who need it most

Named after his love for climbing trees, Monkey enriches my life as well as the lives of many others.

The change he makes to my life is remarkable

We volunteer with Therapy Dogs Nationwide where he brings joy to people in a dementia home, school and prison – all of which are places where the comfort of a dog can brighten difficult days.

The change he makes to my own life is remarkable, too. He loves agility, so we compete in shows. I’m a pensioner but it provides me with a great social life as well as a reason to stay fit and active!

Meet Ruby

When Rosemary discovered Ruby had helped to save her puppies, she knew she was the dog for her

Ruby was a rescue dog from Zakynthos, Greece. She ran out in front of a tourist’s car in the mountains in August this year. Thankfully they stopped, and she led them to a cave where she had five puppies that were about four weeks old. The tourist contacted the local rescue centre who took Ruby and her puppies in. I saw her profile on Facebook and immediately fell in love with her. I applied to adopt her, and she was transported to the UK in October.

Her pups wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t taken action

We’re not sure of her exact age, but the vets have aged her at between one and two years. She is the most lovable dog ever with a fantastic temperament. When I picked her up, she just jumped into my arms, like she knew she was home. I'm forever grateful to the Healing Paws charity for allowing me to adopt her. All of her pups are now also in England and I am in touch with the owners. She had beautiful pups who no doubt would never have survived if she hadn’t taken action when she did.

She has been named after one of her rescuers, who I also keep in touch with. Ruby has changed my life with her lovable ways. She loves her walks and, after having a hip replacement last Christmas Eve, has enabled me to get out as well. My hubby didn't want a dog, but he is so besotted with her now!

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Meet Ellie

Ellie is so intelligent that she managed to lead Patricia and her friend to safety after they got lost in the woods

Ellie is naughty, but smart. She thinks and waits, then grabs the opportunity! She’s so intelligent – she’ll picks up things that I’ve dropped, and even fetch the phone.

She helped my heart to heal after the sudden loss of my Dad, then my beloved dog Megan just five weeks later. She has been my constant support and loyal companion for 13½ years.

She has nurtured Maple, our adopted terrified ex-breeder, who had never had a family before. Thanks to Ellie, she is a different dog, and they adore each other. They love to go camping and they can tell when we’re going to get the caravan.

She has been my constant support and loyal companion for 13½ years

Ellie has a fantastic homing instinct. She saved my friend and I from a cold night in the woods a couple of years ago. We had gone for an evening woodland walk, but missed the turn-off and followed the wrong trail.

After four hours trying to find our way back, it was pitch black and we were having to use the torch on my phone, but the battery was nearly spent. By this time, we were totally lost and distressed. We came to a junction of five paths and didn't know where to go.

In tears, I said ‘Ellie, find us the path’. She sniffed around a bit, then set off. We followed her, and lo and behold, 50 yards down the track was a car park! Having found the car park, we were able to walk back to the village. If it hadn't been for Ellie, we could have been there all night in the dark. Clever girl!

Meet Gizmo

Christina wasn’t a big fan of dogs until she met Gizmo – now, she’s truly besotted!

Before getting my pup, Gizmo, I never really understood the whole dog thing. I wondered why are people so obsessed with their pets?

This completely changed when I met Gizmo. She’s my baby, my precious little puppy and my sweet, never-does-a-thing-wrong-in-her-life angel.

I love her with all my heart

If I could carry her around in a baby carrier on my chest, I would (without embarrassment or hesitation!). In fact, I have more than two thousand photos of her on my phone, and I spend more money on her diet and healthcare needs than I do my own.

I pull myself out of bed come rain or shine to take her for a walk each day. She gives me purpose, she makes me happy, and I love her with all my heart!

Meet Bonnie

Patrizia and her sister may not know Bonnie’s history, but one thingthey are sure of is her wonderful personality

My twin sister and I already had two dogs in our family when we recently decided to foster another. She’s called Bonnie and she’s just seven months old. We got her from a charity called Underdog, who rescued her from Romania.

Loves making new friends

We don’t know her breed but whenever we go out people love to guess. Most seem to think she’s some sort of Husky, Lurcher and Terrier mix, but the jury’s still out on that one!

Bonnie has something of a sheepdog mentality, and always tries to herd other dogs together. She’s so sociable and loves making new friends. During the day she’s crazy and energetic, but as soon as it gets dark, she loves nothing more than crashing out and curling up on our laps.

Meet Rex

Rex brought joy back into Gemma’s life after her mental health suffered while she was in the Army

I got Rex at a very low point in my life. I was in the Army, based down south. I felt very alone and was struggling with my mental health and had a silly attempt at taking some pills.

I truly believe he saved my life

I realised the only thing that gave me any joy was the time I spent around dogs. So, I came across someone looking to rehome Rex and I considered whether I could be the person he needed. I believed I was, and it turns out he was exactly what I needed too.

I truly believe Rex saved my life. Four years on, I’m out of the Army and I have a fiancée who has two kids, so me and Rex are now part of their family.

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