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British Dogs

Meet Mollie

Karen took Mollie in as a foster dog and in return she’s made every day brighter for her

Mollie came to us three years ago as a foster dog and I fell in love with her immediately.

There’s never a bad day with Mollie

She’s blind and epileptic, but this has never stopped her from loving life. She makes every day brighter and has even helped my other foster dogs recover from trauma that they’ve suffered – helping them to realise that life is for living without worries!

You can never have a bad day when you've got a Mollie to snuggle up to.

Meet Daisy

Even though she finds walking difficult, Daisy never lets that stop her from enjoying her life with her owner Gilli

Daisy is so brave. She has a neurological condition that makes her extremely wobbly on her back legs. But she just gets on with life, always happy and wagging her tail. If she falls over, she just gets up and carries on with what she was doing. She goes to hydrotherapy once a week and loves her therapist.

You can’t feel down when Daisy is around

You can’t feel down when Daisy is around as she’s just consistently happy. She makes me smile every day and has really helped me over the years, especially when I was recovering from radiotherapy and major surgery for oral cancer, where half of my tongue had to be removed and rebuilt.

Daisy didn’t care what I looked or sounded like when I was getting my new tongue round speaking clearly. She is simply my joy, along with her 9-year-old Labrador brother Kobi and our five cats. They all keep me on my toes and constantly smiling. Our dancing wobbly dog is simply amazing.

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Meet George

Over the past five years, Liz has watched George transform from a naughty little puppy into the best dog she could ask for

George was the most mischievous pup ever. He was banned from two different dog training classes and the trainer refused to have him. He was also banned from our local pub for trying to bully the landlord’s dog. At home, he chewed through kitchen work tops, chair legs, cushions etc... I could go on.

Now, he’s the best boy ever. Our family wouldn’t be without him. At the age of five, he’s already blind in one eye, but it doesn’t hold him back. We just love him.

George was the most mischievous pup ever

Meet Merlin

Merlin may not be an official assistance dog, but he goes above and beyond for Fiona every single day

Merlin is a very friendly and good-natured Black Labrador. He’s also extremely helpful, and likes to assist his Aunt Scatty (our neighbour) clean out the stable. He follows her up and down the paddock whenever she’s going to the trailer, keen to be of use in any way he can.

As my unofficial assistance dog, Merlin helps my husband Darren care for me. He fetches him when he thinks I need a hand and always looks after me when I fall. He loves to be there for me, picking up things when I drop them and carrying my stuff around the house.

Merlin is my companion and my best friend

My medical problems and disabilities mean that I spend a lot of time resting and confined to my bed. You can always find Merlin curled up on the end, keeping me company. Sometimes, he shares the role with Sammy the cat so he can have a break. Merlin is my companion and my best friend. Most importantly, he knows when I’m upset and always gives me extra kisses and cuddles to make me feel better.

Darren is diabetic, and so Merlin likes to look after him too. He’s quicker than we are to pick up on his low blood sugar, and always knows when Darren needs his medicine – often, he’s the one reminding me!

Merlin is very caring and affectionate, but he can also be a little scamp. He loves putting his cold nose in your ear and trying to give you a bath. He also likes to lend a paw whenever he can, and can often be found helping out with DIY jobs around the house. When he’s not assisting us in our day-to-day lives, Merlin enjoys running around outside and playing with his favourite toy, Bertie Bunny.

Meet Cael

Catherine will forever be grateful for the opportunities her dog Cael has opened up for her

Cael is my rock, my best friend, my teammate and my colleague. I rehomed him from a rescue charity when he was just six months old, and now he has matured into a fantastic dog.

He’s introduced me to several sports, which has helped me to make new friends and keep busy on the weekends. Cael also loves training lessons, and he’s especially good at agility. Training has become our greatest source of relaxation and entertainment, and we love attending sessions together.

He comes with me to keep me company

I work as a vet and whenever I’m called in out of hours, Cael comes with me to keep me company. He helps me and the rest of my colleagues to feel less stressed. He’s even been a blood donor for other dogs in need.

Cael is my best mate, always up for an adventure with me. He’s been my rock through some pretty rough times, and if ever I’m tired or stressed, he never fails to give me a cuddle just to let me know he’s there.

Meet Ozzy

Sarah quit her office job to spend more time with Ozzy, and now he plays an integral role in her dog-walking business

Ozzy comes wherever I go! I am a dog walker and the reason I gave up my office job was to spend more time with Ozzy. We love our job. Ozzy is the foundation of our business as all new dogs have to meet him to determine their behaviour.

I 100% trust Ozzy to welcome every dog he meets. All the dogs we walk know him – the young ones cling to him, the boisterous ones stay away from and the older ones hang out with him.

Ozzy has been through so many failed relationships and house moves with me. He has been my rock. He knows when to comfort me and when to cheer me up. He will cuddle up to anyone in need.

He's my best friend, work colleague and a huge part of our family

He sat with my dad while he was poorly and comforted my mum when she was sad. All without any prompt. He is a fabulous judge of character. With children, he is so gentle. He knows if they are worried and will stay close but allow them to build their confidence.

One of Ozzy’s party tricks is that he moonwalks out of rooms as he’s not a fan of slippery floors. We’re still unsure why walking backwards works?! Also, he can be found drinking like a horse on a hot day, submerging his whole face in the water bowl – something he learnt from his brother (my horse)!

He's my best friend, work colleague and a huge part of our family. He really is the best dog ever.

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