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British Dogs

Meet Mishka

Lisa never planned to get another dog, but when Mishka bounded into her life, she simply couldn’t deny her

‘No,’ I said, ‘I don't want another dog.’ It was too upsetting when my beautiful rescue, Murphy, had died a couple of years before. But my friend (a dog sitter) was conveniently and unavoidably going away for the weekend, so asked if I could look after one for a couple of days.

I already knew that the owner wanted to rehome the puppy. He was working 12 hours a day, and she had stopped eating or drinking and needed to be put on a drip by the vet.

We’re having a wonderful journey through life together

When I picked up the black ball of soft puppy fluff, she nuzzled into my shoulder and subsequently my heart, and we’re having a wonderful journey through life together.

She is exceptionally loving and affectionate, maddeningly barky and full of energy and delight. She passed her assessment to become a PAT Therapy dog and loves to visit patients and residents in care homes to soak up as much fuss as is doggily possible.

Meet Frank

From looking after his health to making him laugh, Frank the Dachshund is James’s best pal

Frank is such a character. He absolutely loves cuddles. Being a Dachshund, he can usually be found snuggling under a blanket, or wrapped up in a cardigan all cosy and warm. He constantly tries to 'burrow' under the duvet if he’s on the bed.

He’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic

He also loves food, and his favourites includes eggs, toast and bananas. Frank can sense when one of us is eating a banana without him. Once youstart peeling, he’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic, ready for a bite!

I suffer from seizures, and Frank always senses when I am having one andwill not leave my side until I have recovered. He’s a firm part of our family

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Meet Suzie

Lorraine wasn’t sure about getting another dog, but from the moment she saw Suzie, she’s never looked back

I wasn't the one who wanted a dog. We'd had one many years before, and it broke our hearts when she had to be put down due to illness. But when my hubby showed me a picture of this little ball of fur (Suzie is a Toy Poodle), the first hurdle was over!

We visited her and brought her home the same day. Immediately, I was under her thumb. Suzie spends most of her days with 'Dad' and greets me as though I've been away for months, not hours. She likes her walks and playing with her ball over the big fields. She loves helping around the garden and sitting on her dad's lap for a snooze and sunbathe.

She makes home life that little bit sweeter for us all

She's with me most evenings – it's almost like we’re tied together by two feet of invisible string. We play with her favourite doughnut toy, and I've found myself reading my book out loud as if she's listening! She sleeps in her upstairs bed on the floor next to me. I always have to say ‘night night’, or she won't settle down.

She also sits in front of me, does a little wave of her paws and 'talks' when she wants attention. Suzie’s a little ball of fur that makes home life that little bit sweeter for us all.

Meet Bernie

Yvonne decided to adopt Bernie after losing her dog, and he’s been making her smile ever since.

Bernie is my fur baby bundle of joy. I lost my dog Lucky who I had for ten years very suddenly, and I swore never to get another dog as the pain losing them is horrendous. But after four months of coming home to an empty house, I decided to adopt.

That’s when I got Bernie and I’m so glad I did. He makes me laugh and cry. We have cuddles and he sleeps by my side, he snores and belches very loudly after every meal or treat! He loves his tennis ball – I sometimes have to throw it in the house for him.

Every dog deserves to be loved

My friend calls him Lamb Chops because he looks like one! He jumps very high when he wants your attention or to go for walk. I just love him to bits as he's helped me through some really bad times. In summer or when weather’s fine, there’s a group of us with dogs and he loves playing with all his friends. It makes you smile knowing they are happy. Every dog deserves to be loved.

Meet Lola

After being told that Lola would be too difficult to train, Alannah proved everyone wrong by transforming her into a fully qualified performer

I adopted Lola nine years ago. She was rescued from an Irish puppy farm. Now, she is 11/12 and I adore her.

When I was meeting with the adoption charity, they said I wouldn’t be able to do much with her as she was a beagle. But Lola is now more qualified than I am. She competed at flyball and currently holds the most points for a beagle in the UK. She has completed her Gold Kennel Club. She has certificates for scent detection, tracking and man trailing, but her best skills are tricks. She loves to perform!

She’s more qualified than I am

Lola is totally motivated by food. She will often tell me when she deserves a treat when we are out. She also loves to wrap up under the duvet and at least two blankets. She adores people, especially my dad. This can be embarrassing due to the noise she makes when she sees him, and afterwards she’ll wee with excitement.

Lola is awesome. She has supported me through so much and knows many of my secrets. My relationship broke down just before the pandemic and having Lola made things better.

Meet Vali

Everyone needs someone to remind them that life is full of little joys, and that’s exactly what Vali does for Julia.

My boy has had a hugely positive influence in my life. I’d already owned two dogs before I got him last November. I sadly lost one in January and getting Vali helped me to deal with my grief.

A hugely positive influence in my life

During these recent tough months, he’s been my reason to go out each day. I love photography and he’s inspired me to get back out into the world and pursue my passion, since he enjoys coming with me.

Vali is an amazing dog – he is very sweet-natured and a bit of a clown, so he keeps me smiling and laughing each day.

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