At almost two years old, Milo was diagnosed with a grade six heart murmur and wonky valves, so he was taking medication to slow the swelling when I fostered him. I was told there was a possibility that his heart could burst before reaching his fourth birthday.
Every day is a special one with Milo
Every day is a special one with Milo. With regular heart medication and check-ups, he’s still living his best life at the wonderful age of seven. He attends lots of greyhound and pet awareness events, and his fantastic nature has even helped a few hounds to find their forever sofas, too.
Bea is my best friend. We go practically everywhere together and are quite well known in my neighbourhood. Her favourite things are food, affection, her cuddly bumble bee toy and riding in the back of my vintage American ‘Woody’ truck.
She’s a diva with the sweetest heart
Bea also loves the camera and has appeared in a couple of UK TV commercials – she thrives on the attention! She’s a diva with the sweetestheart and we are truly inseparable.
Having travelled extensively together, Bea is a total globetrotter, but we have now been happily settled in London for the past eight years. Here’s to many more years of love and fun with my best buddy.
Our Maltese, Lulu, brings us such joy every day. We both work long hours as a chef and housekeeper, and Lulu is happy to wait for us in our flat, sleeping during the day or quietly entertaining herself with all her toys.
She loves to lie at the top of our staircase, waiting for us to climb to the top to and rub her stomach before she stretches awake. She even has her own mini staircase to climb onto our sofa and our bed at night. She insists on sleeping right at the top of the bed in between the two of us, and never wakes up before we do.
She just likes being with us
We both suffer from allergies and don’t have always have time to take her for very long walks, but we chose her breed as she’s hypoallergenic and very happy with just a short walk and play. She doesn’t often need to be entertained and never really demands attention. She just likes being with us, and we love having her to cuddle and laugh with. She’s always in a good mood!
We always plan our day off around her and she always comes with us on car journeys around the UK during our holidays. She loves an adventure, but also loves to lie down and do nothing sometimes, too.
Riley is my best friend, and the most loveable, funny dog you could wish to meet. We brought him home when he was a tiny puppy to make sure he would be comfortable with my young niece and nephew.
He's so attentive and caring. He loves other dogs and people, especially my now eight-year-old niece and six-year-old nephew. We walk every day, which I need to do as I’ve had back problems for more than 20 years, and it keeps me moving.
He’s the most loveable, funny dog you could wish to meet
Riley waits at the window for me to come home from work and always lets me know when it's time for his walk. We often visit my mum, who lives a few minutes away, and he pops in to check the house is okay when we get there.
He’s struggled with allergies since he was a baby. They’ve made him quite ill at times, but he’s never let that get him down and he's always up for an adventure. After lots of tests, we now know what to avoid to keep him happy and healthy.
Roxy came to me as a last minute foster dog. Since I already had a Bull Terrier in the house, I was worried about how the pair of them would get along, but they became such fast friends that it only took two days for me to decide to permanently adopt her.
I got to witness her cheeky side!
It was tricky at times, because Roxy hadn’t always been treated well before she found her home with me. I had to learn quickly what she was comfortable with and what scared her. But, after a few months she started to come out of her shell, and I got to witness her cheeky side!
Now we have had plenty of adventures together. Over the years we have climbed mountains and hiked all over the moors. She's helped me through so much, and is always there to look after me on my bad days. Roxy is my absolute world.
My dear husband Pete lost his fight for life on Saturday 25th January 2020. We had been together for almost 32 years.
Naturally I have been devastated and lonely since my loss. I have two dogs Trixey, a Doberman Pinscher, and Detchko, a Yorkshire Terrier.
My husband and I rescued Trixey when she was just over 15 months’ old. Trixey then went with us to Babbington Rescue Centre where she selected Detchko.
I am so grateful for their companionship and love as it makes the long and lonely days feel a little brighter
Trixey is a very sensitive and highly intelligent dog. She immediately sensed that there was something wrong. I feel she must have communicated this to Detchko as she was making strange sounds and a different type of bark.
For the past couple of months, she has always been by my side and has given such an out pouring of love that one cannot begin to imagine.
Without Trixey and Detchko by my side I would be a very lonely old age pensioner. I am so grateful for their companionship and love as it makes the long and lonely days feel a little brighter.