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British Dogs

Meet Millie

Millie is everything to Sharon – she gets her out the house, helps her feel safe and steals her socks for good measure

Millie has a very important job to do, which is making me go out on a walk every day. It doesn't matter if it’s raining and cold, or if I'm tired and in pain, Millie needs her walk, and it never fails to make me feel better. Her inbuilt home security system has also enabled me to feel safe and secure in my own home – she may be small, but her bark is mighty!

Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made

Millie is the ultimate companion dog. She’s affectionate, loves snuggles and enjoys human company. Playing with her and teaching her new tricks keeps us both entertained. I am constantly amazed at how clever she is, and her intelligence means I am always learning new things about dog training.

Millie is also the best stealth sock and loo roll thief in the South West, so there’s never a dull moment with her around. Welcoming Millie into my life has been the best decision I've ever made.

Meet Alfie

Lynn might be retired, but with naughty little Alfie to keep her company, her life is anything but quiet!

We got Alfie when he was just eight weeks old, just after I had retired. I have rheumatoid arthritis and need to keep myself mobile – and Alfie is just what I need, providing me with reason to get out and walk every day.

He can be very naughty

He is physically and mentally a force of nature, but he is such amazing company and we love him dearly. He can be very naughty – he knows what he shouldn’t do but likes to do it anyway! He always makes up for it though, by jumping up and giving us kisses.

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Meet Archie

Kathryn and her family initially struggled to get Archie’s behaviour under control, but they eventually realised he wasn’t the only one in need of training

Archie is a goofy, lovable and loyal chocolate Labrador, who loves people and food but hates the hoover and water.

In the first six months, he was an absolute angel and no trouble at all. Then things changed and Archie became the craziest, most belligerent whirlwind ever! We got asked to leave training because his disruptive behaviour was disturbing others, and we even contacted a behaviourist for help.

He has taught us so much and brings us so much joy

We thought we’d made a dreadful mistake in getting him, but we eventually started to realise it wasn’t just Archie who needed training, we needed it too!

Gradually with patience, encouragement, praise and love, we have all learnt together and, between us, we have (almost) got there.

Archie’s still got his crazy personality at times, but we have the most loving, loyal dog who has taught us so much and brings us so much joy. Lockdown was made easier thanks to him, and we got through it all as a team. He’s even got a new cocker spaniel sister, Bella, who he’s helping us with – but that’s another story!

Meet Brutus and Monty

When Mel was at her lowest, her dogs Brutus and Monty helped her to find the strength she needed to keep going

Not long ago, I was going through a very tough time both physically and emotionally, and had to take some time off work. My husband and I had recently bought a French Bulldog pup called Brutus for my daughter as a 21st birthday present. She works full time, which meant that during the week I had to get up each morning to look after him. Spending time caring for Brutus helped to give me some structure in my day, and soon I started to find a new sense of purpose and happiness in my life.

Brutus helped enormously to give me some structure

He is so full of character, and has brought nothing but love and joy into our lives. Of course, I had to remind myself that he wasn’t actually my dog, but my daughter’s. I think my family realised what a huge impact he was having on my life though, because a few weeks ago, they gave me my very own little French Bulldog, Monty, as an early birthday present!

Monty has fast become a member of our family. He’s full of energy and a very different dog to Brutus, but just as loving and affectionate as his older brother. He gets me up and moving every day and gives me the motivation I need to keep going. I owe so much to my two furry friends.

Meet Ezra

Ezra helped Katy through her post-natal depression and now he is a patient and gentle companion for her two-year-old son

Ezra is our whippet, our first dog and my first ever dog. He makes us laugh every day with his scattiness and crazy zooming and he gives the best cuddles. He also steals any bit of food available and he has the perfect pointed snout for sniffling the last of my tea, even when I think he's fast asleep.

Ezra was four years old when our little boy was born, two months before the pandemic started. At first, Ezzy was scared of the crying, but he soon came to be a doting big brother.

He’s always there for me

That crying felt like it didn't stop for 13 months though as our son had severe colic, and I spiralled into severe post-natal depression and anxiety. Ezra was, and still is, always there for me. He’s a constant calm support and he’s so patient and gentle with our now two-year-old little boy.

Ezra has really helped put a smile on my face every day, and he got me out of bed or out the house, even when I really didn't want to. I will love him always.

Meet Ella

Ella has grown up to be a friendly and funny dog – offering lots of love and support to owner Ros and her family throughout tough times

Well, what can I say? Getting Ella three years ago was one of the best things we’ve ever done.

I guess we were a little sad, having just come through chemotherapy and a breast cancer diagnosis that had come out of the blue. At the same time, we were just emerging from Covid-19, too.

From the moment Ella joined our family, she was a ray of joy! From a fluffy, bitey puppy to the energetic, healthy dog she has become, she’s been a constant companion to the children and to us.

If one of the children is upset, she throws herself at their side to give them comfort

She gives us so much love and you can hear her tail thumping as soon as we enter the room. She’s so funny when she attacks her carrot – tossing it high in the air, snarling and barking at it. Ella’s also obsessed with looking out the upstairs window so she can shout (or rather, bark) when one of her dog friends walks by.

She seems to understand so much. For example, if one of the children is upset, she throws herself at their side to give them comfort. She’s brought so much happiness into our lives and we would never be without her.

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