Madge is quite simply my heart and soul. We understand each other on a level that cannot be described, and she is my constant shadow and best friend.
I have a photography project where I travel around the UK photographing the UK’s rare breeds of ponies. Madge accompanied me on a major expedition to the Outer Hebrides and the Highlands of Scotland. It was just us, meeting wonderful people along the way, and she was that piece of home when it started to feel lonely.
We understand each other on a level that cannot be described
We even went to Snowdonia in Wales on our own, when I wanted to get away from the world and just be with her surrounded by the hills and wildlife.
We also love visiting the sea, where we are starting to paddle board. The first day, when I put the board in the water and went to get on (having never been on before), Madge was at my side with her paw on the board ready to join me. She soon jumped on when I set off and we learned to balance together – she pays close attention to my movements so she knows which way we are going.
Madge loves to be with her family. She always greets me with an excited wag and wants to be cuddled immediately. She loves to do tricks, especially if there is a play or treat involved after. She always knows when I need her to be with me, and she is able to help me relax and de-stress. She is simply perfect and what she means to me cannot be summarised in a paragraph.
Luther is a rescue Miniature Poodle.
When I lost my last dog, I found myself in a really dark place. Then, Luther came along and brightened up my life again! We’re a match made in heaven, and he makes me laugh every day.
We’re soulmates – I can’t imagine life without him
We live in a small village and when we’re out and about, everyone stops to talk to Luther. If he wants to visit the neighbours, he goes and knocks on the door until they answer it.
One of his favourite things is to steal the mail out of the letter box and hide it. He’s laid back, funny, friendly (he loves everybody and everything) and he’s very cheeky, too.
I love him to the moon and back. We’re soulmates – I can’t imagine life without him.
After our beloved Westie sadly died, we knew we needed to get another dog. Having done a lot of research, we decided to give a retired Greyhound a home.
We went to visit the kennels to take some of the resident Greyhounds for a walk. Just as we were leaving, we felt as though we were being watched. Through the bars was this sad face looking at us with huge brown eyes. We couldn’t resist turning back and taking her for a walk.
I feel so proud of her!
As we walked, Puds suddenly stopped in her tracks and wouldn’t go any further. Confused, my daughter and I realised that she was waiting for my disabled husband to catch up. Of course, we knew there and then she was the one.
The lovely people at the kennels said that when we saw her, she had only been back for half an hour after a week’s unsuccessful placement. Talk about it being meant to be!
We brought her home a year ago now, and it hasn’t been plain sailing – it’s taken time to teach her that other dogs aren’t the enemy (or her lunch!) – but I feel so proud of her when she sits calmly and plays with other dogs.
She loves her cuddles, sleeps at the bottom of our daughter’s bed and is a brilliant personal trainer. She has enriched our lives and is a perfect example of how great it can be to give a dog a second home, even if they aren’t a puppy anymore.
My daughter, Felicity, bought Shirley as a puppy (I loaned her the money to buy her). She always wanted a pug and finally got one when she was 25 years old. Felicity absolutely loved her little dog, who even featured on top of her wedding cake in sugar form! Shirley became a doting carer for Felicity’s children, too.
Sadly, Felicity passed away aged 34, leaving her two boys (aged two and four), as well as Shirley the dog.
Shirley is such a wonderful little dog who is just full of love
Felicity’s husband found it difficult to care for Shirley, so we adopted her. She spent a lot of time with us anyway, so it wasn’t too much of a trial coming to live with us, particularly as she was aging. As a 15-year-old dog, I think she liked being with two retired oldies.
She snuggles up to us on the sofa every night and has been such a comfort to us. Shirley is such a wonderful little dog who is just full of love.
Molly came into our life a year ago and changed it forever. My husband and I had been volunteering at a lovely dog rescue charity called SHAK, where Molly was a favourite. She had been living there for three years and had already had four homes before she came to us.
She is a Husky Akita cross who suffers from separation anxiety alongside reactivity to other dogs, so she isn’t the most easygoing dog in the world. That doesn’t stop her from being really caring and affectionate though, and she absolutely adores people.
She absolutely adores people
When she first came home, she found it quite difficult to adjust. My husband had to sleep downstairs with her every night because she was so anxious. But now, a year later, she is so much better. She still has her anxieties, but that’s what makes her who she is and we wouldn’t change her for the world.
Molly comes with us whenever we volunteer at SHAK to visit all of her old friends and spread some hope. We couldn’t love her anymore.
I was still at uni when I got Erin. Every single person I knew told me NOT to get a dog so young, especially a border collie as they’re known for their rather relentless nature. But, after listening to endless puppy podcasts and reading countless books, I travelled all the way to Wales to meet this three-month-old puppy.
Still, no amount of research could have prepared me for what was to come. Within the first five seconds of meeting me, Erin had peed all over my carefully selected outfit and licked my face raw.
She’s brought an energy to my life that I’ve never felt before
As soppy as it sounds, I knew she was the one then and there. I cannot express how blessed I feel to now be the proud owner of a beautiful girl who is ball-obsessed, barks at anything that moves and will lick every inch of your face when given the opportunity.
She’s got me through two lockdowns and the rest of my degree, but most of all she’s brought an energy to my life that I’ve never felt before. She is completely crazy, but I wouldn’t change her for the world.