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British Dogs

Meet Mabel

Mabel loves travelling everywhere with her owners – she’s even explored London and been on the tube!

Mabel came into our lives after we lost our Jack Russell Rosie at 16 years old.

The hole left in our hearts was so large, but when we met Mabel, we fell in love instantly, as she looks like a fox and is absolutely gorgeous!

She adores going to new places

She’s a lovely girl who comes everywhere with us on our travels across the UK in our motorhome. She’s even stayed at the Andaz Hotel in London and travelled on an Elizabeth line train. Safely sitting in her backpack, she explored central London and loved it.

She adores going to new places but also loves coming home to see our nine grandchildren and four ‘grandogs’.

We are now off on a three-week adventure to Wales, and again, Mabel will be visiting many of our beautiful sights and discovering new sniffs.

Meet Schubert

Though Schubert can be a bit crazy at times, he always knows when Megan needs him, whether she’s studying for her PhD or helping a stranger in distress

Schubert entered our lives in May 2021. Both of us are currently studying for PhDs and Schubert has been a real lifeline to get us through that. He is clumsy and a hilarious ball of energy, but he also knows when we need calm and he’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own.

He’s sensitive to our needs as well as his own

Just recently, we took Schubert on a walk up the Wrekin in Shropshire and on the way down we encountered a woman who had fallen and broken her ankle. She had three young children with her. Normally Schubert is not brilliant with children, but he could sense how upset they were, and he sat very calmly for nearly two hours, allowing them to hug him, stroke him and just gain comfort from him. Once we were eventually able to continue the walk down the Wrekin, it was completely dark, and Schubert led the way to ensure a safe path for us all. We were very proud of him that day.

Schubert has also suffered a lot with allergies since March this year. He was very subdued for a few months, but we recently added a new puppy, Heidi, to our family. Since then, Schubert has really regained the spring in his step and returned to his playful self. He is still suffering from with his allergies, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Meet Cleo

The moment Cleo appeared in Heather’s life, she changed it for the better

Cleo arrived on my doorstep as her owner had become ill and couldn’t keep her. She was referred to as ‘number five’, because she was the fifth dog in the house. It didn’t take long before she made friends with all the others and became a member of our family.

She’s helped me make new friends

She was so caring and spent a lot of time with my lodger, who was unwell.Cleo encouraged him to get out, and the pair of them would go for gentle walks together. Now, she walks with me every day when I go litter picking down by the river. Everyone we meet stops to talk to her, so she’s helped me make new friends, which I’ve especially appreciated throughout the last year.

Meet Patch

Christine’s dog Patch likes to keep her on her toes sometimes, but she knows he’ll always be there for her no matter what

Patch is such a loving dog. He enjoys nothing more than a good cuddle – but don’t be fooled, because he can also be a cheeky little rascal! One of his worst habits is unplugging things from their sockets. Once, he even managed to unplug my freezer! I’ve had to strategically place objects around the house now in an effort to deter him.

He can also be a cheeky little rascal!

One of the things I love most about Patch is his quirkiness. He likes to make himself comfortable, so every day he jumps up onto the sofa and rearranges the cushions so he has a stack of pillows to rest his head on. It makes us laugh every time!

He’s also extremely protective of me. Patch loves to sit and look out of the window, but if he sees someone approaching the house he barks like mad at them. Of course, that’s not to say he doesn’t know how to behave – every evening after I’ve done the dishes, he sits and waits patiently for me to give him his treat.

Meet Miri

Before she was rescued, Miri’s weight was severely affecting her health, but that all changed with a little TLC from Jean

Rescue dog Miri is a Miniature Dachshund, who belied that title when she came to me two years ago through Dachshund Rescue UK. Weighing in at a whopping 12.5kg, she was anything but miniature in stature. She could barely walk, her chest and belly were dragging on the ground, she couldn't lift her head up high, and her breathing was under strain.

She’s living proof that change can happen, with the right love and care

Skip forward two years and Miri is a svelte 5.1kg. As her size has diminished, her confidence has just grown and grown. She adores cuddles and attention, which she laps up from the residents when I visit my mum in her care home, bringing a huge smile to the faces of those who indulge her.

At the hockey club, she has become the club mascot, and a real inspiration for those who have followed her journey. She’s living proof that change can happen, with the right love and care

Meet Meg

Denise is constantly amused by how much her dog Meg loves playing with her football-themed toys

It took our dog, Meg, about nine years to be able to play with a toy without totally destroying it. She adopted her first cushion football after rooting through a charity bag of toys and claiming it. We’ve since bought her plenty more because she becomes so attached to them. She plays with them, takes them out into the garden and even falls asleep next to them!

She becomes so attached to them

Meg is not amused when we put her toys in the wash. We’re only forgiven when she can get them back out quickly, sometimes before they’re fully dried. The funniest thing about her obsession is that if you say football, she goes and finds one! She’s a great dog who’s always filling our days with laughter.

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