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British Dogs

Meet Luna

Freya has so many funny stories to share about the gorgeous and utterly hilarious Luna

Luna is my beautiful 5-year-old black Labrador, and she’s the calmest and most loving best friend you could ever imagine.

She sleeps at the foot of my bed every single night, obviously under a blanket, and slowly migrates her way up the bed throughout the night, until she's sharing my blankets and pillows and snoring loudly in my ear! She gets up at 6am every single day to jump between my parents, where she lies asleep on her back for tummy tickles until they get up.

Her best friend is her little "sister" Maia, our nearly 3-year-old black Labrador. She's very stuck in her routine and enjoys a quiet life. She loves walking at the local nature reserve where she can run and swim to her heart's content, and she spends most of the day asleep on one of our beds (her MANY beds are never as comfortable as ours are!).

She's definitely my spirit animal and knows what's up!

Every day at 6pm on the dot, she finds one of us and won't leave our side until she's been fed. When she hears the Life360 notification that indicates my dad's return from work, she runs to the door until she sees his car pulling into the driveway, where she proceeds to bark loudly to tell us to open the door for her to go and greet him. After that, it's back to bed until her nightly walk around the village – the absolute highlight of her day.

One of her (very many) little quirks is that she hates being dirty. After walks in the rain, she follows us until one of us washes her feet, she won't sleep in a bed until it has a clean blanket in it, and her favourite place to lie is in one of our beds after we've changed the sheets. She's definitely my spirit animal and knows what's up!

When she's not on the bed, Luna can be found snuggling on the sofa between Maia and her feisty (and rather grumpy) feline brother, Felix, probably on the one small section of the sofa not covered in a dog blanket! Her favourite place in the world is the beach, especially those in Scotland, so we take the dogs on an annual trip to explore the beautiful beaches of the west coast. Upon seeing the sand, she gets the zoomies and will run around in pure joy until she reaches the sea!

Meet Koa

Owner Samantha speaks of how life is better and brighter with Koa in it!

Koa is my heart dog.

He’s never unhappy – always wagging his tail and smiling. In fact, he makes even the saddest days bright.

He makes even the saddest days bright

He’s definitely a mummy’s boy and follows me everywhere I go, while also being independent, majestic and incredibly goofy.

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Meet Bramble

Bramble likes to help Julie in more ways than one – but one thing she won’t get involved with is the weekly shopping run!

Bramble is a Registered Assistance Dog. She helps me in my day-to-day life with tasks like retrieving objects and pulling the washing out of the machine. Shopping, however, is not something she enjoys. Every time we pull up to the supermarket, she’ll look out of the car to see which one we’re at, and if it’s one she doesn't like it, she’ll just sit there and refuse to come in!

She’ll just sit there and refuse to come in!

Bramble was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. She loves to give me cuddles and has helped to build up my confidence. Now, I can do more things own my own, and she even encourages me to stop and speak to people I wouldn't normally chat with.

Meet Doris

Doris supported Alice through her struggles with depression, and now she continues to fill her life with love and laughter

Doris is my rock. She is the four-legged love of my life and my absolute best friend. She was by my side through my depression and just understood – she knew I needed her.

She was, and still is, my reason to get out the house each day, even though she is a complete princess and HATES wind and rain. She’s the reason I laugh and smile so much.

She is the four-legged love of my life

She’s also a complete sass queen and will always refuse to leave the beach. She’ll walk round any puddle and go to extreme lengths to avoid mud, but will charge straight into the sea!

Doris will shred a tennis ball in seconds, but will treasure any cuddly toy for months – or years. Her favourite game is chase but, if no one’s around to play, she’ll take a toy to the top of the stairs and launch it down by herself on repeat!

Meet Lola

After rescuing Lola, Lisa loves her life with her gentle giant

Lola is a rescue dog who has been with us a little over a year ago. She came to us this fully grown dog who still had many many puppy tendencies. We rescued her just before she got to the rehoming centre.

She is this large oaf who doesn’t realise her size, thinking she’s a lap dog. Lola loves a cosy blanket, hates being cold, wet and hates when the wind blows her ears.

Life during lockdown would have been impossible without his companionship

We still have a long way to go with training but she has changed our lives so much. She’s like a wee companion for myself and we’re either playing in the garden together, going for fun walks or cosying in bed watching a movie together. Lola loves her comforts and believe it or not, she loves the vets.

When she jumps up her paws go on your shoulders and she gives you almost a human cuddle.

Meet Taryn and Rocco

Rocco provided Taryn with the love and support she needed to get back on her feet.

Shortly after Rocco was gifted to me as a Valentine’s Day present, I underwent major knee surgery, resulting in me having to learn to walk again rather than devoting my full attention to my puppy. As I regained my mobility, Rocco was a vital part of my recovery, providing unconditional love and support along with companionship when I was back on my feet.

Rocco was a vital part of my recovery

Earlier this year, as a personal challenge I committed to walking 100,000 steps in seven days for charity. It doesn’t sound like a lot but it was incredibly challenging for me to do, and my hound was with me every step of the way. He joined in the early morning walks when he would prefer to be snoozing in bed, he trotted alongside me each lunchtime delaying his set time for dog biscuits, and he continued with me every evening exploring each new location I took him to. At the end of the week, I had done 4000 extra steps and Rocco had earned consecutive exercise badges on his doggy fitness tracker attached to his collar.

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