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British Dogs

Meet Luna

Luna has a quirky, strong-willed personality, but her owner Daisy completely adores her

Luna’s a rescue dog from Ireland, who we’ve had since she was just nine months old.

She’s loveable and calm natured, but also the strangest dog (in the best way) that you’ll ever meet.

Luna is very set in her ways

Luna is very set in her ways and doesn’t like anything outside of her usual routine. She won’t walk a different route and will lie down and refuse to move like a stroppy toddler! She likes her own seat on the sofa and waits for treats at the same spots on her walk. She really is the heartbeat of our family home.

Meet Georgie

Georgie brings a lot of love and positivity into Euan’s life every single day, just by being her adorable self.

Georgie is a fun-loving and hilarious little character. She loves going on long adventures and exploring new things! 

She has been a key part of our family ever since we got her, and she’s helped us so much through lockdown. Her constant joy brightens our day and taking her for walks has helped us to get out and about more too.

Her constant joy brightens our day

She’s such a social butterfly and just adores people. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her straight away – she’s actually made more friends at our local pub than I have!  

She’s a great little snuggler and enjoys nothing more than a lie-in and a cuddle on the couch or the bed. 

She’s always there for you whatever you need, with a big smile and a constantly wagging tail. I couldn’t imagine ever being without her.

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Meet Brodie

With Brodie around, Lara’s days are always filled with laughter

Brodie is known as the ‘sun worshipper’, because he likes to carry his bed around the house and place it wherever he can soak up the best rays! Another of his hilarious antics involves finding and carrying sticks that are at least three times as large as him. If you get in his way, he won’t walk around you but instead keeps bashing into your leg until you move.

Keeps bashing your leg until you move

He likes to help me in the garden – although help is a loose term, as mostly he just puts his tennis ball where I’m about to plant something. Brodie didn’t have the best start in life, as he was put into a recuse centre, but now he’s truly flourished and is our very own little prince.

Meet Wookie

Elissa’s dog Wookie may be small but, she’s bursting with energy!

Our little Yorkie, Wookie, is the light of our lives. Neither of us had ever had a small dog before, and she has been amazing since the day she came home. Wookie is bold, intelligent, and will walk miles whatever the weather. Even as a tiny, eight-week-old ball of fluff, she immediately wanted to play with our three big cats.

Wookie is truly indefatigable

She will happily wade through the mud or jump into cold water for a swim.Once, she tried to climb a tree to go after a squirrel, and she’s even chased a Muntjac deer – although what she thought would happen if she caught it, I don't know!

Wookie truly is indefatigable. I remember when we went to Mortimer Forest for the day. We walked 11 miles, and when we got home Wookie immediately picked up her ball and wanted to play!

She fills our hearts with happiness every day, and there is nothing better than rambling through the woods with her, watching her sniff, explore andrummage through the hedgerows. It was such a joy to be able to include her in our wedding, back in 2001. She was our ring bearer, and she stole the hearts of everyone there.

Meet Patch

Christine’s dog Patch likes to keep her on her toes sometimes, but she knows he’ll always be there for her no matter what

Patch is such a loving dog. He enjoys nothing more than a good cuddle – but don’t be fooled, because he can also be a cheeky little rascal! One of his worst habits is unplugging things from their sockets. Once, he even managed to unplug my freezer! I’ve had to strategically place objects around the house now in an effort to deter him.

He can also be a cheeky little rascal!

One of the things I love most about Patch is his quirkiness. He likes to make himself comfortable, so every day he jumps up onto the sofa and rearranges the cushions so he has a stack of pillows to rest his head on. It makes us laugh every time!

He’s also extremely protective of me. Patch loves to sit and look out of the window, but if he sees someone approaching the house he barks like mad at them. Of course, that’s not to say he doesn’t know how to behave – every evening after I’ve done the dishes, he sits and waits patiently for me to give him his treat.

Meet Sherman

Louise’s dog Sherman may be a giant, but his gentle nature means he’s adored by everyone in the community

We’ve had Sherman since he was a puppy, though back then I didn’t realise quite how big he would grow, both in size and personality. Sherman is an amazing dog, not only to us at home but also within our local community.

Sherman loves nothing more than attending school drop off and pick up, and if he doesn’t come, the children all ask for him. He is adored by all and constantly showered with cards, presents and more importantly, cuddles. There have been many occasions when parents have struggled to get their children to go school, but Sherman is happy to walk beside them, and that seems to be all the encouragement they need.

He is adored by all

Often, Sherman doesn’t want to leave the children, which can be quite embarrassing for me – it’s very tricky moving 12 stones of fluff! There are not enough words to describe the positive influence Sherman has had on us all. As well as looking after children, he also helps all the new puppies to become a part of our community by volunteering as a support dog, and even helps dogs who have been rescued and need socialising.

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