Lulu came into our lives 18 months ago, when she chose me at the rescue by placing her paws on my knee and looking up at me. My daughter and husband (who isn’t a dog person) fell in love with her, too, and she was one of my inspirations for setting up my own dog grooming business.
She’s improved my social life
She’s not only got my husband and I out walking each day, but she’s also improved my social life. I now stop to talk to other walkers, which is so helpful as we didn’t know anyone here when we moved.
I got my dog Koko when she was just six months old. She settled in straight away, and even though she had never been around children, she was absolutely amazing with my three right from the start.
Koko has a lovely temperament, she’s so calm and chilled that I really feel as though I have the perfect dog. When I first got her, I was able to spend pretty much all day keeping her company, since we were in lockdown at the time. After I went back to work, I was worried she wouldn’t adjust, but she took it all in her stride.
She behaves just like a cat
One of the funniest things about Koko is that she behaves just like a cat. She sleeps a lot and loves lazing around, so she’ll only go on a walk if you make her. I think she’d rather stay curled up on the comfy sofa all day long. When we do get out of the house, people always make a fuss of her because she’s so striking – you don’t see many Japanese Shiba Inus around here.
Koko also has a penchant for toffee popcorn, which is rather unusual for a dog. Her previous owners told us this and we were sceptical, but if you open a bag in another room she always comes running straight in!
We have a new puppy called Remus, named after Remus Lupin from Harry Potter. He’s only been in the family for three weeks but he’s already provided us with many laughs!
His personality is very cheeky
His favourite thing to do is to nip at the children’s toes, or at the slippers he carries around (even though they’re bigger than him!). He’s also very snuggly, and just wants to be with someone all the time.
His personality is very cheeky, and he’s so confident. He has no fear of any other dog at all – in fact, they seem to be scared of him even though he’s tiny!
Mia is a German Shepherd dog who is full of character and just loves to beuseful in the garden. She helps me dig holes, scrape soil and even dig in the manure.
Mia will literally follow us everywhere
She also loves to carry logs when we’re cutting down trees or shrubs. Mia will literally follow us everywhere, looking to help. She doesn’t like it whenwe use the rake though, as she thinks it might hurt us!
Poppet is a tiny Chihuahua but has the biggest heart and the craziest, most infectious personality.
She never fails to make me laugh, whether she’s zooming across the landing to air dry herself after the bath, leapfrogging over people in the park who then unexpectedly find a Chihuahua in their lap, or falling in love with the new neighbours!
I find nothing more fulfilling than sharing my life with her
Poppet makes everyone smile. I have been in a very dark place with my mental health and sometimes it’s a struggle to get out of bed, but Poppet always makes my day worthwhile.
I honestly find nothing more fulfilling than sharing my life with her. It gives me a purpose. She’s not just my dog, she’s my best friend and I don’t do anything without her!
Lucy is the happiest, cheekiest little pup there is. Although she has arthritis, she still loves to play and always keeps a teddy bear close by. In her prime she loved to chase cats around the garden, but now she’s older she enjoys just lying down and waiting for them to approach her. She’s also obsessed with cold things, and will sit and growl at her bowl of water if it reaches room temperature until we replace it!
Lucy is also the neighborhood watchdog
Initially, my son was uninterested in her, but now they’re best buddies. He gives any of his leftover food to her and she’s always more than willing to eat it. Lucy is also the neighborhood watchdog. Every night, she sits outside just watching the world go by and doing her part to protect us all.