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British Dogs

Meet Lexi

Katie sings the praises of her Labrador Retriever, social media sensation Lexi

Lexi is truly my soul dog. I’ve been wanting a dog for more than 10 years, and when I finally got Lexi a year ago, my whole life changed.

She’s the most perfect good girl around!

She’s smart, funny, absolutely adorable, and just the most perfect good girl around! She’s well known on Instagram for her cute head tilts. Since she was a small puppy, she has always listened very intently and tilted her head with every word.

Check her out on Instagram @livinlavitalexi.

Meet Buckley

Sabina’s husband didn’t want a dog, but then Buckley came into their lives and changed everything for the better

After many years of begging my husband for a dog, he finally relented. He always said if we were to get a dog, it would have to be a Jack Russell. I didn't argue! Buckley was like a wrecking ball. He moved in and stole our hearts.

I'm still working full time and my husband is retired. Little did I know what my boys were up to while I was at work. Now, thanks to my dearest husband, Buckley will only eat if he's fed with a fork! When his food is in his bowl, he’ll nudge one of us until we get up and feed him. If we ignore him, he gives us a pretend nip and vocally argues until we feed him. I was furious with my husband, but alas, what’s done is done.

Buckley has brought so much love and fun to our lives. He’s a very active doggy and goes out on adventures four or five times a day. He loves riding in my car and will push his nose out of the window for some fresh air – while strapped to his booster seat, of course.

Buckley also loves the ladies. In fact, he can be very amorous, to the point where most female dogs will run away while he's left howling like a wolf. He also loves mucky puddles, and he’s a regular snorkeler. He blows bubbles in the puddles, then tries to catch them while I stand in the rain, wet through.

I’m a nurse and the last three years have been extremely stressful. I also lost my dad in April last year and was unable to attend the funeral. Buckley has really helped me and my family through these rough times. No matter what I'm feeling on any given day, coming home to him makes everything better. I truly believe he was meant to be ours! And I wouldn't change him for the world.

Coming home to him makes everything better

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Meet Archer

Rach fell under Archer’s love spell as soon as she set sight on him, and now he is a happy part of her family.

We wanted a dog to share our adventures with and to explore new places. We had our heart set on a blue Great Dane, and when we met him as a puppy, we knew he was the one for us. With an arrowhead shaped white patch on his chest, we called him Archer and he’s been a fantastic addition to our furry family.

We knew he was the one for us

He shares his sofa with his feline brother and sister and shows his gentle side with them. He helped me through a mental breakdown and gave me something to focus on during my recovery. He really is a gentle giant, and always gets showered with attention wherever he goes, putting on the charm and snuffling out snuggles with everyone he meets.

Meet Dougie

With her hilarious dog Dougie in tow, Sophie can’t get away with much!

Dougie is a young pup in an old dog’s body. If he doesn’t get his way, he goes in a huff and digs up his bed. He also sits and frowns if we stay up later than his bedtime, at which point he’ll try and nudge us upstairs. Then, he’ll follow us into our bedroom and make sure we’re tucked in on our own sides of the bed, before finally retiring to his own!

He goes in a huff

He may have some funny habits, but Dougie is the friendliest dog you’ll ever meet. There’s a stray cat that lives in our area and the two of them have become best friends, which is great as it means we can keep an eye on her and gain her trust.

Dougie can be best described as a good friend, a loyal pup and a massive bed head!

Meet Bibi

Bibi brings endless joy to Lisa’s life, and she’s also been great at helping her son with his epilepsy

Bibi is an absolute joy! She is a rescue pooch from Bulgaria, and we’ve had her for five years now. She was found on the streets with seven other pups. We saw her and wanted to give her the life she deserves.

She’s a beautiful angel that’s been sent from heaven

She’s very shy but since we’ve had our new puppy Bonnie she’s really come out of her shell. When she first arrived, she’d never seen traffic, a TV or dog toys before – everything was new to her.

My son was diagnosed with epilepsy five years ago and she always knew when he was going to have a seizure. While he was having one, she would lay by his bedroom door and bark and then lie on him. Honestly, she’s a beautiful angel that’s been sent from heaven. She’s gorgeous inside and out. We spoil her so much and she deserves it.

Meet Archie

Life has thrown some challenges in Scott’s way, but with Archie by his side, there’s nothing he can’t overcome.

Last year I retired from my job for medical reasons and was feeling pretty down. Thankfully, Archie the four-year-old Labrador came to the rescue by becoming my companion dog.

Archie brightens up every day

Since we’ve all been spending much more time at home recently, he’s been a godsend to me and brings a smile to my face every day. When I'm lying in bed he’ll come up and lay beside me, and if he can sense I’m feeling down he’ll give me lots of cuddles. He even throws in a few licks as well, just to show how much he loves me. He gets plenty of belly tickles and affection in return, of course!

Archie brightens up every day and has improved my quality of life, especially this past year when things have been so different.

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