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British Dogs

Meet Lexi

Lexi came into Frank’s life after he suffered a stroke five years ago, and since then she’s made even his darkest days that little bit brighter

I’ve been a dog lover since I was a kid. I grew up with at least one Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound or Miniature Schnauzer always around. But my wife was not a dog-lover, nor had she grown up with any pets. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would not be having any dogs in my married life.

Five years ago, I had a stroke. It came out of the blue and suddenly my life was turned upside down. Two months afterwards, my wife had one of these ‘lightbulb moments’ and thought getting a dog would be good for my recovery. In life, when there is a window of opportunity, you have to grab it with both hands, so I certainly didn't argue! A few weeks later, we brought home the most gorgeous Jack Russell puppy, who we decided to name Lexi.

She helps alleviate my stress and anxiety on those dark days

Lexi has been a hugely positive influence in my life. She’s a loyal companion who’s always there for me. When my wife is working and our children are at school, Lexi is the one who gets me through the days. Every day comes with its own challenges for me. My life is governed by my stroke fatigue, but Lexi gets me out of bed and walking.

Often, if we haven't been out, Lexi will still try to get me to move my legs by dropping a tennis ball at my feet, encouraging me to kick the ball so she can fetch it. She helps alleviate my stress and anxiety on those dark days and gives me confidence that things can get better. She also knows when I freeze up, so if I stay in the same position without moving my face or body, she starts barking at me.

She’s loved by everyone in the house, including my wife. When we got Lexi, my wife was adamant that she would strictly be a downstairs dog. Today, not only is Lexi allowed in the bedroom, but she spends most nights sleeping on our bed! And our children can’t stop kissing and tickling her.

My stroke has been challenging for everyone in our house, but Lexi has been the silver lining that comes with every cloud! She has brought immense joy to us all and is a reminder that light can come out of darkness.

Meet Millie

Dog-obsessed Danielle feels complete now that Millie is in her life.

I've grown up with dogs all my life. I used to have two German Shepherds, Sabre and Levi. By the time we sadly lost my two best friends, I was 21 and was just beginning my life after university. I met my partner and moved to Manchester for work. Since the beginning of our relationship, I made it clear that I wanted to have a dog in my life again. Sometimes, it felt like it might not happen for another 10 years with work and so on.

But everything fell into place in November 2019 when we brought Millie, our Labradoodle, into our lives. My boyfriend has never had a dog before and Millie has 100% stolen his heart and made him as dog-obsessed as me.

Having Millie in our life is like a hole has been filled

She's the most loving and chilled out puppy I have ever known. I was ready for the madness and chaos that comes with a puppy but we never really had it. She has many quirks, including sitting upright on the sofa like a human being. She loves to snuggle up into your arms and she's the perfect size to do so.

She is tennis ball-mad, and makes us take her out at 8 pm on the dot for her tennis ball chasing hour! Morning walks are reserved for a gentle stroll through our local woods.

Having Millie in our life is like a hole has been filled. Taking her for her morning walk gives me such a feeling of calm before the day ahead. It's our special time when nothing else in the world matters.

Our life now revolves around planning adventures with Millie and doing everything we can to give her the best years of her life. We often ask ourselves what we used to do before we had a dog. Watching her grown, learn and blossom into an adult dog fills us with so much pride – we can kind of see why people might have children!

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Meet Gin

Caroline couldn’t have asked for a kinder, more loving furry friend than her dog Gin

We got Gin during lockdown, and she injected some colour into my very grey life. She is so fun, sweet and kind, and truly doesn’t have a bad bone in her body

She injected some colour into my very grey life

When she was just 14 weeks old, I suffered from a broken knee which meant I had to spend a lot of time resting at home. Gin stayed so patiently by my side the whole time. We expected her to get bored and maybe even a bit naughty with all her unspent energy, but she was an absolute dream.

Now, Gin is seven months old and I’m fully mobile again, so we’re looking forward to lots of long, relaxing walks together.

Meet Sprocket

Georgina’s dog Sprocket has oodles of energy, and that’s exactly why she loves him so much

Sprocket is the best thing to ever have happened to our family. His endearing quirks never fail to put a smile on our faces. For instance, he always runs with his legs so straight he looks like a cartoon, and in the evening, he huffs and puffs very loudly before dramatically opening his pen, just to let us know he wants to go to bed.

He can sometimes be a bit of a diva

He’s a tiny bundle of energy and always ready to play. I wouldn’t say he’s spoilt, but he is well-loved and so always enjoys – and expects – a cuddle or two in our bed. He can sometimes be bit of a diva, and we often find ourselves having to pause the TV because he’s making a racket by digging around or barking because he wants to go out.

None of this really matters though, because our little pup is such a sweetheart. We love him for all of his funny habits and his adorable personality.

Meet Jenna

Judy will always be grateful for how much Jenna has helped her daughter, Hannah

Jenna is three years old now, though we’ve had her since she was a puppy. She is a beautiful Springer Spaniel. Her best friend is a Labrador called Max, who she loves to chase around. Jenna has many funny habits and is a massive counter-surfer. Once, when she was extra hungry because of the steroids she had to take, she managed to steal a steak pie, an entire cake and a chicken breast from the table!

Stay by her side

Jenna has helped my daughter, Hannah, to cope with her poor mental health. She seems to know when Hannah is having a bad day and will stay by her side or drop a ball into Hannah’s lap, so she has to throw it and play. This really helps to bring her out of a low mood. We all love Jenna so much, and I don’t know what we’d do without her.

Meet Nymeria

Nymeria has been through a lot, but Tabitha is in constant awe of how she takes everything in her stride

I’ve had Nym since she was just a puppy, and since then she has remained closely by my side. When she was younger, I taught her lots of tricks such as rolling, walking on her hind legs and pirouetting. She has got me through many tough times with her calm demeanour and cosy cuddles.

She very quickly grasped how to live with her blindness

In early 2020, Nym went suddenly and completely blind. She started running into things and became much more nervous. Fortunately, she’s a sweet and trusting dog, so she very quickly grasped how to live with her blindness, learning new words such as ‘careful’ and ‘step’. Now she’s used to navigating using her sense of smell and hearing and has even memorised the layout of the house as well as our regular walking routes, so she can get around with confidence.

I love my dog just as much now as the day I got her. I wouldn't change her for the world.

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