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British Dogs

Meet Kenny

Over the years, Kenny has helped his owner Prudence through some of the most challenging times

Kenny is a joy. I got him as a puppy when I was 19 years old, and he has been a constant companion and support in my life ever since.

He’s brought me through so much

When I was 27, I lost my mum very suddenly and Kenny became my reason for carrying on. He’s brought me through so much and has always been full of character.

He was very unwell last year when I was heavily pregnant, and I was scared I was going to lose him, but thankfully, he pulled through and although he’s now very old, he’s still full of life! My baby might never remember him, but I’m so glad they’ve been able to meet one another.

Meet Ruby

When Rosemary discovered Ruby had helped to save her puppies, she knew she was the dog for her

Ruby was a rescue dog from Zakynthos, Greece. She ran out in front of a tourist’s car in the mountains in August this year. Thankfully they stopped, and she led them to a cave where she had five puppies that were about four weeks old. The tourist contacted the local rescue centre who took Ruby and her puppies in. I saw her profile on Facebook and immediately fell in love with her. I applied to adopt her, and she was transported to the UK in October.

Her pups wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t taken action

We’re not sure of her exact age, but the vets have aged her at between one and two years. She is the most lovable dog ever with a fantastic temperament. When I picked her up, she just jumped into my arms, like she knew she was home. I'm forever grateful to the Healing Paws charity for allowing me to adopt her. All of her pups are now also in England and I am in touch with the owners. She had beautiful pups who no doubt would never have survived if she hadn’t taken action when she did.

She has been named after one of her rescuers, who I also keep in touch with. Ruby has changed my life with her lovable ways. She loves her walks and, after having a hip replacement last Christmas Eve, has enabled me to get out as well. My hubby didn't want a dog, but he is so besotted with her now!

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Meet Pebbles

Pebbles came into Ellie’s life while she was recovering from breast cancer – and she turned out to be exactly what she needed

I adopted Pebbles when she was 15 weeks old from a rescue centre. She’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the sweetest face and waggy tail. I was recovering from breast cancer at the time, and still felt anxious after a year of treatment. She constantly made me laugh – she’d even walk around with my finger in her mouth, leading me round the room!

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again

Now, she brings me toys and wakes me up every morning with a kiss. She always tells me when she wants a cuddle. She’s just my best friend.

Pebbles has made me enjoy life again and look to the future. We love walks and trips to the pub or shops. I’ve also enrolled her on a scent detection course, and she’s been having so much fun doing it.

I think she actually rescued me, and I’m grateful every day for the happiness and love she provides. Her nickname is Starfish as she sleeps on her back with her legs out, like a starfish.

Meet Roscoe

Roscoe the hilarious dog is a cherished member of Katrina’s family

We’ve had Roscoe since he was 10 weeks old. He is a bundle of fun and trouble all rolled into one! He’s chewed pretty much everything in my house, but every time I look into his big, brown eyes I can’t stay angry for long.

A bundle of fun and trouble all rolled into one

Throughout lockdown he has kept our family entertained by learning new tricks and just being his happy self. If you’re sad, he comes over and sits on your lap to cheer you up, even though he’s a huge Labrador!

Roscoe is a ball of energy and jumps from the chair to the sofa doing zoomies, knocking over anything and everything in his path. He loves his ball and also enjoys going for a swim. Our dog is a hugely important member of our family, and everyone who meets him wants to keep him.

Meet Arla

Whether she’s dragging the family our for walks or stubbornly refusing to follow commands, Arla is always keeping Izabella entertained

Arla is my 11-month-old White Swiss Shepherd and she’s the best reason to get up in the morning. She loves meeting new people and will circle you until it makes you dizzy, just so she can get the good scratches from all sides!

Always up for an adventure, she loves sniffing out new spots, especially if there are muddy puddles involved. Ever since she's joined our family, we've had more exposure to the Great British countryside than ever, in all weather conditions! It's hard to feel the cold when you have a big white fluffy coat like Arla.

She’s the best reason to get up in the morning

Now it's spring and the lambs are about, she’s made a habit of dragging us to the nearest sheep field on her walks so she can stare at them in awe with her tail wagging, true to her Shepherd ways. Every so often, a lamb will come up to the fence to have a closer look and it truly makes her day.

Although she has many quirks, her funniest habit is putting herself to bed as soon as you mention training in the house. Arla has a rule that the house is only for play, sleep and strictly no work. All you have to do is ask her to 'sit' or pick up a treat and she's straight in the crate – sometimes she shuts the door after herself too!

Meet Jasper

Jasper has been a loving and loyal friend to Ann during challenging times

I got Jasper at a very difficult point in my life. My mum had just passed away from cancer, I’d lost my old Labrador after 12 and a half years, and I was recovering from major spinal surgery, too.

During this time, Jasper was a breath of fresh air and gave me a reason to push onwards in life.

He’s the most beautiful little soul

I’ve since had a second spinal operation, and he’s become my carer of sorts. He picks up items for me when I can’t bend down, he gives the best snuggles when I need them, and he makes me smile every single day!

Jasper’s also helping me to walk again – giving me a reason to get up and go places, which has also helped me lose a considerable amount of weight.

He’s the most beautiful little soul and my life wouldn’t have been worth living without my best friend and companion. I love him more than anything in the world.

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