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British Dogs

Meet Kai

Kai struggles with eating, but his owner Sandra has always been there to help

Kai is a Boxer dog. We collected him on Valentine’s Day 2018, when he was eight weeks old. Right from the start, we thought there was something wrong as he was always sick. We took him to vets and the first x-rays told us he had a large oesophagus. Then we went to hospital for a Visio camera, and they told us he has megaesophagus, which means he can’t eat normal dog food, biscuits or anything hard. He can’t even have water.

Initially, all his food had to be blended so it was very soft, and we fed him by hand from a height so it would go down to his stomach. After feeding, he had to be held upwards for at least 20 minutes. He was fed in our arms up to five times a day.

As he got older, my husband made him his first Bailey chair, where I would feed Kai and then he would sit there for his ‘up time’. It was hard for the first couple of years but started to ease a bit in his third year. He’s now five years old, and last year he started having treats and drops of water throughout the day. He’s still fed three times a day in his chair, followed by his up time.

He's small for his age and he’s often mistaken for a puppy – he’s maybe only 50% of a normal dog’s size, but he gives us 100% love. He loves to snuggle up to us. He’s also a typical Boxer in many ways and he has all the usual traits. He knows what he wants and how to get it. We wouldn’t change him for the world.

He’s maybe only 50% of a normal dog’s size, but he gives us 100% love

Meet Janey

After a difficult start, Janey is finally living the life she always deserved with Maria and her family

Our Janey is a rescue dog from Romania, who was saved from living life on the streets and brought to the UK by Blind Dog Rescue UK. She had experienced dreadful cruelty and was fostered by a wonderful lady in Derby.

She brightens my day every day

We drove from Essex to Derby to collect her. She was very quiet at first but soon settled in with us and our cats. She’s cheeky, funny and very cuddly. Our cats trust her, and my grandchildren adore her.

She’s so gentle and sweet-natured despite her rough start in life. She’s very precious to us and brightens my day every day.

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Meet Kes

Zoe’s dog Kes makes the world a happier place with his assistance skills and infectious happiness

Kes is my little hearing dog-in-training. I got him just eight days after I sent off my last trainee as a fully qualified assistance dog, and boy did he arrive with a bang! He’s a gorgeous chocolate Cocker with big, innocent eyes, but don’t let that fool you – really, he’s a crazy bundle of energy who keeps me on my toes every day.

He’s also a notorious sock thief

From the minute he wakes me up to the moment he goes to bed he’s causing mischief. He’s also a notorious sock thief. Kes will take them off the airer, radiator or even out of the washing machine as I unload it! He also adores being in the water, whether that means swimming, river splashing, jumping in muddy puddles or even just dipping his nose in his water bowl.

Kes is the friendliest dog alive. When you come downstairs or through the front door, he greets you like you’ve been gone forever. It’s adorable, the way he starts wiggling and wagging his tail with excitement. His love for life is contagious. I’ve never met a happier, crazier dog and I think the world of him. I just wish I could bottle up his energy and drink some!

Meet Jack Daniels

Mary’s pooch Jack Daniels (JD) is able to be a bouncy puppy one minute, and a soothing therapy dog the next.

We adopted JD as a 14-week-old puppy. His previous owner had only had him for five days before deciding it was too much effort to have a dog. The minute he met our daughter, who is autistic with specific learning difficulties, he instantly seemed to know that she needed calmness.

He’s such a natural therapy dog

He does not leave her side when she’s home, and picks up on the signs she is overwhelmed. He lies by her and sticks his head in her hands. At night he sleeps by her bed and when she wakes at night, he lies on top of her. The pressure of him seems to send her back to sleep. He’s such a natural therapy dog.

He is also a crazy young dog who is ball-obsessed and also likes helping dig at the allotment. I can’t believe how lucky we have been to find such a wonderful dog.

Meet Silkie

Maria is in awe of how much Silkie has helped her son Hayden come out of his shell

Our dog is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Silkie. We’ve had him since he was just 12 weeks old and he is now around 18 months. He is a dog that loves cuddles, playing, and just making the most of all life has to offer.

He’s made such a huge difference to our family, but particularly to my 17-year-old son Hayden, who has autism and multiple other needs. Prior to Silkie, Hayden was very withdrawn and almost didn't speak. He hadn’t left the house for months, not even to go into the garden. As his parents, we were at our wits end and so sad at the limited life he was leading.

From the moment we brought Silkie home, he and Hayden bonded. It was as if Silkie knew he needed a friend. Initially, cuddles and playing indoors were the order of the day. On a couple of occasions, Silkie would pick up his toy and go out of our back door to the garden, wagging his tail and prancing as if to say to Hayden 'Come out and play!'. At first, Hayden would just call Silkie back in, but eventually he went outside, moving further down the garden as he became more confident. Silkie encouraged him further, coaxing him out for longer and waiting patiently for him to follow, almost as if he knew he was scared.

Silkie knew Hayden needed a friend

Before we knew it, Hayden was running up and down the garden and confident enough to go out there on his own. Because he wanted to do his best for Silkie, Hayden even progressed to coming out with us on dog walks. Initially, this was just locally, but soon he began to take Silkie to more interesting places, like the vets. Thanks to Silkie, he’s no longer afraid of people, and will happily stop and chat to them about dogs. Sometimes, he even ventures into shops, which he would never even think of doing before.

Silkie has brought our family so much joy. He’s not only offered us all loyalty and companionship, but he’s transformed Hayden’s world. For the first time in a long while he is happy, and the confidence he’s gained has allowed him to grow in all areas in his life. He’s re-entered education (which he had missed for around 18 months), goes on outings and has his own friends. None of this would have happened without Silkie.

Meet Xiaoxiao

Chantel wasn’t prepared for how much she would love Xiaoxiao, and now he’s always on-hand to comfort her, support her son, and even groom her cats

Xiaoxiao (pronounced chowchow) was a street dog in China. He was rescued and adopted by me in October 2019. He’s slightly wonky so he can’t walk massive distances.

On the first night he came to me, he put his arms around my neck and just wouldn’t stop licking me. He spent that night asleep on my bed in my arms, and he’s slept there ever since.

I suffer from a few mental health conditions which affect my moods severely. Xiaoxiao always knows what I need in every moment. If I am angry or sad, he will sit next to me and lick me, then put himself on my lap to cuddle.

He is always by my side everywhere I go

He is always by my side everywhere I go, no matter what. Xiaoxiao has a thing about my socks. When I come home, I have to give him my socks or he will literally try and take them off my feet! He often plays with my cats as well – they run around together, and he helps groom them.

My son is currently on the road to being diagnosed with autism and Xiaoxiao is so good with him. If he is having a bad day, Xiaoxiao will sit with him, just letting my son stroke him while he calms down.

When I rescued Xiaoxiao, I had no idea how special he would be to me. Nothing I do doesn’t involve him. He came camping last summer for four days in Dartmoor, which he loved. We walked for miles, spent the nights in a tent on the moor and had the most amazing time.

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