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British Dogs

Meet Jonesy

After a tough diagnosis, Jonesy has amazed Deborah with his strength, resilience and vitality

Almost 12 months ago, Jonesy was diagnosed with a type of cancer called hemangiosarcoma, and we were told that he probably wouldn’t make it very long.

However, he's still with us and he’s still enjoying life to the full – walking, swimming, chasing balls and catching bubbles (his favourite game).

His unfailing enthusiasm and energy in everything we ask of him is a delight

He still competes in scent work trials (which he's very good at) and the masses of rosettes he's won is astonishing.

Of course, he doesn't know he has a terminal illness, nor does he know he's on borrowed time, but his unfailing enthusiasm and energy in everything we ask of him is a delight, proving that ignorance really is bliss.

We do the worrying for him and have redoubled our efforts to work through his doggy 'bucket list'.

Meet Mango

Life hasn’t always been easy for Shauna, but luckily every day has been a little bit sunnier since Mango came along

I have severe endometriosis and fibromyalgia and had to have a full hysterectomy three years ago at age 32. I have no children and unfortunately will be unable to have any now. My mental health suffered as a result of this and other ongoing chronic illnesses, so in July 2021, I adopted Mango from Romania using a charity called EuroPaws.

I saw one photo of her prior to her arriving from Romania, and I went to collect her at 4am, straight from the van she’d just spend four days travelling in. Out came the most beautiful girl, and as soon as I had her in my arms, I fell madly in love with her. From that day ‘til now, 13 months later, I can honestly say every day has been better because of her.

Every day has been better because of her

She has such a wonderful personality and has bonded with me so completely that people comment on it regularly. She is my best friend and my reason to get up in the morning. She sleeps in the funniest positions, gets beyond excited when she sees her doggy friends, talks to me in grumble noises when it’s time for us to go to bed and LOVES a walking adventure.

She goes everywhere with me. We love to explore all over Scotland, and she adores lying in her bed in the passenger seat of the car while I drive. She’s the laziest dog in the mornings and has been known to not go for a pee until 5pm because she’s too lazy to walk down the stairs. She also has huge ears to match her huge personality and everyone who meets her falls in love with her.

I truly feel she was meant to be mine and we’re so perfectly suited to each other. She really is my child replacement, and I wouldn’t be without her now. She’s my happy place!

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Meet Arlo and Pip

Lizzy’s vineyard job can be somewhat lonely at times, but luckily Arlo and Pip are always on hand to brighten her days

My dogs are my world. They come with me everywhere and there is never a moment that we’re apart. We work on a vineyard in Essex – me looking after the vines and the dogs exploring all day. Without my dogs it would be an extremely lonely job. They are my company every day and they never fail to make me laugh.

Without my dogs it would be an extremely lonely job

Arlo (a Labrador) is six and I have had him since I was 16. He has been my best friend for years now and has been with me through everything, from living with my parents to buying my own home and getting engaged. One day, he’ll be the best man at our wedding. Pip (a working Cocker puppy) is our newest addition at three months old and he’s full of beans.

Pip loves to run and jump at dandelions, play with insects, chase butterflies and dig holes. Arlo loves sleeping ALL DAY in the sun and chewing sticks when he does get up (sometimes). They are lucky boys and I like to think they are very happy too.

Meet Anya

As her son’s hearing support dog, Anya has given Norma’s family a peace of mind they thought they’d never have.

Anya is a sensitive, loving and intelligent Golden Cocker Spaniel who has been a part of our lives for five years now. She gives every family member their own special attention, but as my son’s hearing support dog, she’s also his best friend. Every morning she starts her day by jumping on his bed, trying to dig him out from under his duvet!

Offering more than just hearing support, Anya also provides him with unconditional love and friendship. She calls him down for dinner by entering his room, nudging him with her wet, black nose and then leading him downstairs. It’s very comforting to know that she’s always there to protect him, especially when he’s asleep at night. If the smoke alarm goes off, for example, she can wake him up and alert him to the danger.

She’ll be there to protect him

 Anya loves her walks and, as a typical Spaniel, she loves to sniff out fox poo! Her favourite human foods are sausages and cheese – if you ever eat them in front of her, she always looks at you with the biggest brown eyes, trying to get you to share them. She also adores playing frisbee, always running after it and bringing it back for us to throw again.

She’s our first dog, and every day we are thankful for the love and support she gives us. Suffering from hearing loss can sometimes mean that people shy away from you, but with Anya around people are actually drawn to us.

When I look at her asleep on the sofa, I understand why dogs like to sleep a lot – it’s because when they’re awake, they devote all of their energy to looking after their humans.

Meet Jester

Lockdown has been tough on Barbara, but Jester’s love and personality are just what she needs to get through.

Jester is just three months old but has already made a big difference to my life. I was widowed suddenly last year and I am classed as clinically extremely vulnerable, so found the first lockdown very hard. My daughter and family did all they could but obviously cannot be here 24/7.

He has already made a big difference to my life

This lockdown is hard, but I have a purpose: woken at 6.30am, puppy training, regular meals, games and enforced rest whilst he sleeps – usually on me, given the chance!

He may not be able to talk but he cocks his head and listens, probably thinking ‘is she going mad?!’ Help in the garden involves digging, pulling trailing plants, collecting and dispersing fallen apples.

Meet Alfie

Amy and her dog Alfie have both faced their own difficulties in life, but now they can always rely on each other for support

My dog Alfie (aka Alfred, Alfie Moo, Moose or Moosey) is my best friend. I was approached by a rescue service who desperately needed an urgent foster for him. After a month, I knew we had the most amazing bond, so I adopted him.

At the time I was getting my life back together after a tricky couple of years and Alfie became such a massive part of that journey. When the country went into lockdown and I was living away from my family, I was so glad to have him with me!

I feel so honoured that I can give him a loving home

He's still a nervous dog, but he's so clever and I feel so honoured that I can give him a loving home. He never lets me lie in, and he insists on walkies first thing in the morning, even on a day off! That is unless it’s raining, when he quickly turns back round for home.

He's grown to trust and love my parents and partner. He's also the biggest cheese fiend and can smell it from a mile away. While he doesn't like the car, he always enjoys our adventures out and about.

I'm proud I get to come home to Moose every day. I don't know what he went through before he came to me (and I don't want to know), but he's an inspiration!

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