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British Dogs

Meet Joey

At the grand old age of 10, Joey has shown owner Julie that he’s strong, resilient and a real fighter

A few months ago, Joey collapsed and lost the use of his back legs. The vet said it was a stroke and that it was time to say goodbye.

His determination and zest for life is a lesson and a tonic

Joey, however, had other plans. After a few days, he began to move his back legs again. Then, after a week, he was weight bearing, which is quite a task for a 36kg Greyhound. Now, he can freely run and play.

His determination and zest for life is a lesson and a tonic for me every single day. He brings such happiness to our lives.

Meet Pablo

Pablo is Olivia’s first child, but he also somehow seems to know when she’s pregnant – even before she does!

Pablo is a miniature schnauzer. My partner Scott and I welcomed him into our family to keep me company when I wasn’t working due to migraines. We got him from a breeder who also owned his mum and dad, and they brought him up around their family until he was ready to move in with us.

Pablo is very anxious. But he likes to bark, and he’s getting better and better each day! Back in 2019, he suddenly became more and more affectionate towards me. He would cuddle me, snuggle right into my tummy whenever he could and bark when people came near me. Two weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with my first child. We all said he knew! Since then, Pablo has been amazing with my daughter, Esmay, and she loves him so much.

I really think dogs know us better than we do

Fast forward to 2021, Pablo started acting the same way towards me – cuddling me, lying on me, not leaving my side. We weren’t trying for another child, but I rang a friend and said to her ‘I think I’m pregnant. Pablo is acting like he did before I found out with Esmay.’ I hadn’t even told Scott I was going to do a test!

Anyway, turns out I was expecting again! Pablo is also amazing with his brother, Jude. I really think dogs know us better than we do. Or maybe Pablo is just one of a kind. He’ll be happy soon as we’re currently doing up a campervan, making sure we have room for all three of our babies.

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Meet Dali

Victoria’s anxiety has often made everyday life a challenge, but Dali is always there to lighten the load

As someone who has suffered with social anxiety for many years, Dali has always been there for me, whether he’s accompanying me to shops, or sitting with me when I'm tearful.

Dali suffers from bad arthritis in his legs, so he has to travel by buggy now. But no matter what, he’s always a happy waggy dog who never leaves my side.

Dali has an amazing personality and one of his favourite things to do is sing to music! He howls away to his favourite singers, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Little Mix. He’s the best little thing to ever happen to me.

He’s the best little thing to ever happen to me

Meet Milo

When Elizabeth rescued Milo, little did she know that he would become the inspiration behind her own dog treat business

In August last year, I stumbled across a photo on social media of a little puppy. He had been found with his siblings on the streets of Bosnia and was looking for his forever home. I had thought for a long time about getting a second dog as my older dog is 12 years old and I wanted some company for both of us. After getting through the rehoming process, I was told I had been picked to rehome Milo.

When I picked him up, a lady walked round the corner with a ball of ears and legs in her arms and instantly I fell in love! Almost a year later and he has led to the most amazing transformation of my life. Before I got Milo, I was withdrawn, anxious, socially awkward, depressed and searching for something.

He has led to the most amazing transformation of my life

Now, I adore going out on adventures with Milo, and he has also triggered my biggest adventure yet. My other dog, Holly, has severe allergies so we were always limited with treats and food. So, when training Milo, a young street dog who is food motivated, I needed to find something they could both have. This led to me finding my passion for making dog treats, and my business was born – Liz's Pet Bakery.

Milo is now chief taste tester and official cuddler! During the week I work full time and at the weekend we regularly attend craft fairs, dog shows and food festivals to showcase our treats. Milo meets and greets all the pups whilst operating his own cuddle booth.

We are now both more confident, social, happy and content and he really did change my life for the better. Although we’ve had low points (and I’ve gone through two carpets and six broadband cables), nothing could've prepared me for the transformation this little lad could bring me. I am proud to say I rescued him, and he wants for absolutely nothing!

Meet Lulu

As laidback and low maintenance as they come, Lulu the Maltese has fitted perfectly into Caroline and her partner’s busy lives

Our Maltese, Lulu, brings us such joy every day. We both work long hours as a chef and housekeeper, and Lulu is happy to wait for us in our flat, sleeping during the day or quietly entertaining herself with all her toys.

She loves to lie at the top of our staircase, waiting for us to climb to the top to and rub her stomach before she stretches awake. She even has her own mini staircase to climb onto our sofa and our bed at night. She insists on sleeping right at the top of the bed in between the two of us, and never wakes up before we do.

She just likes being with us

We both suffer from allergies and don’t have always have time to take her for very long walks, but we chose her breed as she’s hypoallergenic and very happy with just a short walk and play. She doesn’t often need to be entertained and never really demands attention. She just likes being with us, and we love having her to cuddle and laugh with. She’s always in a good mood!

We always plan our day off around her and she always comes with us on car journeys around the UK during our holidays. She loves an adventure, but also loves to lie down and do nothing sometimes, too.

Meet Toby

After many years of working as a sheep dog for Lauren’s family, Toby is enjoying a well-earned retirement

Toby is a working sheep dog! He’s been the best dog we’ve had on our farm – no job was ever too big or too small for him. He has been my companion and best friend since I was two.

He has been my companion and best friend since I was two

Toby only retired from rounding up sheep and farm work around two years ago so has had a very long working life. He’s still going strong and now enjoys a more relaxed lifestyle just pottering around the farmyard. He’s a caring, gentle boy, and a big softy at heart. Plus, he knows how to pull at the heart strings to get his own way!

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