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British Dogs

Meet Joey

At the grand old age of 10, Joey has shown owner Julie that he’s strong, resilient and a real fighter

A few months ago, Joey collapsed and lost the use of his back legs. The vet said it was a stroke and that it was time to say goodbye.

His determination and zest for life is a lesson and a tonic

Joey, however, had other plans. After a few days, he began to move his back legs again. Then, after a week, he was weight bearing, which is quite a task for a 36kg Greyhound. Now, he can freely run and play.

His determination and zest for life is a lesson and a tonic for me every single day. He brings such happiness to our lives.

Meet Thelma

With Thelma by her side, Debbie can accomplish anything

Thelma is the happiest, most caring canine. She's training to be my assistance dog and is doing amazingly. When I’m out, she alerts me if I’m having a panic attack.

I wouldn’t be where I am now without her

We've had her since she was a crazy puppy, back when she loved nothing more than bouncing off the sofa. With all her training, she's become muchcalmer, and always helps everyone we meet.

When we’re out, Thelma takes her working life very seriously, but she still has a silly side. She’s always zooming around the garden and is obsessed with food. I wouldn’t be where I am now without her. She’s my rock.

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Meet Dobby

Mark’s dog Dobby has many quirky habits that bring his family endless joy

Dobby is a Whippet and Italian greyhound cross who always makes us laugh. He enjoys stealing people’s socks, running very fast around Chesterracecourse and pinching our toast, but what he loves most is climbing intothe basket of warm washing after it has been tumble dried.

He enjoys stealing people’s socks

He has made a real difference to our family life during the pandemic. My daughter has always wanted a dog and he has provided her so much comfort over the last six months, helping her to get out and exercise and stay positive. He can be a little over enthusiastic at times, but that’s just part of his charm.

Meet Dusty

For many years, Dusty has been an invaluable source of support for Heather’s son, despite his health challenges

Our eldest son, who is six now, was born with several medical conditions. Dusty has always seemed to know this. From a puppy, she was always next to Stanley. Stanley was unable to see for a significant time and Dusty would bring her ball and drop it into his hand so he could throw it for her. Then she’d chase it, bring it back to him and place it in his hand again.

Stanley was also born with complete weakness on his right side, so he struggled a little with his walking. So, Dusty would press herself against him to support him whilst he was going about his day-to-day business. When our youngest was born, Dusty became protective over him too, but she always knew Stanley needed a little more help.

She almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys

Thankfully, an operation back in March 2020 meant that Stanley’s vision was much improved. Old habits die hard though, so Dusty still treats him as though he has trouble seeing. She sleeps at the end of the bed. If he wakes up in the night, she guides him to the bathroom and back to bed. And if he rolls too close to the edge, she lies alongside him to keep him from falling out.

It seems like she almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys. She joins in with their games and follows them round. Quite often, she sits next to the play kitchen while they ‘cook’ her dinner, or helps them dig in the sandpit. She even follows them around in the sea on holiday! Then she rounds them up and she makes sure that nobody is left behind.

Dusty goes everywhere with us. As soon as we open the car door, she jumps straight in. She’s a best friend to both of our sons and our family wouldn’t be the same without her.

Meet Sprocket

Georgina’s dog Sprocket has oodles of energy, and that’s exactly why she loves him so much

Sprocket is the best thing to ever have happened to our family. His endearing quirks never fail to put a smile on our faces. For instance, he always runs with his legs so straight he looks like a cartoon, and in the evening, he huffs and puffs very loudly before dramatically opening his pen, just to let us know he wants to go to bed.

He can sometimes be a bit of a diva

He’s a tiny bundle of energy and always ready to play. I wouldn’t say he’s spoilt, but he is well-loved and so always enjoys – and expects – a cuddle or two in our bed. He can sometimes be bit of a diva, and we often find ourselves having to pause the TV because he’s making a racket by digging around or barking because he wants to go out.

None of this really matters though, because our little pup is such a sweetheart. We love him for all of his funny habits and his adorable personality.

Meet Mac

Mac is constantly making his owner Grace laugh with his hilarious antics

Mac is a two-year-old Golden Retriever and he is the most wonderful boy. He loves toys, especially stuffed animals. His favourites include a shark, a teddy bear, two hedgehogs, two sheep plus many more.

He loves toys, especially stuffed animals

Whenever someone comes to our front door, Mac always greets them witha toy, regardless of whether they want it or not. He’s got such a friendly nature that he insists we say hello to all of the dogs and people we see on our walks. He also adores running, sliding and rolling around outside, particularly when it’s snowy or if he’s near the water.

Working from home has been a strange adjustment but having Mac around has made it so much easier, and he gives me the motivation I need to carry on each day. It’s amazing the difference a happy dog can make to your life. Mac is a bundle of joy.

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