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British Dogs

Meet Jennie Jane

Though Jennie Jane was born without sight and abandoned as a puppy, Helen has strived to give her the best life possible since she rescued her

Jennie Jane is a rescue dog from Romania. She was found in a plastic bag in an orchard, along with her two brothers. They think she was about four weeks old when she was found.

She enjoys life as much as any dog that can see

On my first night with Jennie Jane, she lay next to me on my bed and put her paw around my arm. I knew then that she was a very special little dog, and I fell head over heels for her.

Jennie Jane is completely blind and was most probably born with no eyes. She amazes me every day. She’s so smart and enjoys life as much as any dog that can see. I hope you can see how special she is, too.

Meet Goose

While volunteering for British Divers Marine Life Rescue, Lizzi discovered that Goose had an unexpected superpower

Goose is a Cyprus street dog. One of her best qualities is her kindness and intuition – she comes to work with me out on the beach and puts my coaching clients at ease. She’s also a volunteer SAS Rep and a Marine Mammal Medic Search and Rescue Dog.

For SAS, she helps run beach cleans and is extremely patient with all the children. She’s also self-trained in finding ghost fishing nets for us to collect. We bring her to fundraisers too and she acts as a great draw. She is so mellow and relaxed, and people gravitate towards her. When I’m asked what breed she is, I say she is a total mix and that she must be made with 100% love.

One of her best qualities is her kindness and intuition

For British Divers Marine Life Rescue, we attend callouts to sick and injured seal pups and Goose is brilliant at locating them. Ordinarily we would say keep dogs well away from seals – and to be fair, Goose keeps her distance – but after attending a great many callouts, she must have realised what we were looking for. One evening, we were on the beach in the dark, searching for a seal pup that had been called in with vague location details. We had her on the lead, and after around 45 minutes in the pitch black we were giving up. So, we took her off-lead and saw her blue collar light disappear back to an area we had already searched.

She climbed about ten feet up a rock, then stopped still. As we approached, we saw that ten metres away from her, fast asleep in a rock crevice, was our poorly seal pup. Since then, we have paid a lot more attention to her when out on rescues and she always leads us straight to them, which is a great help when time can be critical. I can say for certain that she’s saved many seal pup lives.

Goose is loved by all who meet her and she holds a huge part in our hearts. For a small dog, she has made a lifelong impact on us, and we are eternally grateful to have found each other. She is my hero and teaches me life lessons every day!

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Meet Harry

When Paul wanted to change his lifestyle for the better, Harry was there to lend a paw

I work in IT, which means I have a very sedate life.After I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes a few years ago, I was encouraged to increase my daily activity. To help with this, we decided to get a dog, and so Harry the English Springer Spaniel bounded into our lives.

He’s becoming a very friendly pup

Socialisation has been a challenge, as we live in a rural location so Harry doesn’t get to see a lot of people on a daily basis. However, he’s becoming a very friendly pup. He’s never happier than when he’s outside, either exploring in the woods or being my gardening assistant. He especially likes to carry branches to the compost heap or dig out old fenceposts. We really couldn’t imagine life without him.

Meet Diesel

Whether he’s playing with his toys or cuddling up to her on the sofa, Diesel makes every day happier for Lynda

Diesel is a rescue who we’ve had for just over a year. He helps me with my depression, and he’s the reason I get up in the morning.

He’s the reason I get up in the morning

He’s so loving, and he loves nothing more than cuddling up on the sofa. He also enjoys learning new tricks, playing with his toys, and unwrapping his gifts at Christmas, or on his Gotcha Day (the day we got him from the rescue).

Whenever he goes out for a walk, he loves to say ‘hi’ to other people and dogs. My life wouldn’t be the same without Diesel.

Meet Sandy

William’s job isn’t easy, but he knows he’ll always come home to Sandy’s loving support and affection.

I'm a support worker for the very vulnerable and my dog is the best thing that has happened to me since lockdown began.

She gives me so much love!

I come home every night and she jumps all over me and gives me so much love. She makes my day so much better. She is my alarm clock, and even talks to me in her own special way by licking my face and nudging me when she needs me.

Meet Minnie

Despite her difficult start in life, Minnie has continued to thrive ever since Debby rescued her from Romania

My little dog is such a brave star and quite deservedly has a big fan club of schoolchildren. They can't wait to gather round and fuss her when I go to our village school to collect my five-year-old grandson.

She sits like a little angel and patiently enjoys all the stroking and oohs and aahs from the boys and girls. One mum was thrilled when her little girl stroked Minnie as she usually has a terrible fear of dogs, so well done to Minnie for being so lovely!

Minnie learned to be brave as a tiny puppy as she was born at the side of a motorway and one of her siblings was actually killed by the traffic. Fortunately, Minnie and her mum were saved and taken to a rescue shelter in Romania, which was safe but rather bleak and cold.

She was born at the side of a motorway

I had been considering a rescue dog for a while and I just knew this little pup was the one for me. Once again, Minnie had to be brave as she spent three days travelling in a small crate from Romania to the UK in January. It must have been gruelling despite the love and care from the marvellous volunteers at the charity.

Since her ordeal, Minnie has blossomed into the sweet, cuddly, gentle, funny and friendly little darling that she is now. She is so funny when she is on her sock-stealing missions. She thinks she’s so clever but she just looks hilarious as she dashes away on her tiny little Queen Anne legs with a pair of socks flapping in her mouth!

She has also started spinning round and round at 100 miles an hour, trying to catch her bushy squirrel tail! And yes, she is a funny shape – a bit of a hairy sausage with stumpy legs and the fluffiest curly tail. But she is a bundle of love and the best little friend anyone could ever want.

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