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British Dogs

Meet Jeffrey

Sarah’s family adores Jeffrey – a small dog that’s made a big impact!

Jeffrey, our beloved Miniature Schnauzer, became part of our family as a companion to our teenage son.

At the time, our son was lonely and missing his siblings (who being eight years older had already left home). He was also sad after being bullied for several months at school.

Our son took great joy in training Jeffrey to do all sorts of tricks, as well as taking care of him and taking him for walks. Jeffrey was his loyal companion, waiting at the foot of the stairs by the front door all day when he left for school and squealing and leaping with delight when he returned home. This built our son’s confidence and helped him to make new friends.

He loves nothing more than everyone coming home

Our son has left home now, and since he can’t keep a dog in rental accommodation, Jeffrey is looked after by us parents. He follows me around, takes us for a walk every day and when our son returns, he’s beside himself with joy! He’s loyal to the whole family and loves nothing more than everyone coming home.

Jeffrey keeps us active and his favourite place to go for a walk is the beach near where we live. He also loves walks in the forest, parks and the local area, and he enjoys saying hello to everyone! He used to play fetch with a ball, but since he’s lost most of his teeth, he can only do that with very soft toys now. He’s extremely friendly and has a great personality. He’s curious, inquisitive, adventurous and enjoys a good cuddle with a tummy and neck rub!

Family life is complete with Jeffrey.

Meet Harvey

Zoe’s adorable furry friend Harvey is such a happy-go-lucky lad that even losing his tail didn’t stop him

Harvey came into the family as a brother to Diesel (they both have same parents) and as a wedding present. He soon found his place in the home. The ability to fit under the sofa and charge out at your slippers if he had chance kept us on our toes!

A real Jack the lad character

Unfortunately, he was so happy when we came home that the hallway began looking like a crime scene as his wagging tail split, so it was amputated for his welfare. Nowadays it’s all about playing hide and seek, a routine we have to do when we get up and before bed. He will wait patiently before pouncing round and trying to sniff the toy out when hidden. A real Jack the lad character and whirlwind member of our family.

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Meet Shirley

She may be getting on, but affectionate Shirley is a huge source of comfort for Jacqueline

My daughter, Felicity, bought Shirley as a puppy (I loaned her the money to buy her). She always wanted a pug and finally got one when she was 25 years old. Felicity absolutely loved her little dog, who even featured on top of her wedding cake in sugar form! Shirley became a doting carer for Felicity’s children, too.

Sadly, Felicity passed away aged 34, leaving her two boys (aged two and four), as well as Shirley the dog.

Shirley is such a wonderful little dog who is just full of love

Felicity’s husband found it difficult to care for Shirley, so we adopted her. She spent a lot of time with us anyway, so it wasn’t too much of a trial coming to live with us, particularly as she was aging. As a 15-year-old dog, I think she liked being with two retired oldies.

She snuggles up to us on the sofa every night and has been such a comfort to us. Shirley is such a wonderful little dog who is just full of love.

Meet Frank

From looking after his health to making him laugh, Frank the Dachshund is James’s best pal

Frank is such a character. He absolutely loves cuddles. Being a Dachshund, he can usually be found snuggling under a blanket, or wrapped up in a cardigan all cosy and warm. He constantly tries to 'burrow' under the duvet if he’s on the bed.

He’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic

He also loves food, and his favourites includes eggs, toast and bananas. Frank can sense when one of us is eating a banana without him. Once youstart peeling, he’ll appear in the doorway as if by magic, ready for a bite!

I suffer from seizures, and Frank always senses when I am having one andwill not leave my side until I have recovered. He’s a firm part of our family

Meet Cisa

Named after the young girl who rescued her in Romania, Cisa has been on quite a journey, and now couldn’t be more cherished by her new family

This is a photo of Cisa when she was found by a young Romanian girl called Narcisa at about four weeks old. At first, Narcisa thought she was a rat until she stopped to check, and found this wet, bedraggled pup all alone with no sign of a mum.

Narcisa took her to the local rescue centre where luckily, they had a mum with two puppies who accepted her and fed her.

She’s very affectionate and loves people – especially children

We got Cisa at five months old and she’s been an absolute delight. She’s clean and not a big chewer, but oh boy, is she an independent little madam. She’s also very affectionate and loves people – especially children – but tends to avoid other dogs except the ones she adores (mostly boy dogs!).

We still keep in touch with Narcisa and Maria at the rescue centre by sending regular photo updates.

Meet Kylo

Kylo always knows exactly what his owner Suzanne needs, whether it be love, a helping hand or just a reason to smile

I have Muscular Dystrophy and am in a wheelchair, so I wasn’t sure how a puppy would fit into our lives initially, but I knew I wanted the love and companionship only a furry friend could provide.

Kylo is now one year old and has already exceeded all of my expectations. He is such a loving dog and is never happier than when he’s sitting with us and getting lots of attention. He is very sensitive to my disability and will sit by my legs as though protecting me from the world (something he doesn’t do to anyone else). He also sits and waits patiently whenever I go past in my wheelchair, and even seems to sense when my feet and legs are painful.

He has brought such love, joy and affection

He has recently learnt to bring me my socks when I ask him to, after many months of grabbing them and taking off! We all utterly adore him, and he has brought such joy, love and affection into our family life.

Whenever you enter room, he will always greet you with a very enthusiastic tail wag – we call it the helicopter. He’s so smart and learnt all his commands and tricks in no time. Although, despite his intelligence, he is still absolutely terrified of the microwave!

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