I lost my job 11 years ago, about the same time Hope was born. My brother gave her to me, so I had a reason to get out of bed in the mornings and she has certainly lived up to her name. Occasionally she is Hopeful or Hopeless too!
She’s the most chilled out dog I’ve ever known and we take her everywhere with us. In 2016, we had the opportunity to go travelling for six months around Spain and Portugal. Hope came too of course.
She’s the most chilled out dog I’ve ever known and we take her everywhere with us
We based ourselves in the Algarve and travelled around via public transport. She was always so well behaved that the train conductor would ask us why we had bought three tickets to travel (you pay for dogs there too). We always had to point her out, chilled or asleep at our feet.
Whenever we played stick or ball by the sea, we would gain a crowd as the locals have a different relationship with their dogs in the Algarve and were not used to them being so playful. Hope has stayed in Airbnbs across Portugal and never a whisper. The above photo is from Lisbon, which we adored, with Hope taking the crowds in her stride.
I'll start by saying I didn't really want a dog. My husband had wanted one for so long, however I felt that it was an extra responsibility and commitment that we didn't really need – but then I met Bear.
He’s lifted me up when I’ve felt sad
Bear is my best friend. He's lifted me up when I’ve felt sad, helped me cope with stress and brought even more joy to my life during the happiest times – like on holiday, where he adapted naturally to life as the resident camp pooch.
We're incredibly close to the owners of his sister Dolly, and our two dogs share an incredible amount of traits. They're both inseparable, bonkers and completely ball mad!
One of Bear’s funniest traits is the way he bounces for his breakfast. It's like he gets so excited to eat that he starts dancing – a breakfast boogie, so to speak. Bear really is the most wonderful dog and the best friend a girl could wish for!
Chloe’s a wee beagle. She’s so loving with all other dogs and children, and she loves her walks. When she was younger, she had to get pins in her back legs, and now she has a small tumour which has to be checked, but the vet has said not to worry as it’s only small.
She loves everyone unconditionally
She loves everyone unconditionally, and enjoys stealing our socks, which is always so funny. Hopefully we’ll have her for a good few years yet, as I just love her to pieces.
She also sleeps on my pillow, next to my head at night, which I love. She’s such an adorable wee cutie, my angel Chloe.
Poppy is a puppy farm rescue dog with a lot of physical and behavioural issues. Although she’s a bit crackers, that’s what makes us best friends. She’s the best secret keeper, hill walker and sofa snuggler on cold winter days – I’m so grateful to have her in my life.
Poppy never judges me. She just listens and loves me unconditionally
From injuries, surgeries and sickness to friendships, relationships, new jobs, holidays, and adventures, we’ve been through so much together. Poppy never judges me. She just listens and loves me unconditionally, and I love her more than I ever realised was possible – I don’t know where I’d be without her.
Lily is 12 years old, yet she still steals any food she can get her paws on! She’s a bit lumpy and bumpy, and distinctly grey around the edges.
When Lily wakes up, her face often takes a while to return to normal after being squished by the side of her favourite chair, but most of all, she’s my 85-year-old mum’s best friend.
She’s my 85-year-old mum’s best friend
They’re both a little unsteady on their feet (and they’re on more medicines than you can imagine), but they love cuddles and cups of tea.
This picture is from one of her previous visits to the vet after breaking into a bag of dog food (she had no regrets!).
Maki is a Romanian rescue who came over to the UK in January last year. Ifostered him for a few months and instantly fell in love. I knew I’d be working from home for a while, and Maki was a sweet boy who made me laugh and smile every day.
I can see it’s building his confidence
When he first arrived, he was scared of everything and always stuck very close by my side. Now he’s settled he goes to scent training classes, as it’s an activity he can do with little distraction and no other dogs around. He really loves this, and I can see it’s building his confidence.
Maki also has a very mischievous side, and his favourite thing to do is run upstairs and un-make my bed! He usually leaves one of his toys up there, which always gives him away. Having Maki by my side has massively boosted my mental health. He rescued me just as much as I rescued him.