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British Dogs

Meet Honey

Rebecca adores Honey, who is the perfect sidekick for her

From the moment my Labrador Honey entered my life, everything changed for the better.

She’s a bundle of energy with a wagging tail that never stops and a love for adventure that we both share.

I’m so grateful to have such an amazing companion by my side

One of my favourite memories is when she first discovered the joy of swimming. We were at the lake, and after some hesitation, Honey finally leapt into the water, splashing around with pure delight. It was in that moment I realised just how much joy a dog could bring into my life.

Every day with Honey is a new adventure filled with love, loyalty, and endless tail wags. I’m so grateful to have such an amazing companion by my side.

Meet Milly

Nicky’s dog Milly is a cherished member of the family

Milly is a loved, slightly bonkers, Flat-Coated Retriever.She is a valued member of our family and makes us all laugh every day.She has taken it upon herself to look after everyone and is both an assistance and a therapy dog.

Recently, both of my children have been unwell, and Milly looks after them so lovingly.She searches for them when she doesn’t know where they are and lies with them whenever they need some comfort.She even tells us when our daughter is having a seizure, if there is no one else in the room.Milly is incredibly tuned into the children and very gentle and caring, but at the same time she’s great fun and always ready to play.

She has taken it upon herself to look after everyone

She has many of her own special quirks, and likes to collect stones from the beach, sing along to the harmonica, look after her toy squirrel ‘babies’and always starts every morning with a few yoga poses – a downwards and backwards dog.After breakfast, she runs upstairs to get the children out of bed and give them a good wash.We would all be lost without her and are very grateful to have such a special pooch.

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Meet Cleo

The moment Cleo appeared in Heather’s life, she changed it for the better

Cleo arrived on my doorstep as her owner had become ill and couldn’t keep her. She was referred to as ‘number five’, because she was the fifth dog in the house. It didn’t take long before she made friends with all the others and became a member of our family.

She’s helped me make new friends

She was so caring and spent a lot of time with my lodger, who was unwell.Cleo encouraged him to get out, and the pair of them would go for gentle walks together. Now, she walks with me every day when I go litter picking down by the river. Everyone we meet stops to talk to her, so she’s helped me make new friends, which I’ve especially appreciated throughout the last year.

Meet Pebble

Pebble came into Linda’s life exactly when she needed her, and she’s made every day a little brighter since

Pebble is my little furry rock. When I lost my husband to cancer, the loneliness was so hard to bear. So, after a lot of research and talking to friends, I decided to look for a puppy. I came across a litter of Beddlington Whippets – the mum was a first cross Beddlington Whippet and the dad was a full pedigree Whippet.

Pebble was one of nine in the litter – two others were smooth-haired like her, while the other six were rough-coated. I fell for her the first moment I saw her at six weeks old. When she was old enough to leave her mum, she came to live with me and has been my constant companion ever since.

I fell for her the first moment I saw her

She's fun, makes me laugh every day and gets me out of the house. I now have plenty of exercise and stop to chat to so many people who marvel at how fast she is. In the evenings we cuddle on the sofa, and she gets into some of the most unusual goofy positions.

We go away together in my campervan and have attended many fun dog shows, country fairs and other charity events – she’s so pretty, she’s done well in many of the shows. She does also have her quirks, like recently she became scared of a new water bowl! And she’s nosey, so she’s been known to walk into fences and walls because she’s turning to look behind her. She’s the very best dog in the world and always brings a smile to my face.

Meet Riley

Whether he’s making them laugh or helping them recover from surgery, Riley is always there for Abbigail and her family

My dog Riley is the love of my life. From the moment we met him, he was so quirky. He tried to run off down the farm rather than say hello to his new owners, but he still fell asleep in our laps on the way home.

He is such a lovable dog, always asking for attention or cuddles and he plays just like a toddler! He’s helped our family through so much. For instance, when he was a puppy, I had broken my arm and he helped it heal quicker because I was so eager to play with him that I started regaining the use of the muscles I’d lost. So much so that I didn’t even need physio after healing because Riley had already helped me gain my muscle back.

He’s helped our family through so much

My mom has also had major surgery twice and both times he was there for her, cuddling her and being gentle when she comes home, and watching her every move when she is ill – this includes warning everyone about the postman!

He sounds like a very large dog from his bark but anyone who has met Riley would know he’s very lovable. All he wants to do is say hello and give cuddles to anyone. He is so special and a big part of our family. He gets gifts at Christmas and on his birthday and signs cards for the rest of the family for their birthdays. He is always so energetic and happy, which just makes you smile. Riley is my positive outlook on the world, and I don’t know where I would be without him.

Meet Bobby

Gordon has suffered tremendous loss. And though nothing will ever truly ease the pain, Border Collie Bobby has been his rock.

I lost my daughter 11 years ago on 12 June 2009 and Bobby came into my life four years later. I already had a wonderful black and white Border Collie called Sky who sadly passed away due to sarcoma cancer. After losing my daughter, I felt I needed another companion to compliment the companionship of my Border Collie Sky.

He has bought untold joy into my life

Bobby is such a loving, intelligent character. He has bought untold joy into my life and helps me get through difficult periods such as the anniversary of my daughter’s passing and her birthday. I can always rely on Bobby's loving nature to help me through difficult times.

He loves to lick everyone’s ears and is everyone's friend. He really enjoys our walks and retrieving the ball. Bobby is constantly by my side and brings so much joy into my life. I love him dearly. He's part of our family. Bobby really could do with some recognition because of what he has done for me. I'm extremely proud of him.

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