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British Dogs

Meet Gizmo

Christina wasn’t a big fan of dogs until she met Gizmo – now, she’s truly besotted!

Before getting my pup, Gizmo, I never really understood the whole dog thing. I wondered why are people so obsessed with their pets?

This completely changed when I met Gizmo. She’s my baby, my precious little puppy and my sweet, never-does-a-thing-wrong-in-her-life angel.

I love her with all my heart

If I could carry her around in a baby carrier on my chest, I would (without embarrassment or hesitation!). In fact, I have more than two thousand photos of her on my phone, and I spend more money on her diet and healthcare needs than I do my own.

I pull myself out of bed come rain or shine to take her for a walk each day. She gives me purpose, she makes me happy, and I love her with all my heart!

Meet Max

Max is an all-rounder – he helps teach children how to respect animals, he supports other dogs with their social skills, and he has even helped Jess hand-rear rescue kittens

Max has been renamed ‘Super Max’ by all the local children as he often goes into schools to meet them. We have a programme where we teach young children how to be safe around animals, and their favourite part is coming to stroke him at the end of the lesson.

Max is amazing with all the children and can walk into any environment calmly, making everyone feel instantly relaxed. A lot of children who were initially too scared to sit with the class during the first part of the session will build up confidence to come and say hello to him by the end.

He’s been renamed ‘Super Max’ by all the local children

He has also helped me hand-rear lots of rescue kittens over the years, and more recently a litter of wild baby rabbits. He loves the babies and will protect and clean them like they’re his own.

On top of everything, Max has helped a lot of other dogs build up their social skills. He is such a kind and calming influence. He always knows they’re nervous so he’s very patient with them.

Over the last five years, he has come out with me on all my training sessions as my wingman and he’s never put a foot wrong! He really is the bestest boy through and through.

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Meet Bailey

Despite everything he’s been through, Bailey will always be able to make owner Serena laugh

Bailey is the most amazing little best friend. He is a very cheeky chap and very quirky indeed. He has the craziest fun personality.

He has defied the odds and been a little hero

He has a heart murmur, has had 18 teeth pulled in one op and only last year decided to swallow a fisherman's hook, bait and line. But he has defied all odds and been the little hero throughout. He is also very talented and has a party piece of ringing the service bell for a treat. He makes us laugh, makes us smile but most of all he is full of endless love.

Meet Lottie

Niki adores her kind, caring and hilarious dog Lottie, who never fails to make her smile

Our pooch Lottie has got bucket loads of character. Whenever anyone comes round to visit, she automatically thinks they’re there to see her andgets her toys out to show off!

She’d just lie there with me

When I was off work a couple of years ago, she never left my side. I’d spend all day resting on the sofa and she’d just lie there with me. Lottie has three feline companions who she adores, and regularly tries to round up as though they’re hers to look after.

Meet Goose

While volunteering for British Divers Marine Life Rescue, Lizzi discovered that Goose had an unexpected superpower

Goose is a Cyprus street dog. One of her best qualities is her kindness and intuition – she comes to work with me out on the beach and puts my coaching clients at ease. She’s also a volunteer SAS Rep and a Marine Mammal Medic Search and Rescue Dog.

For SAS, she helps run beach cleans and is extremely patient with all the children. She’s also self-trained in finding ghost fishing nets for us to collect. We bring her to fundraisers too and she acts as a great draw. She is so mellow and relaxed, and people gravitate towards her. When I’m asked what breed she is, I say she is a total mix and that she must be made with 100% love.

One of her best qualities is her kindness and intuition

For British Divers Marine Life Rescue, we attend callouts to sick and injured seal pups and Goose is brilliant at locating them. Ordinarily we would say keep dogs well away from seals – and to be fair, Goose keeps her distance – but after attending a great many callouts, she must have realised what we were looking for. One evening, we were on the beach in the dark, searching for a seal pup that had been called in with vague location details. We had her on the lead, and after around 45 minutes in the pitch black we were giving up. So, we took her off-lead and saw her blue collar light disappear back to an area we had already searched.

She climbed about ten feet up a rock, then stopped still. As we approached, we saw that ten metres away from her, fast asleep in a rock crevice, was our poorly seal pup. Since then, we have paid a lot more attention to her when out on rescues and she always leads us straight to them, which is a great help when time can be critical. I can say for certain that she’s saved many seal pup lives.

Goose is loved by all who meet her and she holds a huge part in our hearts. For a small dog, she has made a lifelong impact on us, and we are eternally grateful to have found each other. She is my hero and teaches me life lessons every day!

Meet Daisy

Over the many years since Cath rescued Daisy as a puppy, the pair have developed an unbreakable bond

Daisy was 15 months old when she came to me from the Border Collie Trust. She had clearly never had the opportunity to interact with other dogs or spend time in the outside world. We had to start with basics such as walking. Her paws were very soft like a puppy’s, so we had to take it very slowly. All the short, regular walks also helped me lose weight and brought down my high blood pressure.

Dog training classes followed, and this gave Daisy the opportunity to be with other dogs and learn how to interact with them. When we were completing our assessments, the assessor commented on the obvious bond that we have. He said she never took her eyes off me wherever I was, always looking for my next command.

She is always smiling and makes everyone around her smile

Daisy is extremely friendly with everyone she meets. She instinctively knows how to moderate her behaviour with different people. If it’s someone in a wheelchair, she is gentle, but if it's someone who wants to run around then she joins in. My dad has had two recent hospital stays and staff were more than happy for her to visit. She was quite happy to ‘share the love’ with other patients and staff.

Daisy loves nothing more than to dig, whether in water, mud, leaves or snow. Tennis balls are her specialist subject. We have them scattered everywhere in various states of disarray! My vets call Daisy ‘smiler’, and for very good reason. She is always smiling and makes everyone around her smile. It's difficult not to when you have such a happy, loving dog.

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