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British Dogs

Meet Fudge

Fudge has been a loving and reliable companion for Lesley following her sudden family loss

Four years ago in September, I suddenly lost my dad to cancer. We didn’t know he had it until a few days before he passed away. I was very close to him and often helped with his shopping, cleaning and gardening. Losing him was a really big shock and it left me in quite a dark place.

He’s always by my side when I’m feeling low

After this happened, my husband suggested that we get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, as I’ve been wanting one for years. So, on my birthday in December, we got Fudge! He’s been amazing and he’s always by my side when I’m feeling low. We named him Fudge because when my dad was ill, all he wanted to eat was original fudge! When trying to think of a name for him, it was the perfect choice to remember him by.

Meet Mei

Charlotte had always been scared of dogs, but Mei helped her to overcome her fears

When my parents first came home with a hyperactive Springer Spaniel puppy in their arms, I was sceptical to say the least. I have struggled with a phobia of dogs since I was a child, crossing the road whenever I came within barking distance of a dog, no matter how small they were. So, the day they adopted Mei I sat alone by the backdoor, watching my family interact with this tiny, floppy-eared being rolling in the grass and scampering under the garden furniture.

I stopped flinching at every bark

Eventually, my mother dragged me out into the garden and sat me on a deck chair, in the centre of all the action. Mei immediately bounded over to me, sniffing and biting my shoelaces. It was the closest I had been to a dog my whole life. She must have liked the smell of my shoes because she soon fell asleep on them. While she slept, I felt brave enough to strokeher fur.

Over the coming months, I stopped flinching at every bark, and I even played with her and taught her a few tricks. Now, when I come across a dog in the street or park I react with interest and joy, rather than the fear and anxiety I had always lived with.

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Meet Roma

Maggie and Roma are perfectly in sync, be that in understanding each other’s feelings, or in dancing together on stage!

It’s sometimes hard to put into words what Roma means to me. She’s a dog from Romania, an ex-street dog to be precise.

I’ve never met a dog quite like Roma. She’s very deep, if that makes sense. She notices the slightest change and she remembers something for months! Once we found a dead squirrel on the path, so we avoided that walk for a couple of weeks. When we did return she went straight to the spot where that squirrel was!

Now we dance together

It took her a year to trust me when I first got her, and for us to truly bond. She taught me so much and continues to teach me every day. She even got me to be a dog trainer! That got me out and about meeting people. Now we dance together in front of a crowd, in heelwork to music competitions! In our first ever competition, we came fourth out of 17 other competitors.

It’s not always been easy. She came with baggage, but then again so did I. together we muddled our way through it all to end up here. Today I wouldn’t be without Roma, and I hope she feels the same.

Meet Charlie

From morning ‘til night, Charlie brings nothing but joy to every moment of Elizabeth’s day

Charlie is the happiest little Jack Russell, who just loves life. He wakes up at 6:30am every day without fail and spreads such fun from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning.

He likes to dictate the routine by barking, which is his way of telling me to get a jiggle on and eat breakfast so he can get ready for his morning stroll and then settle in for his day.

He spreads such fun from the moment he opens his eyes

He always greets me on my return from work with a huge wagging tail and a happy yap, ready for his next stroll and his evening meal. We then move onto ball playing before settling down for a nice cuddle and telly before bed.

We’re always exhausted and ready for a bedtime snuggle, and he’s a happy boy, all prepped and ready for the next day. Utter joy!

Meet Roco

Chris will never forget how Roco the goofy pup helped to save his partner’s life

Roco the rescue pup joined our family when he was 18 months old. When he came to live with us he was very excitable and really bouncy. He is a Labrador Husky cross with a 'wonky' ear (one sticks up and one hangs down). He craved fuss, attention and love, and so that’s exactly what I gave him.

My partner Graham has had some serious health issues in the past, and eventually had to spend a few days in hospital. When he came home, Roco was delighted to see him, but clearly sensed he was not well so was very gentle around him, which must have been hard for him given his excitable nature.

Roco saved Graham’s life that night

One evening, Graham headed to bed early as he was very tired. I sat watching TV downstairs and Roco stayed with me. After a short while he disappeared upstairs, and then came back a few minutes later and stood looking at me. Several times, he went to foot of the stairs, looked up and then came to me and nudged my leg. Eventually, I followed him as he trotted ahead of me, until I got to our bedroom and found Graham collapsed on the bed – there was clearly something very wrong.

Roco – normally bouncy and full of life – sat quietly at the foot of the bed, as I called for an ambulance. A couple of times he came over to me and leaned against my leg for comfort. Roco saved Graham's life that night. The ambulance crew said he was in a bad way and was later diagnosed with a serious chest infection. I will never forget what my dog did to get me upstairs that evening.

Meet Lilly

Lilly is affectionate and easy to love, and she’s changed Joy’s life for the better

I re-homed Lilly three months ago from a breeder, and to me, she’s simply the best.

I was feeling quite lonely as I now live by myself, but she brings me so much joy every day.

She brings me so much joy

She always wants lots of tickles and strokes, and she walks really well when we go out with my mobility scooter. We have plenty of funny moments together and it makes me laugh so much when she barks to have the fan on her.

Lilly is also perfectly calm – until she sees any delivery men!

Because of her, I’m no longer lonely.

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