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British Dogs

Meet Freddie

Freddie loves to work and play, making him an all-round star in Charlotte’s eyes

This is my lovely boy, Freddie. He's a Labradoodle and I've had him since he was a puppy.

Freddie is a therapy dog and works mainly with further education students (16-25-year-olds). He has the best temperament you could hope for, and the students love seeing him! This week, he’s been very busy helping to calm those last-minute exam nerves.

He’s made an impact on so many people’s lives

When he's not working, he's just an amazing pet. He loves other animals and especially loves playing with other dogs (Labradors are his favourite). His guilty pleasure is finding something smelly to roll in and we frequently need a quick shower after a walk in the park!

He’s great company, so well behaved, and gets to go out on lots of nice day trips to visit dog-friendly places. He's made such an impact on so many people's lives – he really doesn't know how special he is!

Meet Indie

Sam’s dog Indie is a bit of a mischief-maker, but that’s what makes her so adorable

Indie is a family dog. She absolutely loves our children, especially when they let her on the sofa for early morning cuddles.She also enjoys long walks in the woods when it’s dry and occasionally the beach too, although she isn’t a fan of the sea, or any water for that matter.

Often ends up licking people in the face

I wish I had kept a diary of everything Indie destroyed when she was a puppy. She was such a heavy chewer and sometimes you just couldn’t catch her in time.There was one infamous occasion when we were settingup my son’s new tent, and as we stood back to admire it, Indie put her jaws around the guide rope and brought the whole thing down!

Indie gets a lot of attention, which she loves, but she doesn’t quite know how to handle herself, and often ends up licking people in the face – she’s especially partial to those with beards. It’s always a challenge trying to keep from scaring away strangers in the park.

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Meet Bramble

Bramble’s funny antics and endless affection always put a smile on owner Diane’s face

Bramble is such a positive influence in my life. She’s always so happy and loves nothing more than making me laugh. One of her favourite things to play with is her Frisbee, especially when we’re on the beach.

She enjoys keeping me company and is always there to lend a paw. When I’m gardening, for instance, she’ll help me out by putting her ball in the trug. Bramble is also very affectionate, and won’t go to bed until she’s had her nightly kisses and cuddles.

Won’t go to bed until she’s had her nightly kisses

As a very clever dog, she knows exactly when it’s time for her treats in the morning and afternoon. I often find her waiting for me by the cupboard, and she won’t move until I’ve handed them over! Bramble has a love-hate relationship with our cat Alfie. I know she adores him, but he often rejects her with just a flick of his paw – it never seems to deter her from trying though.

Having a dog is great because they always wants to go for a walk. This means that even on the most wet and dismal days, I’m forced to get out and enjoy some fresh air, which really does help to keep me fit. Every day is special with Bramble in my life – she gives me a reason to carry on.

Meet Selma

Katie rescued Selma from Romania, and it’s changed both of their lives for the better

I rescued selma from Romania when she was seven months but everyone in my life will agree that it’s her that did the saving. I was in a really bad place in my life mentally and physically and this little angel on four legs got me up and out every day.

She gives me cuddles and makes me laugh constantly. She was the best decision I could have made for my mental health and continues to be an absolute ray of sunshine in my life. She wakes me up in the morning by literally jumping on me repeatedly and makes the strangest little pigeon noise whenever she wants a walk or food or even just attention.

She wakes me up in the morning by literally jumping on me repeatedly

She is a rascal and cheeky but the little cuddly sheep gets away with it. You know when she’s upset as her curly tail unfurls down to the floor and her very cute ears (one up, one down!) go flat. She’s got zero idea of personal space and loves to intently smell everyone’s mouths to know what they’ve been up to. She’s nothing but a positive influence in my life. The greatest gift that I can’t believe is mine.

Meet Buddy

Buddy brightens up gardener Josh’s working day with cheerful companionship and some good, honest graft to boot!

Buddy joined our (Josh and Catherine) lives in December 2021, after we lost our amazing Jack Russell Harry. We decided to get another Jack Russell as our life was just not complete without a dog. It was decided that Buddy would be a working dog and a companion to Josh, who runs a gardening business.

Buddy has been the missing piece

Josh works long, hard days and it can be lonely, so Buddy would be the companion he needed to brighten the days and make every day special. From 9 weeks old, Buddy went to work. He started by spending time in the work van and exploring gardens. He learnt on the job to be obedient and go where he was told. He also learnt to pick up the weeds Josh would collect and find sticks where they shouldn’t be!

Some days were cold so Josh would bring heat pads to keep him toasty and on warmer days as spring came in, he would bring ice packs to keep him cool. Buddy has been the missing piece in Josh’s life and is now celebrated by the locals and customers alike. At 7 months old now he is doing so well and continues to make every day a joy. Thank you Buddy for being so amazing!

Meet Molly

Anita and her husband were finally able to get Molly once they retired, and they haven’t looked back!

Both my husband and I retired and decided we would get our longed-for fur baby now that we had time. Molly is an absolute joy. She loves everyone. Her best times are when any of our 13 grandchildren are around. She is in heaven playing games and giving lots of cuddles.

She is in heaven playing games and giving lots of cuddles

She is so loving and generates happiness! She loves being outdoors and greets everyone and everything with gusto. Her favourite outdoor time is chasing her ball. She always gets attention because she is so friendly.

Many people say she cheers them up as she so obviously loves life and loves being cuddled. She is very mischievous and funny and always keeps us on our toes. I never thought having a dog would be this rewarding.

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