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British Dogs

Meet Ever

Ever is Chris’ constant companion, whether he’s relaxing at home or travelling around the world

I'm from Poland but I’ve lived in Edinburgh for the last 17 years with my family. We recently decided to get a Bernese Mountain Dog, and the last three years with Ever have been a gift.

At 51kg, he’s a big, gentle, cuddly bear. He's my travel companion so he’s been everywhere with me. The last time he travelled with me, we drove through five different countries, from the UK to Poland.

At 51kg, he’s a big, gentle, cuddly bear

Since he came home, I haven’t left him alone for more than five hours. He's my shadow, whether I’m in the toilet, the bath, the kitchen or the bedroom. Every time he finishes his food, he always lets us know he's done by walking into the room and waiting for us to congratulate him.

He loves long walks and all types of water, from lochs and rivers to wet grass. In the street, people stop just to pet him. He also loves kids, and they often think he’s a bear.

Meet Molly

Anita and her husband were finally able to get Molly once they retired, and they haven’t looked back!

Both my husband and I retired and decided we would get our longed-for fur baby now that we had time. Molly is an absolute joy. She loves everyone. Her best times are when any of our 13 grandchildren are around. She is in heaven playing games and giving lots of cuddles.

She is in heaven playing games and giving lots of cuddles

She is so loving and generates happiness! She loves being outdoors and greets everyone and everything with gusto. Her favourite outdoor time is chasing her ball. She always gets attention because she is so friendly.

Many people say she cheers them up as she so obviously loves life and loves being cuddled. She is very mischievous and funny and always keeps us on our toes. I never thought having a dog would be this rewarding.

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Meet Vega

Debs couldn’t be without her loyal dog Vega, who does everything she can to make her owner’s life easier

Vega is my trainee Disability Assistance Dog. Lockdown has put a stop to training sessions and temporarily prevented her from becoming fully qualified, but in our home, she’s become our very own saviour.

On my bad days she stays close by my side so she can help me out. She picks up things I drop, fetches numerous ‘named’ items on request such as shoes and medication and even takes off my socks, jumpers, trousers when asked. She also does a lot to help around the house, like fetching the phone when it rings and tidying up after my two other dogs.

She’s become our very own saviour

When I’m in a lot of pain, Vega lies across my legs to comfort me. Of course, I’m not the only one she helps – my older dog, Skye, has early dementia, and when she’s having a bad day, Vega will lie with her and help to calm her down. She even knows to pick up the dog bowls after dinner time and take them to the sink!

The greatest gift Vega gives me is her company. She is always close by and I know I can rely on her when I need help. This year, we’ve both learnt to understand each other, which has really strengthened our bond. She teaches me just as much as I teach her.

Meet Vincent

Emma’s dog Vincent is a caring companion to all creatures great and small!

Vincent is a Kelpie Hunteraway cross. He’s extremely loving and is always happy to meet new people, even if he does put them off with his barking! He enjoys singing too, and will happily howl along to any tune he hears on TV. He may not be the most talented, but he certainly makes up for it with his determination and the joy he brings us all.

He has many jobs around the house, his latest of which is to keep an eye on our pet rabbits. Vincent reminds us to let them out first thing in the morning, and won’t stop pestering us until we do. You can often find him keeping a watchful eye over them throughout the day.

He happily goes off to fetch any strays

Another of his responsibilities is to round up the chickens and put them to bed in the evening, and he takes this very seriously. He happily goes off to fetch any strays, and sometimes even brings his feathered friends into the house to say hello!

His main job is just to be himself and be a part of our family. He’s been there with us through some difficult times over the past couple of years, and is always there for a hug and a stroke, which will never fail to put a smile back on your face.

Meet Nala

Malgorzata’s dog Nala may be small, but she’ll win over your whole heart

Nala is a Pomeranian and Bischon Cross. She may be an adult now, but she still acts like a young puppy – she always has boundless energy and is super positive no matter what life throws at her. We walk her every day because she likes to be active, and usually we cover around 30 miles!

Nala has made my heart full

Having Nala has made my heart full. Not only does she keep me active, but I’m sure that her companionship has helped to improve my mental wellbeing. Looking after her does mean my days are very busy, but I wouldn’t change that for the world. It’s an honour to be her owner, and I’ll do anything I can to keep her healthy and happy, just as she does for me.

Meet Luna

Luna has a quirky, strong-willed personality, but her owner Daisy completely adores her

Luna’s a rescue dog from Ireland, who we’ve had since she was just nine months old.

She’s loveable and calm natured, but also the strangest dog (in the best way) that you’ll ever meet.

Luna is very set in her ways

Luna is very set in her ways and doesn’t like anything outside of her usual routine. She won’t walk a different route and will lie down and refuse to move like a stroppy toddler! She likes her own seat on the sofa and waits for treats at the same spots on her walk. She really is the heartbeat of our family home.

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