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British Dogs

Meet Esther

When Joanne was going through a difficult time, her dog Esther provided plenty of cuddles, love and support

Esther is very clever and loving. When I was unwell and requiring chemo, she stayed by my side throughout the journey – keeping my feet warm and giving me lots of cuddles.

She stayed by my side

Now that I’m well, she’s enjoying her long walks with me again and loves meeting her little friends!

Meet Peanut

Peanut the Pomeranian suffered from health issues due to his tiny size, but that hasn’t stopped him from keeping Julii on her toes with his antics

Peanut is a Pomeranian who was imported in early 2019, and seized at Dover as he was suspected of being underage and was very poorly, weighing just 0.7kg.

He went to Dogs Trust and received veterinary care, but his importer decided not to claim him, so he was put up for adoption. We went to meet him and decided to adopt him. But two days before I was due to collect him, he collapsed and was found having a seizure in his kennel.

He likes to practice Parkour whenever he sees a chance

He then spent several weeks at vets across Kent where he was tested for everything and finally diagnosed with Toy Dog hypoglycaemia. We fostered him and eventually signed the adoption papers in April 2019.

Peanut is tiny. He weighs 2.6kg, has a massive coat and likes to practice Parkour whenever he sees a chance. He’s already had to go to the emergency vets following a fall from a windowsill and a coffee table (twice!).

He is cheeky and a proper handful to train. He flies at the TV if they dare to put an animal on it and he is very high maintenance. But he is also very loving, he likes to be read a story (he tends to join in with his own comments!) and he has a wicked sense of humour. I can’t imagine life without him.

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Meet Finn

Rose doesn’t get away with much when Finn’s around, but that’s what makes him so adorable

My Border Collie Finn never fails to make me smile. He adores the TV and will watch any animal programme, but he especially loves adverts with animals in them. As soon as one comes on, he’ll grab one of his many toys and start prancing around in front of the screen, barking loudly.

Finn seems to have an internal clock

Finn seems to have an internal clock, and he always gets restless around his mealtimes. If you miss the mark, he’ll badger you until you feed him! He also knows when I usually go to bed and will often sit and stare at me when it’s around that time, as if he’s saying goodnight.

He’s so funny and makes us laugh every single day, like when he tries to avoid puddles on our walks by doing a little sidestep dance, or when he helps his dad out with the gardening by doing some digging.

Meet Scout

Ever since Scout’s life was saved as a puppy, Tracey has been working hard to put that kindness back out into the world

I didn’t know how much I needed Scout until he crash-landed (literally) into my arms as a puppy. Abandoned on the streets and left to fend for himself, he was eventually picked up and taken to a pound. He was emaciated, suffering from mange and kennel cough, and believed to be both blind and deaf, so they thought it might be kinder to put him to sleep. After all, who would want a puppy with so many problems?

Luckily, thanks to the heroic efforts of three amazing rescue organisations, Scout’s life was saved. We were lucky enough to adopt him a short time later and he turned our world upside down. Although he’s not deaf, he’s completely blind, but this hasn’t held him back in the slightest. He climbs mountains, paddles in the sea and runs freely with his canine pals.

Throughout Scout’s life, we’ve been on a mission to repay the kindness that was shown to him as a puppy. For instance, he’s been a much-loved therapy dog, visiting a local dementia care home to spread joy and love. He’s also the adopted mascot for a local community carers café.

Over the years, Scout has helped to raise thousands of pounds for a local dog rescue, attending meet and greets, street collections, and lending a paw on tombola stalls. During lockdown, he managed to raise £500 by fronting an online dog show. He’s also attended Crufts several times, supporting anti-puppy farming campaigns, and even helping to launch a charity foundation.

Scout gave me my life back. After my first dog was tragically killed by another dog on a walk, I developed severe anxiety about walking outside, but owning Scout made me strong. I’m his eyes, so he needs me to be confident and unafraid, and keep him safe. Out and about, he always puts a smile on people’s faces with his quirky high-stepping gait – a result of his blindness. Scout is my inspiration, my hero and my best friend.

He always puts a smile on people’s faces

Meet Toby

After many years of working as a sheep dog for Lauren’s family, Toby is enjoying a well-earned retirement

Toby is a working sheep dog! He’s been the best dog we’ve had on our farm – no job was ever too big or too small for him. He has been my companion and best friend since I was two.

He has been my companion and best friend since I was two

Toby only retired from rounding up sheep and farm work around two years ago so has had a very long working life. He’s still going strong and now enjoys a more relaxed lifestyle just pottering around the farmyard. He’s a caring, gentle boy, and a big softy at heart. Plus, he knows how to pull at the heart strings to get his own way!

Meet Playa

Susanne adores Playa for many reasons, but particularly for the way she looks out for Peanut the kitten

Playa was found with her siblings at the side of the road when she was just a few days old. The litter was fostered, and Playa was adopted but sadly returned after a while. I happened to meet her her at an adoption drive in a pet shop a few months later. I had only gone in to buy cat milk for our newly adopted kitten, Peanut, but I just knew as soon as I saw her that Playa was meant to be ours.

The two of them are inseparable

She immediately fit right into our busy household, along with our new kitten, Peanut, and two other cats. She loved Peanut from the moment she laid eyes on her, and to this day the two of them are inseparable and even sleep in the same bed. Peanut sees Playa as a toy and chase and bite her tail, but Playa just licks her back.

Playa loves everyone and everything. Our friend has a son who has autism, and he can be intimidated by dogs because of their unpredictable fast movements. But he has no fear of Playa, and loves sitting on the sofa and cuddling with her. Playa shows tremendous patience with all children and young dogs, and is always so gentle and calm around them.

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