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British Dogs

Meet Dru

Even when Alyson’s illness stopped her from going outside, she was never truly alone thanks to Dru

Dru was a rescue dog. Like so many, she had a sad beginning and was frightened of the world around her. It took her a while to trust us, and she still will only eat if we are with her, so she feels safe.

In 2019, I became very unwell and Dru changed. She was a lot more cuddly and spent a lot of time with me, even though she usually prefers the men in the house. It turned out I was VERY ill. So, just before the world went into lockdown, I had to have a kidney removed and a course of treatment for cancer.

I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose

I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere as I was so unwell and vulnerable, and no one else could come in. I spent so much time indoors, only seeing outside through windows. But Dru never left my side, except for her twice daily walks and the odd wee break, or to bark at anyone that seemed to come too near her mum. I suffered badly both physically and mentally but bit by bit I got stronger, largely thanks to my husband and my girl Dru.

When I was allowed out, I didn't want to leave as I'd been shut away for so long. One day Dru was getting ready for her walk with my husband, and he said, ‘should we take mum?’ Dru ran up to me and sat down unmoving, waiting for me. It was only a small walk, but it was as much a part of my recovery as any medication.

We all know how wonderful dogs are, but sometimes I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose.

Meet Lottie

The joy that Lottie brought to Kerry’s life inspired her to start an online group to brighten other dog-lovers’ days too

Lottie has had such a positive impact on my life in every way. I was diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease and the doctor said I needed to try and live a happy, stress-free life. After a couple of years of researching dog breeds, we chose a Shih Tzu and here she is!

She’s changed the lives of our whole family massively. Personally, I’ve really benefited from the extra exercise and her calming influence. I have to take tablets each day but Lottie is definitely a pill I couldn’t live without! A dog is the best medicine.

She also brings such joy to our extended family with her love and attention. She greets everyone with a kiss and a cuddle, or rolls over for a tummy tickle! I can’t get out of bed in the morning without a Lottie cuddle – she doesn’t allow it. Lottie isn’t really one for tricks but chasing and fetching balls is one of her favourite things.

A dog is the best medicine

And she hasn’t just brought joy to us. I work in a school office and, after one particularly bad day during the pandemic, I came home, sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and Lottie next to me, and thought ‘I need something else to distract me from work.’

So, in January 2021, Barking Mad Cheshire came alive. It’s a group for dog lovers and businesses, and a year later I’ve got over 4,500 members. The joy and positivity that Lottie and the other dogs in the group have brought to so many people is unbelievable. I’ve received a number of messages saying how the group has helped people during sad times and got them through difficult days, especially during the pandemic.

Lottie is such a joy and I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s a loving, loyal little dog.

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Meet Sprocket

Sprocket quickly became a treasured member of Carla’s family

Sprocket is our first dog. It took us a while to decide whether getting a dog was for us, but it was without a doubt the best decision we have ever made as a family. Sprocket is such a lovely boy – he's a working Cocker Spaniel so is full of energy and enthusiasm for life. He has a wonderful, sweet temperament and wouldn't hurt a fly. He loves his walks and taking him out in the countryside is an absolute joy.

He joins in with everything we do

As we’ve never had a dog before, we didn't realise just how much they become a part of your family. Sprocket plays a huge role in all our lives, and we couldn't bear to be without him. He joins in with everything we do,from kayaking to camping. He is very funny and has mad moments where he zooms around the house. He also likes to do his ‘happy howl’, which wethink is him telling us how much he’s enjoying life.

Meet Bryn

Bryn came into Amy’s life when she needed him most, and now she can’t imagine even a day without him

We have a long, emotional story, but I will try to keep it short. I got Bryn when I was going through a bad time personally. My whole world fell apart – job, house and marriage – and he really did keep me living. We soon became inseparable and I began to find myself again. He kept me on my toes with his mischievous ways and made me laugh every day.

Living our best life

In 2015 Bryn was diagnosed with epilepsy (a strange coincidence, as I also have epilepsy). At first I thought I was going to lose him, but after a few weeks of meds, I started to see the old Bryn return. Since then, we’ve been living our best life, climbing mountains, moving out of our old town and eventually getting my dream job working with animals (Bryn comes to work with me!).

In the last couple of years Bryn’s condition has got worse, but I have been so lucky to be able to take him to work with me so I don’t worry about leaving him alone. I very rarely go anywhere without him.

Meet Lexi

Thanks to clever Lexi, Dominic knows when he’s going to have a diabetic episode

I have type 2 diabetes and Lexi has never been trained to know when I'm about to experience either hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia due to my diabetes, but over the first year we had her, my wife noticed she would come and lay down beside me when I was about to have one or the other.

She is my little life saver

So now, when Lexi comes over and lays down next to me, I know I'm about to have either a hypo or hyper, and my wife can test my blood sugar levels. She is my little life saver.

Meet Georgie

Georgie brings a lot of love and positivity into Euan’s life every single day, just by being her adorable self.

Georgie is a fun-loving and hilarious little character. She loves going on long adventures and exploring new things! 

She has been a key part of our family ever since we got her, and she’s helped us so much through lockdown. Her constant joy brightens our day and taking her for walks has helped us to get out and about more too.

Her constant joy brightens our day

She’s such a social butterfly and just adores people. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her straight away – she’s actually made more friends at our local pub than I have!  

She’s a great little snuggler and enjoys nothing more than a lie-in and a cuddle on the couch or the bed. 

She’s always there for you whatever you need, with a big smile and a constantly wagging tail. I couldn’t imagine ever being without her.

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