Dougie is a young pup in an old dog’s body. If he doesn’t get his way, he goes in a huff and digs up his bed. He also sits and frowns if we stay up later than his bedtime, at which point he’ll try and nudge us upstairs. Then, he’ll follow us into our bedroom and make sure we’re tucked in on our own sides of the bed, before finally retiring to his own!
He goes in a huff
He may have some funny habits, but Dougie is the friendliest dog you’ll ever meet. There’s a stray cat that lives in our area and the two of them have become best friends, which is great as it means we can keep an eye on her and gain her trust.
Dougie can be best described as a good friend, a loyal pup and a massive bed head!
We have owned two Golden Retrievers over the last 30 years, but sadly our last beautiful boy died in November. For the first time in all these years, we were faced with a home with no dog – and the loss hit us hard.
Slowly the conversations began: should we think about getting a puppy? We agreed that it wouldn’t be a good idea and yet we started looking at puppies online. Before we knew it, we were suddenly puppy owners again. You think you could never love the same way again, but the first time we met Dudley, it was pure love.
29 February 2020 was D-day – Dudley day. And home he came. He was a beautiful, brave, bundle of fluff. For the next few weeks, he started to meet the extended family – including Rory, our beautiful grandchild, and Cooper his new doggy bestie. We had just established a routine when things changed.
We were isolated but not alone
Coronavirus and lockdown became the new reality. There we were isolated. No more family, cuddles with the children, eating together, laughing together, being together. We were isolated but not alone.
Amidst the surreal, there was Dudley. Beautiful, innocent, wide-eyed Dudley. Dudley who is growing bigger and bolder every day and who believes he rules the roost. In truth, he probably does!
We chose Dudley because there was a connection, we couldn’t say what at the time, but now we think we know. It feels like he was coming to us for reason. None of us knew what was to come and somehow, he came to fill the void. This year will be defined in history by the coronavirus, but for us, it will be defined by the year Dudley came to save us.
My husky Ozzy really is my soul dog – that dog you connect with on a different level. I feel he and I were meant to be together. I rescued him when he was three in 2010. He's seen me the through the loss of four babies, the loss of my dad and several rather awful relationships.
I feel he and I were meant to be together
His love is unwavering. I've lost count of the amount of times he's pressed his face into mine when I've cried into his fur. He's now almost 15 and has lots of lumps, arthritis and is deaf and going blind, but he still thinks he's a puppy and is absolutely giddy telling me he needs his tea or frolicking on the beach. After a car accident in 2012 and working long hours away from him and my other dogs, he inspired me to start my own dog walking business which is now into its 10th year of business.
Oz has been into schools with me to teach young ones about how to approach dogs and has also been to lots of events as he inspired me to be a part of several husky rescues and to take on foster dogs before setting up my own business. When Oz goes it is going to leave a huge hole in my life and heart, but I'm so thankful that the best years of his life I've got to share.
Morgan is from the local rescue centre, but I’m not sure if I rescued him or he rescued me!
With just one look, we made an instant connection at the centre, which was only one month after I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then, he’s faithfully been by my side.
Each morning, he nudges me with his nose when it’s time for me to get up, waiting patiently while I struggle to get moving due to stiffness and pain. He carries my socks downstairs from the bedroom and helps me load the washing machine, keeping watch as I load it and spinning round once the task is complete.
Thank you for being my special friend
He loves the pop-up toaster and yelps with excitement to let me know when the toast is ready, but his favourite part of the day is his walk, which he encourages me to do regularly. I feel so much better after seeing him run so freely with his friend Jessie. He brings me great joy.
Finally, after his tea and when it’s time for bed, he pushes the recliner chair footrest in for me and off we go to bed. He curls up next to me making me feel contented and safe.
Thank you, Morgan, for being you and for being my special friend.
Mickey is my sons’ best friend. As teenage boys go, that dog certainly gets his fair share of cuddles and kisses off them!
If any of us feel down, sick or just want to have a cuddle, then Mickey is there. Mickey is the best companion to all of us and he is not happy unless he is sat with – or on top of – someone.
He just loves to share his love!
He has a soft caring nature and always wants a kiss. I'll admit his nickname is ‘Lickey Mickey’ because we get non-stop kisses from him. He just loves to share his love!
Let's just say, Mickey also likes the finest thing in life as you can see in his picture!
My husband and I used to manage a private residence. It was a Tudor farmhouse set in almost 30 acres. We started working there when our dog Rocky was just 12 weeks old. At first, he would chase birds, squirrels and bunnies around the lawns, but on one particular occasion he actually followed a rabbit all the way into its warren. There I was, out in the pouring rain searching all over for him, only to see him clamber out of the rabbit hole like something out of Alice in Wonderland!
Rocky lives for adventure. He used to make it his mission to save the cockerels from foxes, who he would chase away from his feathery friends. Once, he even managed to pry a bird straight out of a fox’s mouth.
Rocky lives for adventure
Of course, Rocky is also extremely protective of his human companions. Last year, we were awoken really early one cold February morning by the sound of Rocky barking. We woke up and told him to stop, but within a moment he was at it again. Something didn’t feel right as this really wasn’t like him, so my husband got up and looked through the curtains. He realised the barn door was ajar, so I grabbed the phone and rang the police – it turns out we had intruders. Without Rocky to wake us up, who knows what could have happened that night.
In March we were made redundant and had to move back to our property in Wales. Losing my job and my ties to the cottage has been really hard for me, but thankfully, I have Rocky to keep me company and take me on long, relaxing walks along the beachfront.