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British Dogs

Meet Doug

Doug the Springer Spaniel hasn’t had an easy year, but Bernadette is in awe of how well he’s handled it

When Doug broke his leg on the Isle of Mull last July, there were no vets on the island to help him. We begged our way onto a ferry to Oban where the vet sedated and x-rayed him. The next day, we travelled to the West Midlands for him to have surgery.

Through it all, he still wagged his tail

Now, after a year of rehab, hydrotherapy and lead walks (which he hates), Doug is near enough back to his old crazy Springer self.

He’s amazing and through it all, he still wagged his tail!

Meet Eddie

Eddie the adorable rescue has completed Julie’s happy family

Our daughter had been asking us to get a dog since she was young, and we finally gave in after losing both of our cats. When we got him, Eddie had already been named after the Jack Russell on the show Frasier, and it suited him so much we didn't change it.

He has the same amount of energy as he did when we first got him, always providing us with lots of laughter. His favourite activity is jumping up to catch the bubbles I blow for him. If I go into the cupboard they’re stored in, he gives a high pitched, excited bark and runs into the room. 

When I garden, he copies exactly what I’m doing

When I garden, he copies exactly what I’m doing. If I dig, he digs, which is often really useful, but if I prune, he grabs hold of the plant and pulls it out, which isn’t so ideal! When I’m watering the plants, he always jumps in front of me and tries to drink straight from the hose.

Eddie has so many more funny habits, like the way he barks at animals on the TV. It’s got to the point where I can't watch a nature programme unless he's asleep. He really is a funny, adorable and very unique dog.

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Meet Flo

Frontline worker Jodi got Flo to keep her dad company – and now their world revolves around her.

Flo was an isolation puppy from the Dogs Trust. She came into our lives at just the right time. Both my mum and I are frontline workers caring for the local community. And my dad recently had his right leg amputated after a long battle with cancer. We live in a small secluded village and we were worried about how my dad would cope with being housebound while we were both at work.

In came Flo, with her unusual beagle colours and regal attitude. She fits right in with our older dog Flash and has already become the boss of the house. She’s more interested in snuggling up to my dad on the sofa than playing in the garden. And every Thursday at 9pm she sits on the spot for the clapping for our carers. We all think she believes this round of applause is for her – she even pops a paw up when it’s over!

She came into our lives at just the right time

She loves her home comforts and drags her blanket with her everywhere she goes. She’s always ready for nap o’clock. But most of all she loves tummy rubs. She is now 14 weeks’ old and celebrating her fourth week with the family who love and spoil her far too much already.

When I asked the family what their favourite thing about Flo was everyone was in agreement: it was her love of carrying a stick on every walk, especially when they’re three times the size of her and too heavy to carry.

It’s Flo’s world really, we just live in it.

Meet Wolfie

Wolfie has brightened up Tatiana’s life with his playfulness and friendliness, and he has even helped her to make the office a happier place!

We rescued Wolfie six months ago, and since then he has made our life so much better and happier. Wolfie is perfectly trained, super intelligent and has managed to learn six new tricks even though he is an old dog!

He is sensational at the park and we often get stopped because people want to say hello and take pictures of him. He even comes with me to work and is our office pet.

Everyone that meets him loves him

He also has the cheekiest but funniest personality. You would never guess that he’s 10 years old, and everyone that meets him loves him. He adores playing with all dogs in the park and sometimes forgets how big he is – it’s so funny seeing him play with a tiny puppy!

He is affectionate and loves children, and has made our little family so much happier.

Meet Riley

Whether he’s playing with her niece and nephew or checking in on her mum, Riley is loved by everyone in Lisa’s family

Riley is my best friend, and the most loveable, funny dog you could wish to meet. We brought him home when he was a tiny puppy to make sure he would be comfortable with my young niece and nephew.

He's so attentive and caring. He loves other dogs and people, especially my now eight-year-old niece and six-year-old nephew. We walk every day, which I need to do as I’ve had back problems for more than 20 years, and it keeps me moving.

He’s the most loveable, funny dog you could wish to meet

Riley waits at the window for me to come home from work and always lets me know when it's time for his walk. We often visit my mum, who lives a few minutes away, and he pops in to check the house is okay when we get there.

He’s struggled with allergies since he was a baby. They’ve made him quite ill at times, but he’s never let that get him down and he's always up for an adventure. After lots of tests, we now know what to avoid to keep him happy and healthy.

Meet Rogue

Nicola is so grateful to have a companion as loyal and loving as Rogue

I lost my hair in 2017 due to alopecia and developed chronic fatigue syndrome in the same year as a result of severe stress. It was a real blow, as I used to be outdoorsy and sporty, and I was left spending a lot of my time indoors and isolated.

I’d wanted a dog for years, but my working life meant it was never really possible for me to get one. In February 2018, I finally convinced my partner that a dog would be great for my confidence, for my mental health, for companionship and to encourage me to get outside again. Shortly after, we drove two hours to Leeds and back to bring home Rogue, our German Shorthaired Pointer.

She even brings me the post

She’s given me a reason to get out of bed and to get outside (twice a day, every day for at least an hour). I’ve trained her to pick things up and carry them for me including light shopping bags from the car, and she even brings me the post.

A while ago, we moved to a house with a two-acre garden and completed a two-year renovation. At every stage she was there to “help” the tradesmen and to “quality inspect” any materials arriving on site by running off down the garden with them and throwing them around in the air. She was checking their sturdiness for the job, clearly.

Now the house is finished she spends most of her time with me in the garden. I’m planning to start a veg bed and flower patch, so she helps by digging holes – just not always where I want them!

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