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British Dogs

Meet Dolly

Dolly has come a long way to find her forever home with owner, Caroline

Dolly is a rescue dog from Merlin's Haven Rescue in Cyprus. I got her in 2020, at a time when my mental health wasn’t great, as my boyfriend had suddenly passed away.

His dad gave me some money from his pension, and since he was a lover of dogs and always tried to help the homeless, rescuing a stray dog seemed like a good way of spending it.

She’s such a lovely dog

When Dolly first arrived, she was very timid and nervous after giving birth to two litters of puppies. It took a long time for her to settle in, but she’s such a lovely dog and has given me a reason to get up in the mornings.

I spend most Saturdays on long country walks with her and my friend (sometimes my teenage daughter, too – if she's out of bed!). Dolly is now a Velcro dog, and very rarely lets me out of her sight. She’s very relaxed for most of the day, but loves walkies and squirrel chasing!

Meet Lexi

Thanks to clever Lexi, Dominic knows when he’s going to have a diabetic episode

I have type 2 diabetes and Lexi has never been trained to know when I'm about to experience either hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia due to my diabetes, but over the first year we had her, my wife noticed she would come and lay down beside me when I was about to have one or the other.

She is my little life saver

So now, when Lexi comes over and lays down next to me, I know I'm about to have either a hypo or hyper, and my wife can test my blood sugar levels. She is my little life saver.

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Meet Arlo

Tori’s mental health has only got better since Arlo came into her life, and she’s helped him overcome some of his own fears in return

Arlo came into my life in October 2019. He's the best little pooch. Before Arlo, I worked in a job that destroyed my mental health, and I had panic attacks most days. When I decided to quit to focus on myself, I thought ‘now would be a good time to get a furry friend'. It was the best decision!

Arlo has changed my life. He's helped my anxiety levels massively and he gives me purpose. He’s my best friend, my companion, my family and I love him dearly. If I'm sad, he's there, and if I'm happy, he's there. He puts the biggest smile on my face and his tail never stops wagging. He's definitely my soul mate.

If I'm sad, he's there, and If I'm happy, he's there

I like to think I've helped him to overcome some worries as well. As a young pup he was attacked by another dog which left him very scared and nervous around both dogs and humans. It's been a long process, but he's made so much progress and I'm so proud of him. He's so kind, even after what happened. I sometimes believe that dogs (and animals in general) are too good for this world. But we have each other, and for that I will forever be grateful.

Arlo’s favourite thing in this world is balls. He will do just about anything for a ball. He loves most toys, in fact. He's a very playful soul and often drops toys in your lap to let you know it's playtime. But nothing beats snuggle time. At any time of the day, Arlo is up for a good cuddle. He lights up the life of anyone who’s lucky enough to know him.

Meet Tilly

Tilly may seem cute and innocent, but she definitely reigns supreme in Anna’s house!

I wouldn’t be without my dog Tilly. Last year I had a nasty car accident and she got me through the low times. She’s full of mischief and such a great character. She’s not perfect – she’s got a crossbite so often shows off her tiny teeth – but she’s perfect to me.

She got me through the low times

Tilly is very affectionate. She loves to have a cuddle and be carried around. Though she’s also a very stubborn girl. She’s very much the boss of the family and has to be first with everything. She’ll often bite her ‘brother’ Scrappy’s ears, but he loves her just as I do. During the spring days, she loves to garden – digging holes and rolling in the mud!

Meet Chewy

Tracey loves her dog Chewy for all his adorable – and hilarious – quirks

Chewy came into my life a year ago, back when I really didn’t think I had the room for another pet. At the time, we already had two elderly dogs who have sadly now departed, and if it wasn’t for Chewy, I don’t know how I would have coped.

He is adorable and such a character

I fell in love with Chewy as soon as I saw him. He is adorable and such a character that it didn’t take long before my partner was smitten too. Chewy is very stubborn (apparently this is a common trait amongst bulldogs), and he sulks if you ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do, like go out for a walk when it’s raining. He has a thing about cardboard boxes and loves to tear them to shreds. He is very greedy and will go to any lengths to claim food, even if it’s not something he actually likes!

Chewy is big and solid but still believes he is a lap dog, so loves to curl up on my knee in the evening. He really is a wonderful addition to our family, and I couldn’t have asked for a better lockdown buddy.

Meet Lottie

Niki adores her kind, caring and hilarious dog Lottie, who never fails to make her smile

Our pooch Lottie has got bucket loads of character. Whenever anyone comes round to visit, she automatically thinks they’re there to see her andgets her toys out to show off!

She’d just lie there with me

When I was off work a couple of years ago, she never left my side. I’d spend all day resting on the sofa and she’d just lie there with me. Lottie has three feline companions who she adores, and regularly tries to round up as though they’re hers to look after.

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