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British Dogs

Meet Denzil

Paula didn’t give up on Denzil, and because of that he found the strength to survive. Now he’s helping other dogs do the same.

Denzil is a Morkie and we bought him from a registered kennel in Wales. His story is very special as he is the only dog to survive severe GME (Meningitis). He has had a research paper done on him by Liverpool University, veterinary hospital.

Problems started just after his first booster at our vets. We thought he was just having a reaction to his injections, then a few days after finishing his medication, he collapsed in our garden! We took him to our vet straight away and luckily one of the vets was from Germany and said that she thought it could be meningitis. They referred us to Liverpool university Wraith animal hospital.

His story is very special

What ensued was 18 months of IV treatment, 32 tablets a day and five 10-hour chemotherapy sessions. I researched the best foods to give him, and I also used aromatherapy massage to help ease the muscles in his spine and he started to respond. Finally, at nearly 3 years old he was given the all clear! Denzil now has his own Facebook page to raise awareness of this terrible disease and to encourage vets to refer immediately.

Meet Alfie

Not only has Alfie been an important part of Emily’s life since she was nine, but he’s also been an ongoing source of support for her grandad

We got Alfie as a rescue puppy when he was eight weeks old and I was nine years old. He has grown up with us through all the big life moments. He is such a caring and insightful little man who is always aware of how everyone is feeling. If someone is sad or unwell, he will sneak over with his waggy tail to be cuddled.

Alfie has had a massive impact on my grandad's quality of life

Most importantly, Alfie has had a massive impact on my grandad's quality of life. Alfie stays with my grandparents for some of the week due to my mum's work schedule. My grandad, who is in his 90s, keeps active by taking Alfie for walks on the days that they’re together.

They have such a lovely bond. My grandad even has a framed photograph of Alfie next to his bed, but none of the rest of the family! When they are together, Alfie follows him around everywhere until my grandad sits in his chair. Then Alfie will snuggle in between him and the arm of the chair and lay his paw on my grandad's knee while they both have a snooze.

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Meet Kenny

Over the years, Kenny has helped his owner Prudence through some of the most challenging times

Kenny is a joy. I got him as a puppy when I was 19 years old, and he has been a constant companion and support in my life ever since.

He’s brought me through so much

When I was 27, I lost my mum very suddenly and Kenny became my reason for carrying on. He’s brought me through so much and has always been full of character.

He was very unwell last year when I was heavily pregnant, and I was scared I was going to lose him, but thankfully, he pulled through and although he’s now very old, he’s still full of life! My baby might never remember him, but I’m so glad they’ve been able to meet one another.

Meet Sophie

Sophie helps her owner Anna to stay positive and appreciate the small joys in life

My dog Sophie is always happy and endlessly excited by the simple things. She reminds me how important it is to find the good in each and every day.

All my life, I’ve suffered from panic attacks, and my beautiful dog Sophie has helped me to deal with these enormously. I’m also an insomniac, and when I’m struggling to sleep, I really appreciate the comfort of her warm, fluffy body curled up by my side.

We love to walk together, which helps to keep me fit, and we often meet with friends and fellow dog lovers which can be really uplifting. Poor Sophie has an autoimmune problem, so her medication has meant she’s become a little stocky with age. But this doesn’t stop here from bounding around, attempting ridiculous jumps and just generally enjoying the great outdoors.

The joy she brings me every day

Sophie is very funny and has many little quirks, and she loves to pinch socks and clothes. On one occasion, she actually ran into my neighbour’s open patio door and came out with a pair of his underpants hanging from her mouth! She looked terribly pleased with herself, though I didn’t share that sentiment. Fortunately, the neighbour was also a dog person and found it funny too.

My beloved mother recently passed away, and having Sophie by my side gave me the courage I needed to care for her and the strength to keep going. Like many others, I’ve found that having a furry friend through lockdown has been immensely helpful. I thank Sophie for the joy she brings me every day, and hope that in return, I can give her a very happy and fulfilling life.

Meet Scooby

If Neville was ever in trouble, Scooby would break down any barrier to be by his side.

My dog Scooby is a cross between a Jack Russell and a Schnauzer. He’s now eight years old. When I and my now departed wife went to the farm with our daughter, he was the last puppy left all alone in a barn. He was just too lovable to be left on his own.

He was just too lovable

He is a very friendly boy and always looks for attention. I am 69 and currently in isolation with an underlying health condition. I had to go to the hospital at the end of March and the poor little soul didn’t know what was going on – he broke through the fence looking for me! My son-in-law went looking for him and I got a call from the person who had caught him. Luckily, I came home that night and we were reunited.

I also have a Husky (Mia), a kitten (Tommy) and a budgie (Clyde). They all get on with each other, which is a blessing in the current climate!

Meet Artie

Artie loves Amy’s grandad almost as much as he enjoys stealing takeaways..

Artie is a rescue Greyhound who is wonderful in every way. My partner and I are both key workers, and our sensitive Artie always offers us endless comfort and support at the end of a long shift.

Artie brings him so much joy

He has also proved to be a very understanding dog and loves to cuddle with my grandad. Despite his young age, Artie always stands by his side, gently snuggling into him and lapping up the attention. My grandad has Alzheimer’s, but Artie brings him so much joy.

Artie is an entertaining dog and loves jumping on the spot and skidding onthe floor when he sees you. He is the perfect addition to our family, even though he tries to steal all of our takeaways by grabbing them off the kitchen table! He will always have a place in our hearts.

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